The Washington Post from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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The Washington Posti

Washington, District of Columbia

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9 THE1 wXsHlMflON post Til URSD A EBRUARY 2 1 15)02 ft "5 6 Jptt llUtaabhioton poet choice spirits as Kyle of Lluckeyedom toed one of th around the tesA earnest and pet grew up i A gerald was counted lie continued on his times before No relief can be ex work completed their new bridges and re A Halt hour later wb earls of of Croy lit nt sister city of i 4 hefe Monday Let us in a high of les while where the door figure it is not The Yet at the messenger ices that one op The clerk Mr Ic ssrv 'i oo earl as yet to determine how over Some of the trusts need the worse of tr may political reasons tor appotntlas 1 At the Rdbium held Saturday standard of conduct Is higher illed I ivtff I i to judge the civil service ildent admin affirmative to shake hands It i was "never altogether ade It became less so as the years Now the rlver which fifty year Induced i results of the iver had A Spectacle of Pennsylvania avenue in neighborhood of Sixth and Seventh es aa a health resort Here finking of establishing sani a feUdtf Demo demanded tellers course clean twrn English to save the pen at the and Mr McClel the wide open td to Mt Mi during But num undte campalgns but we are quite confl with the not be a good shibboleth There ny syndicates that are good These are held In high esteem in 4 Issues and the abandonment of dead Isauee There ues begafi pouring il colleagues have the responsibility of making appointees in the Republican their Congressional delegations to turn thm down and go 'to information both he and his ry?" queried a anger 5i' i nat' who tried to get il ri the it channel running between the Of his own district where unanimous renomlnatlon term bringing with him IS jnmes against him us an attorne Heinrich of Prut containing a seni slated reaas: I it Of the Supreme Court And the a 4 I army engineers1 i Beggars Can't Be Choosers roatte Ckleas Neva Aunt! Hata't yew ashamed ter kura around here i Onnlx Weil dis ain't a Werry 'ri terkratle neighborhood far a fact but we mustn't be too perticUer mum 4aa impqrtint that livih HMB afVi I die is east" aal4 thought fully it's loaded" I Like 'other sucqesstnl men he did not rust ortune to do anything he could not do himself i i' May the Thr contrite th But Mr renom I 'I The i ms Part uncle roti knew what ths lawyer mean by volleyed" don't you? Uncks Of course! They foren that ths lawyers tn the other side is ly i whom joi bSMow aueb an appdtntmeni da the Rmaeettha ttn which Dtef Hogan'inam is mentioned la to conXultIlllii i politicians" those politicians who rejJ resent the State in Congress and will be to the title of "states when fitful fever they sleep well" in the grave jsnd the encyclo pedia i 51'1 That la the best rule alike for country and partly It secures better service gives greatef' focal satisfaction and mintmixes rivpl tu (s by "fifties'' of the last century there1 was a canal receiving the surplus water at a point Just south of the house and discharging It again into the 4 iVer a mile or to below The old canal ran just About where the Pennsylvania depot now etands qtratle tasseL ago Iwas fully a mile wide from bank to' bank at the foot of ourteenth street IS represented only by a comparatively nar row which have arisen bn hither side coune there Is no proper escape for swollen torrent from above Georgetown Of curse South Washington Is used to inundations to flooded cellars even worse The the Btrests covered with water is familiar Itwill not be a novelty should it present it self again thia year We have been cursed by thia "Long Bridge" for more than a generation As long isdt stands we need never expect se curity The situation is a matter of com mon knowledge No genuine resident is ignorant of it or unprepared for its most We would reassure vitho have just heard of it Nothing tfuMiatun i Psactytnaia feertsvsth trsst 'n Certnof Subscription" The! Dally Svnday rcr4 will be deiirtrrt by barriers to esbactSHr a In WaManS aM aadrta at ij Wft WMk dr fa cents per swntb the Daily isdsliBg StadarJ at team? WMk or fa ct ciosfeof their cijrefirj wnne governor ft iDufferin must Kav allowances near 'the completion bi 'was In such strait1 hp lived with name' of Mr an Sinister possibilities those can (happen now that has not happened many pected until the railroad companies shall have completed their new bridges and re moved the pestiferous dam that as it has done for half a becks up the into the streets and cellars of South Washington ing for Jl thing polltai Injcaae the Senate desires to create an other new offlea it 'will afford us pleasure to riomtnate tt! Hon Bernard Wesley Layton for the position of matchmaker 1 RANCE'S MATIOMAL POET CenteBsry bf Victor Hnfo Celebrated ii the Paiitheoa atPaxii Patu eb The aeries to eelebrate the centenary of the Mrtb Of Victor Hugo Which will last untn Sun day next opened this morttlng wtth a grand cerfmoity within th lantbeori Uffdef the auspice ot th government President Lou'bet iVSaldeek Roue seau the premier and th other members Of the cabinet the members of the senate and chamber tepreoehtaUvs delegations from the institute and other state bodies Including the leading lights of art science and literature in rance and deputations from the Ind educational institutions were pres ent The United States Ambassador 6en Horace Porter sat tn the front row of yeats apart for thh diploma Jo dorwi KiaCtly beneath the eenter of th dome rose from pul of a cluater of palms and flowers tha bust Of Victor Hugo 'by the celebrated sculptor Oavld and thia was the symbol to which the eyes of the (thousands of spectators assembled within the vast hall were direct! A few steps behind the bust was a little platform which the: arttats of the Qomedle rancalse radted verais from the poet's works Trtbunsa for the sen ators deputies academicians and the other principal guests werd ranged around tte nave about 8000 persons in all being pfresent A privileged position between the bust and the front Of thd tribune! waS reserved for about ninety young men and girls selected from va rious schools to typify the youth of rance 'i The decorations of the Interior Cf the Pantheon for whiejh parliament voted 80(W francs was very simple out im pressive blue being the dominant color Tho ceremony began shortly after In the morning and was concluded at 11:48 a The programme Included orations by Leigdes minister of rub ric instructions and iL Hanoteaux pies ident of the Institute recitals of several of Victor poems by members of thi Comedia rancalse and the render ing of hymns based on works by DelmaS of the opera and a eholr of 180 meh and women The band of the Republican Guards and an orchestra numbering 100 persons perforinOd the In strumental part of the exercises The scene within the Pantheon was most imposing and full of color owing to the brilliant toilets of tlje ladles and the uniforms of the officials There was an immense concourse this afternoon to witness the Inauguration of the monument to Victor Hugo erected on the Place Victor Hugo in the Passy quar ter within a stone's throw of the house Nt) 124 Avenue Victor Hugo in which the poet died I This was a municipal fete at which the monument was officially handed over td the city of Paris and it was consequent ly' presided over by the president of the municipal council who had beside him as guests bf the city President Loubet and the members of the cabinet The monument which is the tfrork of Louis Barras waB finely conceived and executed in bronxe and stone It repre sents Victor liugot pensive vacated on a rock with drama and poetry at his feet offering him a lyre 1 1 ll rtll NEW MINISTER ROM COLOMBIA marched on Mr Payne lan stenned back to gh newspaper room to pass and Mr itz naroifl was nfttinted Up way tip the center aisle and completed the circle to his seat 1 A fcnif hAtt0 lafnr vhn journed Mr itzgerald jwas still reading of the anf Think of the aging bachelors ml Dog Versus Sheep The sympathies always go out to tho dog when as often happens he is the Subject of persecution He is one of tha best products the Creative Power There1 fire many occasions! upon which the impartial observer of passing events recalls with satisfaction the remark of a social I tAore I isee of man the better I like But is as good as aifeas'tj" and there is nothing on earth so good that a super abundance of it mav not be harmful or 4 Instance fire and k'ater are indispensable i 'io ths maintenance of human existence but conflagrations end floods are the greatest destroyer of life and property The State of Tennessee presents a case sad too much dog It la a chronic case nd It Is getting no better at a rapid rate It seems to be a case of dog versus sheep and the plaintiff is de cidedly ahead Tennessee ought to beore Of the leading shec lraislng States in the Union with an enriching output jot wool and mutton Thirty years ago there tre 8000)0 sheep in Tennessee now 1 there are 2O0OU0 ilt ds stated that the only flocks of any Considerable size there are owned by companies In the East and are kept under guard by paid herders the year arf expensive process to bo sure but it yields! herds of fine quality and these pay their owners large profits it is said The Chattanooga Times estimates that there would be at least 2000000 sheep jin 'Tennessee to day if the dog nuisance had been abated twenty five years ago The' shows that Ohio with a "smaller? area supports 6000 iwt) sheep! and asserts that Tennessee could easily Increase the wealth of her agricultural Industry ten make It worth H0(X)0000 niore by rea son of her If she would: only throt tle the deg Eight hundred thousand dogs is the footing of Tennessee's canine census and that is four times the number of hler sheep It is a sorry showing a wanton waste of opportunity and the Times In Its explanation Is unable to put a cheerful face on It Here Is what It says: MTBe pontleleiM erntrot eonrlSeral le leAtlca let ibe prei Tke pellicl ehp tk ibe vote et lb CeB BnrK Who many wbawu th ahp owners ar ttft Thia chap cenirel em erumba et purest that itarvfnt aapapr publiaWa rKl So th pollrkal pro'eaaor (tampion th deg a nd tha'riilter ebamploai both th tor and ti 1 ttman 1 What to tbsht of 4lir wh nvr mla a ppertanlty Be th(r bat for th pr tsailoa et thia rendition by taklhc th ca th dog aod agalrM ths abp In4otrr I It said that' a majority of Tenne4 ee'd 8W00Q dogs have ne owners and rufr 1 wild and half starved When they find flock of sheep their attack them with the I voracity of tbs' dogd ancestor the wolf collapse the kc la do Movimeata of Navai Vel The Blurtau of Navigation ha heea prised of th following mov menu of Vol VOMMtoi (' JU Ctntre th LmsMss bteaa tk Haise kae ah was esuh 4 wcris Th rsai tala ef family pbrsUlM Is that wbs woman thlaka Bathing Io Lh maUr with th cbiMraS he aia auk her teUan vast ate kaee already I Orders to Naval The following orders have tern issued fco naval officers: Commander II tUr is 4orltliid 0t nary jrr4 Mar las444(lar aplf tm porarr doty Limit BrVtijvijJiAteted Jolai Olympia Ena' an Nriaea pit bom asd wait rfm knrtga Hfy dd tarted Salat I host asd wall er jra asrsMSa U' Bp atlim BwSale ay at bapl rs cfuliiss r4reua 10 doty al rtfroL ing r4rsso rIM Ssygson Lsw 'Batir 4: Surgtss fl Law rtfrr4 Vdetackdd rsrrsHIns rasdbaarvsa Bsffals A rw peritef relief to born Artlas osite a braaasr tetaeksd AWaaes is ranHls aaty 'ar4l Norfolk Va ott1 BolU rr4 1 Im osm a i I ij rAorvarp Wy awa iwc mfi 1 I I7 1 lT' Squadron io Sail for Colon 6 annual thy Crown must have Yet he Black the Rue st fash fter some months he at St Jed mewhat laywers Vladimir and she the pres the en bellttlng honori of this uoggeuiy aus Hiring It llnp by intd the aisles1 wneei iruxii the space In front of th desk tayne ana aicvienan were A slender man is approach looked The Tool Would Ilk tA be able to contra diet the alkaatltrnn of thd Tlmex ttmtrm in those editor who the case fof dog and egalpot the sheep Industry And The Post Is cot deliahled over the character which the Times give to political chap" Bat not having any am munition in the way of fatts tn esdj egaintt this WretchM ktatement we muxlj leave It to the editor who bopathe cur and the statesman" Nothing Unusual About the Potomac i fe come forward In pure goodness I heart to qhirt th alarms of strangra and new comers In Washington It' Lilnatural enough that the prospect of a freshet should bem formidable te per sona unaccustomed to our local pheJ nnmena The river Is rising at Harpers erry the danger point Is twenty ftve feet the Weather Buru han hastened td the rescue and all the rt of it No wonder it sounds a note of terrpr In the ears of Innocence reshets danger points1 warnings to the polic Ac Ac take a form at special anguish to ell aav those Who are used Io them end know how or how they Imply i The truth Is that Washington ha been' subject to these annual emergencies ever' smcie the Ing Bridge was constructed! morp than fifty years ago That bridge bo Called Is really a dam The greater: part of it Is a causeway The a mere incident The logical consequence has expressed Itself In the formation qf( the! (flats the raising of the bed of the and the incapacity of the channel rry oft the abnormal Volume created he spring freshets In the early Dr Jose Vincente Cbncha rrilhlster of war on the'Colomblan cabinet has arriv ed in New TorkAnd will shortly come to Washington to succeed Dr Martinez S'l va as (Colombian Minister to the Unltea States A stated a lew days ago cable advices were received at the legation here from Bogota requesting a withholding the) protocol which Dr Silva was atyout to present to Admiral Walker until the receipt of instructions and it 18 said that Dr Concha ls the bearer of them It is Understood that thb a memie of tthe eeblnet to up the duties of minhiter here at jthisj time Is due to a belief that Dr Con chuj by reawn (of the position he haj iheld li better acquainted thkh is Dr Sll va with the views of the government of iflclhls at Bogota But while it Is true'that iPri Silva has been pbsent from hls coun try for over a year he has an excellent understanding 6f the present temper oft ne 'American people with regard to jtJ isthmian canal project and regret Is ex "ptessed in Various usiterS that if changa rhouid have been made at a tim when he had the negotiations well In hand 1 Dr Silva wi'i confer with the new Min ister either in New York of at Was! Ing ton with regard to the canal protocol in a iqw days end it Is stated at the lega tion Its presentation will bo delaved but a short while Dr Concha said to be a man ci energy and ability and a law yer pf high funding (Receiver sues Detroit banksHi i Legal Steps Takn to Recover a Portion I of rank Stealings Detroit eb An appearance was entered to day for the Stale Savings Bank (ni as suppressed suit which the Union Triisi Compahy receiver of the Wrecked CityJSavlngs Bank has brought against rank Andrews vice president of the bahki' making the Preiwon Natlonaf Bank and the State Savings Bank and other banks garnishee defendants 1 suit means" Said Attorney Whit ing jj'that the Unlori Trust Company Is determined to get ail of rank An assets It can The State and Pres ton banks are said to have certain securi ties The Union Trual Company wants to secure all their value overhand above tho amount of the claims We hae no doubt that their clalma are all right but banks as a rule take as security mure than the claims amount to and that exceos is what the Union Trust Company ds 'M 1'4 A 'LW Alarmed for secretary hay ItJpreMidn in Etirope that He Was in 1 Runaway Accident An incorrect Impression seems to have been (conveyed to the European newspa pers regarding the exciting Incident un Penhsylvania avenue last Monday when Assistant Secretarj al State Peirce's car riage horses ran away' Secretary Hay ha been receiving a number i of anxious inquiries by cable front various points in Europe which In dleate' that he renders had somehow come io understand that he iBecreia Hay) had been seriously Injured and hv has 'been liged to send explanatory cablegrams tu correct this impression I f4 Reflections of a Bachelor grsBi tie York Ptass Tte wMBts tte'0BMae tte tortsr st atBtisg tte'it CtiwB tWi test a to rtest tibt lacla la asr vU ncaiat4 tte ehtet prraan ca in ttelr ortsr of importaae art tte eeok tte baton ate tte bw wt Arranr to ter a wawaa eaaelt yaa aOalrlac ker sfcouersb a it rov Whkt the Dea head Despite some ather strenuous happeit ihga She Senate continues to be ths de liberative bodyJ moral ind respectable i In the days of Kfng erdinand Queen Christina si a a to taJal ilite 1 4 the eyes Of all deberrt peogle Its standard was looked upon as even than that of Belgrade to dav I There was a sllrhf Improvement the reign of the lata King Alfonso 4ot much for his intrigues were az flarrowr and gulsed' and naturally the members of th court followed rts example i But Iwlth the advent of the present Queen' Christina t'ihe regency matter underwent change Question able conduct waxjiho longer tolerated among: the royal efpurage de irowoctl BLMUU ucuuiue a bbjecVof royal dfisTor Instead of being regarded as previously with complacency a(nd nntured Interest and the result 1 that? to day the Is no more moral court than that Or where the la htrher HIn one word Christina has puri fied tha atmoaphera of the eourt of Mad rid incidentalrtfi Spanish society In tbe same way that Queen Victoria minified the court of fit James and English so ciety from the debasing influences of her profligate uncles who preceded her on the throne A MAB'JtneE DE ONTENOT 1 The lxy isi riyort the mat ter with Scrib hew play? It drawl No it dragiit pos aga the thli Te blographijir of the late EUjrene ield is Sot giving entire satisfaction to' the widow Biographies should not be too ex act Ji gentleman from Maine who origin ated the Czap feature in legislative circles wasunllke his Imitators In one important resppet He didn't back down 'when he knew he was wrong Some Ohio Deinocrats have been appeal ing io Mr Bryn to do a little retiring for he good of the party The innocent nave no business whatever in ocracy doesn't need la a ramount Shrove tion as of the litHe address in which she declared tlat she had done her utnioSt to preserve the ng his 'Wants to Know The picago Record Herald In Ito tire less pursuit of knowledge often surpasses the extravagance of the late Lt Hung Chang 'in the use of the Interrogation Point "Vhe curiosity of our Chicago con temporary appears to have been thor oughly aroused by a little Incident that has just occurred in Washington and al though the affair chiefly affects a region Tar remote frrfm our contemporary's base of operations It naturally wants to know all aboiit it As a starter toward the ac complishment of 'the desired object the iteeord Herald fires these two interrogax torles where Longfellow shot his the alrffi Wouldn't it b1ui wu tor Pr8nt Bob vlt to conault aotn one txaldea IIHnola poltuzlam Squadron to Sail tor Colon Tha Navy Department yes terday that the North Atlantic Squadron will leave Cienfuegoe Cuba'n March 1 for Colon The squadron emrtlets of th Kearsarge Alabama Massachusetts Tn dlana Machias and Potomac After a stay at Colon the squadron to cruise along tha northern cbael of Co lombla and Venezuela rouqdlng up! at the' Island of TrInkJad JH Jt Elected from Kilkenny nop pose Dublin eb Joaeptt Devtin ha been elected to fepreteht North JClIkenn fn tho Heart it Commons whiut opoaia tion to succeed Patrick MeDrrmotL'Who resigned bls seat on bls appplotmen aa steward and bailiff of the North stead Mr jDeviln la at present In the United States In the interest tbo ed Irish League IK i Troops Cpmint Home freak (CubJ The War Department esterdi rewifv ed a tetegram announcing tM depart tire Tuesday of third squadron ot ih Eighth Cavalry from Nuerlias Cuba With IT officers and 37 enlisted men for ort TUler Kan There aye at preeeat la the island about 4800 men 1 jffij A Proposed Platform if the Democratic party or any faction thereof is inclined to look tor guidance to the city of Philadelphia or State of Pennsylvania where party Is asub Bidlzed partner ot the Republican machine perhaps it will be glad to get this flash of llgiit from the Philadelphia Record are plenty of Sign ot oncoming Demo cratic unity Nothing 1 heeded to bring it about but' tn application of Democratic principles to current which (have been laid up in the morgue are three thing to fight for thia year and next year and until accomplished in all th year 'to follow yarlft reform The Constitution (ball follow th flag ederal restraint of combination threat ening the public welfare On a platform built of these three plank therd is standing room for a majority ot the people of the United State with th syndicate with th Stars the battle cry ot reedom' ron) present indication it seems almost certain that this Jlepublfcan Congress will fit the Democrats with a tariff issue on which they can If they will make a hopeftll fight If they will wage war against the abuses ot protection not agalnsit the protective doctrine they will get arnies of recruits from the Repub lican side Bbt if they go In for free trade they fail They suffered their most disastrous defeat on the tariff issue In a Democratic Congress and under a Demo cratic President Constitution shall follow the That is a settled settled by a de cision Democratic party will settle itself up to Its neck in if Democratic Rep resentatives in Congress continue to vote agalnslj shelter for the soldiers in the Philippines and Democratic Senators re fuse tol vote for a lightening of the tariff burden On the ilipinos It 18 pf a figure the trusts will cut In coming dent that would are work Democratic as well as in" Republican communities restraints but there Is too much at panic In with the It would alarm loth capital and labor LATEioSMP 0RGN CAPITALSsk I ft I Prlrwe) A Croy 1 ar naw la tbi countrjr jlnd who hare been enter mined extettelvely ot lato tn New York afro placed In by th death at Cannes the day Of the chief ot their family Duke Uudotph of Croy lie we a very grand jxhmnage a nobijman of the old sebooi imjariy eighty yean of age Mhd In addition tn bis dukedoin nt Coy Was aiptjnee of the Holy Empire it Duke of Aerwihot a Duke of Havre a Prince of Spin) Knight of the Golden Weeex a mender ot the Prussian House ot Lords ahdnthe father of aa Imperial Austrian archduch*ess namely the con sort of Archduhe: rederick So great was hit pride of face that When Archduke rederick thelchest prince of the blood In all Europe asked for the hand of Princes Isabel Croy her father declined to' permit the ftuiteh to take place unless bls daughter wan invested at her mar riage with the nil rgnk and prerogatives ot an Imperial iihlghneeu and of am aroh duthtte of thei reigning house of Haps berg I Tt IS the flrcSlduch*es' brother Charle who succeed hte dukedoms estates and hany honors and he is married to Djicbewi Ludmilla ot Arenberg It was on the occasion of her wedding that bt mbthAr trie old Dowager duch*ess Eleanor of Arepbergi ao proudly refuad King and pressing re quest that ftrould Invite the daughter a al aon ln law Baron At phon se Roths cljflld to the winding deejarin that the KJfig might rfskjwho he liked to hla court but that was convinced It Would re quire kt leaij jhree more centuries be fore the Arenbeeg would allo members of the chosen race to jtosa the thresh old of the Afenfterg palace at 'Bruseels for social purpojws Part of that historic palace fell pey to the flames a few years later hije the remainder 'has now been sold to 1'thfi city of Brussels for Use asj museum and the Arenbjergs have transferred they headquarter to Ger The Croys descefit from Bela II Kihg Of Hufigy who reigned in the early part of tjia twelfth century and they came conspicuously to the front as Lairds of CroyJCj oy being a town nnd dls trift in the i reneh department of the Somme in the thirteenth centdry They berime jirlhcfei jtithe Holy Roman Em pirb in the head of the house watii created of Croy in 15S8 One bf the DueS of Crow Charles Eu gene tj namf was a general id theser 1 of Peteri tle Great of Russia and was only interred three yebrs hgo Ills corpse having Remained without burial for 2W years pn Recount of the claims of biM tredltnfs'Heihad been taken prisoner itldng with thb Russian troops under him bv'yiarles Nil Sweden at Nkrva and An out and the aa (o th aa co Ilf ct yr nt intaraal ravtsaa tor tte Santera Ullnola dlMHet? may te political rakaona tor appointing him or tor oppoalng hla appointment tat baa th Prealdnt mad any Inquiry into Dan'S special St Maa for til 4ml The Pbst has no exclusive on either branch of the subject under con sideration The Post like the Record Herald la an Independent newspaper and cannot ltherefore speak with tha au thority bf an administration organ But The Poijlt haa some views sipon the mat ter andifrnanner of making appointment! which are apparently not shared by the Record Herald and the adoption of which by that1 paper would we believe odd to its equipment for usefulness byjpromot Ing tte peace of Alnd Hogan is a person bf whom wa know nothing at all But WdalUbtnll tht the best rule which a President cad follow in deciding upon Each State to ix the Cblor Line Boston eb Bv an iniformn thq Wbman'a club president chusette have declared them1e to tet vor of compromise on th thq admission ot colored orgtnlr the' genera! ederation of TVomar CTsm The compromise leave the trailer dectefrtb ot Airii Btat Th board bf th Hlate federation hh rete ed compromise but Jhp prti' have Naked th aaecutlva board consider the decision I I Carnitle Medal for aeteit Operator Atlsnjta Ga? Andrewl Cn)n to day'lwtrad tte secretary of th can Telegraphers tournament io off" gold medal iu his nanav for tbeJ work (it tbo "comirg conteet In Mr Carnegie's telegram came from nandimt and ari erd brokep wiilbe ifteen Viiltmteer iremen Munteh Bavaria vb Dur ng a kt Dinkieishuhl to dar the wall 1 Kkart 1 anaturia ntieen I volunteer fir brigade The ot rescuing tte mn a'1 I GEN BRECKINRIDGE RETURNS Chaffaa and Taft MXla Cftat PrepeM la tha I' San Jpranclsco eb i( rl3rjgi Gen Breckenridge inspector United States ret'terM on the transport Hanco*ck fronts tqu pt inspec tion Of the Phlllppin jjtawlll re main la tte city tor fawi tlay before returning to Washington to make hie re bort id the Wat DepafimHU JJn dlscirss jng th4 situation In the pplnes he said I 1 1 jThe Islands cannot! be said td be en tirely pacified for a tertAlfiiHmount of guerrilla warfare Is olnt teW Tte mili tary forces are not operating ttf any great extent just now as this 1b th ralfty tea sbn After tho rains btr I expect tha soldiers will peoetfate to be Interior and bring about paab iU rtX1t4 forty different posts and frtinfl Jtfist there Is tbom for great improvemyntaj The posts were much better howbitcr (jhan I ex pected to find them The lSrnnl Corp hte don glorious work ore tlie island That branch ot the sefyldn hat lost more men than' any other department be lieve that If the strength of iihe Signal Cbrps was doubled down there th work: would be quadrupled V1 Taft has mad great advance ment toward placing jfha UalAndy 'on a peaceful and substantial luSuijirlal foot 1 nThe scltools In the teiand: arl flourish twe TltN Okhrt ho vaJ AnA tothe Philippines are aromidlshlng great results but I believe Ouldte a great thing if native teijehere the Phil Ipplnes were sent her to atddy our form of government i think tht the dayiteinnt fhr distant when Manila will have popiJl ufon of a tr X'Hon million andx half It is a great veaporttl the Philippines are? a most valtiabfe posses lon" LJ L'j REDUCING PHILIPPINE ARMY i Orders Have Gone oryrardI foy Home ward Movement 'of Trotfps Secretary Root in conformity jwith as surances recently madeeto varlius com mittees of Congress hnjj arranged for a gradual 'reduction of force In the Philippines to abouS 2j0QQ metuOr dera teve been sent to Chaffee co'mmanding th Divleloir bf tie pines to arrange to send homd dll the regtjnentS under hls conimAnd lhat were sent to the Philippines In 185)9: About 1S 000 roops are affected by thefle iqrders The movementwlll be made vejry slow ly regiment at a tlme IP thdKrder in whleh they arrived in the Philippines and in each case only when regiment can be ppared without embarrassment rand without Impairing the military control of the (situation All the troops Mepi out in 1898 I already have been recalled ji to the United States with the exception of those who re enlisted for servltje archi pelago I When all the fresh troops in L'nlted States under order to the Philippines have arrived there it is calculated that Gen Chaffee will have an effectlvefightliig of inearly 320OT men! exclusive of tho Iregiments ot 1899 whldh fare to be brought hom*o at ills earliest convenience Il lai not 'believed that It will be possible for the first of thee troop to' leave tne mnippines ror at least tnye ntonjn 1 CASUALTIES IN PHILIPPINES I If I 1 War Department Receives a List Killed I i and Wounded Lhi ij 1 1 Th War Department lipin receipt Of a report froin headquarters sjjivlslotf Of the Philippines giving a llt 'badualtles that have occurred in gage tn tints 11 that (command since last 3 srepoft ber Mi 1901 or that have iJuJtbepit report ed ap follows: In mflaxement nar Mount Nias Luxon Jan uary i ljmet Mctlovan ritatf AfApni Tsenty llrot Infantry (1114 In Milan fl Irf nc(innt at Lofton 1 titan' lamiarl 1 Harry it Brown private hvmpany: fl Tll0 ty firrt InfantrrT left arm MKlapat Xlrtw Scott private Company Twvnty tlrtJnrMrr mo4rata lilt i't la nainnt it Barrio Luxnil January rvfl Sr ft want wafMler Troop 4 irst Cavalry aftoutder (vrJ5 al laarli Troop lrat laralry 'a'Momanvrj In esmnt at Dapdap BarnarJ Dnttflntar 114 Thoma Clark private Xjnth ln fantry (1114 in action rhlllpj Company Ninth Infantry bark fttraat Lvr i AND NAVYiNOTESii 1 Lenten Non Lent 'em rom PtteMv raulein ton Under How very plainly zat dear Lady churchleteij is dressed! I Ten indeed But you must re member It la Lent Ach no! You do not mean to tell me really and truly sat aha borrows her dressies? I i Dolly Aged 5 Mr Smith Aged 4 i roi Puiek 1 Auntie will you eotnc and chape ron ma? Mr Smith a asked mb to go to the chocolate shop and I think it would be qulta the thing to go aloue with ester was picked as 1 completed sBartoiTN the place for the dlnj NaaMlHrt a a i fa A a' curopllment to the presence within our 1 boundaries of I nls gase royai munnw mnee sta were dlDatched fanfa terbfMr WhAtl' tftt Is our warnest desire that the entire Ri( publican delegation cf newly elected members trt' present Yesterday ithe respon iiik anu a their hands full arranging for the import ant event It is uhdefsl tive board Is cak new Republican! members Secure from Mr Poweri states that (the chief difficulty at preaeht is to find a name for the heW otfeanlxalton shall bestow a prize iibon the manwhOj suggests the most fitting nomenclature for said he All aorta Of Words have been brought forWarfl paby Club Kin dergarten Club and Tantalus Club i have seme leanings toward the name of Tantalus Club" rumihated Mr Powers Who IS very erudite in mythology would suggest the man a drink and mlrsed 4 Mr itzeerald a verv sistent talkir fell upon a newspaper story yesterday that engrossed him Im mensely Just as he win fairly well un aer Aire mcvivI'b'' rrnnf YArlt I on one of those knotty problems affecting the Philippine tariff Mr itzgerald must vote but he also hung doggedly to his newspaper etory devoirring It lln? by line Democrats swdrnied radiating llkthe spokes 1 where Mr Industriously Mr itzgerald and hte like the advance bf a broadside ot a news paper for his hands were outstretched te hfs eyes loiioweo oown umn Without glancing CAPITOL CHAT 1 ow Vf there are fart eUr fit of them (M in a conspiracy High Jite wfll certainly be the cuteonm and be aomathlhx worse I Power of Maweftusetts was wittite conipIacenUr id tte Haus cloak reom eariv ln the weelL Tte amok of a A aa rt nA per recto cunec aoove Is bed into the thin air ceiling I MWO bb wiifA Ur a get our feat together under the? ma botany id meflita a the printed col away once and hfeedlng not the light tdk of his associ ates behind Ind before the New Yorker psors met in HOTEL lobbies 1 nest of mice put tu tire rf Northern Railway tot a faw minutes 4 Mr rederick vvanBV io n'rifiH rn yHtrn a few hours train dUi hr si bv Nil died while 16 catAlvity at Reval drtbt lewl tr Htleation body was kenit above ground air genera tiriW after eenerftdon of litigants and died but fclvEn'g place to stllj atiother crqi How thing might have gone on noted Knows It represented wMMte tfl vArtO I Inna zx IhVWfAfl It laiiy i VI tu 4 vsv(io But finally the Grand duch*ess Ol Russia heard the matter promptly informed her nephew ent? Czar who at once ordered tnrrthment with fa muh retarded corpse I ma add hat the English Witton whosb patronymic is Grey are descended from this ducai nouse anOise the same teat of arms The name Grfy is merely afi English corruption of the rench word roy and the Greys aro represented byno less than differ entrjeers In th Hctuse Of Lords it 't Ttf: all the obituary notices that have been printed atipufjthe late LordjDufferin an Impression! Is teonveyed that he lost hist fortune inj ortnection with the finan cial enterprises ins wnicn ne was to (embark with ihieli disastrous by Whit taker The fac: matter is thattLcffd Dufferin nr antt fortune tojsiak of and What littlq he inherited wte pwallowed up main taining yvHh betlttjaik dignity the high of fices which he Jielfj at various times dur ing uis long careey 4 True he enjojredtprlncely salarii in office Butijllle all those other ser vants of the English Crown he 'elt''him selfii bound by Jehse of patriotic duty and (honor to siien3 to the last ppnny his pay and aiownoes In maintaining hfs office and made flo I attempt whatsoever to pve ewservants of the Crown ever do matt any attempt and are content depend upon ston which falls' jp their share ijeral of Cansda Lord received in (pay and iSOO A year is term of iffice he 1 he with tayj Dufferin under tho name or Mr ar5 xempiewood In a flfth flpo apartment on Ide Rivoli at Parish tn the quletei non possible un Received the luflrajlve embassyPeteifbirg av avera rmn it vaar wAa btftn cc larger when he rw)S subsequently trans ferred to Constartelnople and Paris while' when vlcerou or India nls taZV' a rriuio a i vtti i amounted to over rSOOOOO a year never saved a penny piece of his pay sind if on nis retirement rrom nun Ice be embarked iij financial enterprises In the city it wau because nis 1 I zu rww? 4vAn tai Ul WWVt itf caa wuo ai An j4tarti a 9 nrrri'lla free th miifrv lot Jils family 1: i or so gifted a roan who could (off al Latin speech without difficult (knew many other languages hfs 1 iWflk 1 uraiA ajicic vu never been an ESgiish ambassa spokel rench so abon land whose mistakes so many ing ftWries were aldi some of th deedS 'gettlng hlm Into no endwater which it all the Lady Dufferin to ikrtiooth over Queen Christina pfi Spain on Tuesday held her jast official recepregent of Spain ate availed herself loccastdn to deliver 4 rather pathet had done her uMoijt fo preser thronA of Spain for her son dur ng his minoriij' and hada the iame tlmd strtv ifn to itve Spain 8 good King i Whittri she has jipt succeeded lit win ning either the affection or the loyalty of fter subjects' Sahe has earned their profound respect ind Spaniards of every thojtehe has transformed the court of Madrid 'from one of the most disreiftitable in EuHpc to one of tte most of old 'Japd of the 11 Sabella the Spanish court was a by wrd and a reproach in xnorBl lower in the House ad as still reading Judge I i Smith of Boa was in the rotunda of the Capitol yesterday diligently at the uncompleted fres coes under the dome ahd explaining as fluently as any guide coluld do the Inter esting details of construction By his side were two friends 1 from home Mr Emmett Tlnley of Councf! Bluffs and Mr A De Long ot tne Omaha should have been Sfee the teme bne remarked friz vlcWnr retorted Judge Smith they hdd better have been here Saturday to see Tillman lick McLaurin" CaI Mbtlenzie of the barely espaped an ovation yesterday at the Capitol befitting tie recent royal Visitdr He was rash to' go to the House Committee on (Rivers and Har bors attired in full regimentals and seat himself in an ante room where the door was half open upon the corridor As Col McKenzie Hasia tawny beard well trim med aiid a tall graceful figure it Is not surprising pefhaps that a company ot tourists straying near were Seized with excitement at having stumbled by acci dent upon the real prince It did not matter of course tliatjthd prince Has many miles away in New? York The tourists forgot all about that for the mou ment There was a timid rap responded that Prince Hepi well dressed stalwart sUi The spirit of evil posses the messen ger and fie replied lit Then the tourists wanted The messenger disappeared within' linn fold of tno TftCJlJGSt Elils bade messenger inform the stranger that the prince rigretted he was very busy and begged to be excused The tourists departed with downcast counte nances i nominations for Con grass afford plehty of tlffie for sores tq heal and hair quoth Mr Watson ot Indiana yesterday in explaining I the old time policy of Hdosler Republicans to select! their candidates for tne national legisla tuffi before spring time i Mr Watson has just reiurned from his j3 rmxiveu for Another tstte Chairman Goodrich who was 'pitted in a pig case that attained celebrity In political and legal circles but there onc upon a Lima nftffnn In th Gid Burnt district left no? aor to heal over Mr Brownlow of Tennessee ted' the way by getting 1 tenomlnaltlon In Decem ber and Mr Whtson aekeff him nbt long ago why he have convention nominate him for two terms Instead of one The Indiana Republicans ore fol lowing close after Crumpacker Brick and Holliday have already been named agatn and they say th Indiana atmoa phere yet fven turchXfged with po litical electricity 4 noted scientist over In my rlfy bra recently startled the particular world In moves by announcing tht gray hairs may le attributed to a mltimbe'' said Mr rancis Downltng of Port ranc? tho Arlington yesterday af ternoon "He advances the unique theory that there is a little animal Which te dt 6n the coloring pigment of the haly mkI that 'when he eats out the pigment th half turn gray or white Th discovery Is thought sover there tb' be Inipqrl oit because If It ettn be proved that living antmsl turn the hair gray JL IB qnly a question of 'time before something wtfl discovered which will rlL us ot the ant mah mourning widows who would welcoms siuch a remedy rench' scientist says at prevrt there' Is absolutely nothing which will Reep the hair from turning gray bee iu of thf peculiar make up ot this little int erbbe He seems to thrive on tonics snl swim la bout delightedly In coloring matter Which It IS believed he also ents He multiplies very rapidly and as hts 1e SI endantfl hatd appnllteB equal to tliefS Its lit lb chance for the hair In wlM takes tipihla abode I "Youth urta the vitality which Ncdm pinites let best remedies lite a onslaught Old age dl ts loss through care worry and trouble make It possible for the ml cfobo ltd exist and ftourlsh This Is lh reason saywtthe scientist that trouble It stlipjoel to produce gray Mr Angus Mefi ween formerly of this cllty and aij old newspaper man was visitor In the National Capital yedrr day 1 I Cant Xart Howell th former odn er and edltoc of tha Atlants Constitution 1st In the city with a party ot Georgi a who are seeking an appropriation for His establishment bf a national park about Atlanta evefy font of the large jr idthat we desire converted sold C'spt Howell lltet evening Nnd feel If ahnuld be preserved A 'sbill providing flnr th purchase was in reduced at the last etelon and I ifeve would have passed ted It bi 1 I reached Thia year we are nresilhg mf1 ter more vigorously and hop to itet I a a I DAT WW I TI'OL rtnr tfrurt1 akPrt XV 1141 asvs a soar "nrt Anair and iiuffn 1a aLa A Ut ta Mr me neDuuimii iccuucr vx i all or Atlantis Schley and Hobson at Charleston Charleston eb td th American Revolution Daly at the 're position will te celebrated ty public tcea izpmnrrow at the Audltbriuin (hfr audresSea wll be mode by Admiral firhi Copt Hobeon am! others Mrs 'V airbanks ptealdent general of th Na tional Daughters of th American Revnl'l Hon Mr Burrow a vjlw preside general and Mrs Daniel Maiming rived here io ly and will taka pn th ceremonies to morroW ministration resulting from patronage WJiy re not the enators and Repre eentatlves qf a Stte good judge as to the Jfltness' of the Hogans: or any othr applicants for position In theederal ervlce? To say that theygne not is tpf impeach the intelligence and pa triotism! jf tte electorate were President Rcoeevel to chtfnge tb rule and Instead of learlili choice State te were he others party wo jtd soon te in oceans of troubleand the' lubllo aervic would demoral ized Th people of a State would not ha fit for eerf government if they sent to the United State Senate and Hous of Repre sentatives men who recommended im proper persons for appointment to office Of courp there are occasional 'exoep tfons tolth' general rule by which Presi dent McKlriley wiu guided and which hla successor wltely followed Tffere aie positions: he responsibility bf fUlltig Which it so greait thal the President must bear It alope! 8 Now and then there Is' dis pute an (impossibility pf agreement among a State delegation in Congress which calls' for action on thb Presi part But in! the main the best re cults trite for al) interests Involved obtained under the rule which our Chicago contemporary would set aside If ther4 twera no other objection to the Record plajn the impossibility it carrying It (out woijld suffice for its con demnation! lf the President had nothirig to do blit te fill offices and if he should devoid rigAtjCert hour a day to that busl ines hot keep tip with the prp cession If he made! a personal investigx of thej positive and relative fitness qt (each appHctent hot to mention other avaij able irottn hot bn the list of applicants! I Now that! the Meteor has been launched (Prince Htet'y will get down to business (and proceed to show us what he is here if or The congregatlons of two riyal churches put In Minnesota met in combat the otherday and )qd by their respective pastors made thing very lively for a couple of hours It life believed that the reviewing court will decide that it was a battle (' i I iu I I li I Gbv VanfSant says he Is going to keepup the fight on the railroads The Honi Charles A(Towne talked the same way about freefBliver before he became en4 tangled with oil and Wall street rite i 1 Mr Cleveland wtluld not journey td Washington to shake hands and dine with a prince but he will travel as far as South Carolina whenever the chance qffered to tdke a shots at the ducks And the American people will not find least bit of fault reSrfth him for hla prefer 4nce in thf fatter 1 1 I 11 1 Ill Cecil Rhodes is said to be convalescing but the Bithition In South Africa is grow i Ihg worse I I (Gov Taft i lays he would not recommend the Philippines as health resort Herq a hunch those persons who may have been thinking of establishing sani tariums dbw that way Yet we ar: somewhat troubled by the thought that if Prince Henry did not Hke the United States he would be too much of a gentleman to say so Mr Hltchcdck has been requested to re tire from th! by the able news paper correspondents who are hankering f3r anolhej Change (L "te Mr Blondin the gentleman who is ac cused Of havfflng cut off hfs head during the i progress of domestic mlsun dCrstandlng hwes hi8 arrest to the fact tiat he maqe himself altogether too chummy witA the York police It seems that tne man was actually trying to'get a job on the force feov Odell tjeed not worry over the fact that he hai incurred the hostility of the Nitw York (SuSrt President McKinley had tnat in its most virulent form at tldie II I 8 4 New York simply wallowed In the portunity to mingle With royalty are determined to ptihish declares the New York Trlbujie jn Its story of the Tillmab McLaurin affair Why the Republicans? Why not the enate? frother Parkhurst also has added Gov Odell to his Benedict Arnold list The governor is! a (fortunate man it appears tkat the! Prince Henry ex ercises hate involv4d Rear Admiral Evans in a ico itrnvcrsy with a section of militia Here's hoping that of inquiry may not become Limited Regrqt rom th 8t Loola Kapobllc (Dml If the Senate could manage to expel both Tillman and 'McLaurin the regret would be confined to th tiro Individuals These Tillman being the worse of the have been fob more than a year acting and talklng'like a Couple of bar room brawlers In the test disgraceful scene they had hot th excuse ot sudden excitement Previous explosions should have taught them to avoid th causes of disturbance Neither pf them being noc eaaary or even important In national or party affairs the time aultk well for the utmost severity of which the laws of the land and tte rules ot this Senate are capable I i The Itinerary rom Jed( surprised at one thing in eonn tlon with Prlnee Henry's said Per I thatf asked riable has omitted Bismarck from his itinerary" i' St Art it friatsee ftcpalb Datlyi Sttteay toptA one Daily SeeiJyliKlaJri fr 7 Daily sa Daily SenJay lactutrt on aioeth To Soaflsy ijajtft lt Rettltueutft thMM by 4ra etek poat offic er4r rgirt4 letter er tiprtaa orDri reyab I Cbe XUaeblnAtoh post Co TJOtWnjtofE PenaaytvanU Avsttu sear oert retb Strata xw Tr( 6fflc ni Vandrrbllt CalMlftt AUL ntneg Maaattr I Chi' orac trsttr Bviiatnt favl block MM(r THURSDAY ETHtUARY tt 1 srirtv ss? What It the reedork of the City? On Tuesday Prince Henry of Prussia was solemnly presented With that and honorable chestnut freedom ot the city" it cime about thus "Whereas bit nffal XlthBrt Prine Hear? ri raaal I Vlaltlasftte Vnlrefl BtaW 6 aoaal rapreMauttv XM ijntril brettar th Carmaa Kmpwor ft prwM at ata laanchlnc ot th BmpworOt yht Jtuor oajtta SMB 4ar pt rrr laoi and I tta efti ot NewYort at which Prtnf JI wiry land tM popeiatlon oontalna (o' prany eltltent nt Ormaa blrUt t4 taacest4alr nt th part t1t1rh1p! to to Prlnr Hnry Leper tha'ytore ta It naolvoS That th treodoah ot the elts (ta sad hareby la bafci4 upon hla rpyal hl(taat Prlo Jlenrr ot Pruaat end I t'Awlv4 That hl honor th mayor to rd to epater ia fretaom opon him 0RNK8 of the Board of Atdejrmen SSTIt LOW of Nair (J SCVLLYCItr Cttrk" Of course thie was binding upon Mayor Low for In the course lot his speech of welcome the latter eald veleotn yovr 'rtyal hlghfae heartily for your own sake and walcoma you aqoally at tha rapraaentat tv of your Imperial brother th Emperor ot Germany hop that your vlatt will 4o much to omcnt the fliendahl' always lUas between Germany and 'th United States between the country ot Steubeir and De Kalb and th cauBtry ot WaMncto tta authority ot th board ot atdrma ot tholty I hare newthe honor tj rooter upon your toys! hlfhia th freedom ot th erty ot Nw York Soma thousands of Jleislsn and Han I overian mercenaries happened to be In i America during the Revolution fighting I for King George They were also from country of Steuben and De Kalb" i speaking in the light of subsequent com blnatlona and at all events were of tho 1 same blood and Block But shall we In troduce these details now? Never! Let us think only of Steuben and De Kalb the rapturous apotheosis of the moment tha fact that our national strength and for which We ciwe nothing to any foreign havft secured for us the respect the affection 'and tho solici tude of the outside world word keep our ej'ei concentrated on Wl 1 4u 4k I iiiutJ ivii auu me liuuuuih ul ljic of New York of which he Is now "'In Undisturbed possession' It must bea great big tnmg tor we are told that no foreigner however Ulustri ous has hudlt thrust Upqn him except the MkPffiils do Lafayette 4hen he visited these shores In thereabouts Prince Henry gets ft In elegant 'style? It was engrosifed It was "Illuminated on and locked In a silver casket" It Is a ten to ona shot that Lafayette did not get his ot the city in Buch luxurious form We have not the slightest doubt however that it amount ed to quite asmucb and was equally verdbte info common sensei Let us hopethat Prince will value it by the standard ot the spirit in which ft was Con ferred Let us hope that not waste time In wondering what it rieans Devery could tell him but he will riot What IS oLthe city Dr jose Vincente Concha Comes to Suc i ceed Dr Silva i feature of latrajtqn Walt until the new census bill and a few other like matters shall have been disposed of They will never ba able to dislodge or Sentsthe Santiago heroism of Gen Wll llamRustler Shafter Th rench people seem to think that we itte cutting quite a frilled figure for a rentiBllc Out rench friends shouM hwr In mjnd that the great body of American' cceur" wae people have not? had their heads turned the ifeast bit Only a few feather brained chap have permitted their belfry slats to become loose f' rw evertneiesa i ana nouiwitnsraname Russia Is making no preparation for mov Cllt Mancjiurla te Thtf Gentlemte" Home Journal an nouneea an interesting article on to Dine and i Sen to Decline by the Hon Benjamin Ryan Tillman the emi nent Authority i official gastronomy i meager altogether nintenancc roan who coulq rattle tv anzt (knew many other languages hfs (renchWas indescribably bid There has pirobably dor at inably amiii lh bf hot tacit of his head and Jvan under tte frescoed 1 Republican rtrh i I he eld meftita retiveljr 1 That settled It BveiT nw RepufcUcanj (marveled that such a thiahad not been xnouEni or euto 7 Nevin of Ohio: iumb of PennsyK Vania Currier bf the Granite Stats Kyle of Buckeyedom and oster nt Vermont were Immediately counted in oster was picked as the right maa tor secretary and the ergs nlzatlon otherwise completed sBartoiT was agreed upon as Contract 8urson Edward its been ord Hie Bhllfpplnea tor Cdntrert Rjrt no ewar baa tan order ed to th Department ot th Eaaliifoit duty Lean of abnr Dr 4J 4 (ranted Hamad Llvt Vlncnt Elndfre jrv ifth Infantry Jsi kJ a lrat Llent Jam Goodale infatiff ha Cen felfeved fromsuty at Irt Co lunataa and ordered to ort Crank a 6 4 il tefa 7 tut 4 tl Joha Story vd from fartnor iMMh board at or4aaac4 bod fortlfleahwn I i Ja If I 1 ll contract Bwireon Clamnc A Laired Stat army no st Krohuh hai tw '( so to Baa rraaalato tor tranotretlanld Kbfi Phiilptia lalaaS wj Bacon treat frew 3 Wllr teecantfr ilftpolnt h( 'been alrnd to th PUHi Intanp and ordered to an 81cm for duty otth troop roots to th Philippine Capt ftolcrt ield ttlh Infantwyi ha been ia tailed aa a mamber ot the aaamAitos hoard can vened to tnct In Chicago I Meat Call! Bode hi Crowder Judge advocate rUte4 Mai Wtinant JL Baldwin eeljiijntrari will ma( not rt auaed two visit prrnortth from Ma ranclaco to arm transport Logan at Mra laland on buslnes perlallllng td tit tlfp atMMK DapavtiMaL Capt WIIHata Ofbaoh dr4Ma Depart ment has been ordred to nrelrt jl to ct ard t4 viaita each month during March April Bd Maylo th Pareratars Iron Wort on talfn prtint i what We at re th kupactn ot projectile is'pfoe bt eoh 1 With Cap nrauloa t( Meadow a wm ate Stea if I tha rirat urui xienry msus jt ri' na at 8a ryaMtaao ha taaa d(kfl4 fr Btoreral recruiting ervlr jnd trill prs reM Otnaua tor duty aa aaaielant and ta 1 ptat4 4tfgctli(uarlctmter for th tlra ft tn? rimafn te re cruiting duty I out tj tj mines lav a "rt h' O' yetr psrlntenJrtita lino cr nndta KwT hC4IMJ JV edge for far sotne tetrit wreric a ucter The trouMem while th tracka wr fiVie1 W1h st delters worth st roum lock at i when otder were flying tflr irr Suddenly without apparent eau aobnJtrs ail along that wetrn ceased clicking The oi rdtsr trt rd at the ky vainly trying to fl tei wtet was the matter rom mtn dispatcher's desk men wire rnt tatettai recitionst't discover th seat tho triu bld In less time than ir takes tu re nt ths wtiole building was in an Uproif 'Rush' orders curried on liv' Ar by special engines and on wr lent to all points for ths purp fi tirg all trains wherever they hapj ct? I to "At th end of half an hour tt wires suddenly resumed operation rtr ti ffi as before Tho officials hoacter IB frightened They had et unate io te cat th causa of tte difficulty snl to bontlnuB th operation ot the rit i 1 mor trouW would follow lu: aq hour things ran smoothly mwps went through without Interruption and sense ofTellef was beflnnlm to Mreaj through th offices Suddenly tui out apparent' reason th sounder again They gav forth a slight Gbt4ll lion sounded a couple ot spreinodit: nal and ithen ceased altogether 1 1 "At this point linemen were ordennLont all hlongnh division It was felt how I ever that the difficulty lay at hradiiuar ters so a thorough rearch of the bulriin I was started The officials began I th I basbmcnUitnd work'd up toward th top I floor Every conneetton every baltery I every dynamo was closely I when th attic was leached the trouble was located A number of Verv fine wTrw II 1 thebe bad I been wrapped tn pramneaM 11 (this: was being eaten off by a amity of mice Whenever the mouse's teeth cam in Contact with tho ccpper meAsenfeer 1 dead wire 1 resulted and Incidentally 4 dead mouse Of course it requl but an instant! to repair ttedamage" "ThaT William Dean rklowaUs Is man of humor I a very busy Anan or a eatelre I man who allow his desk to become piled up with unanswered correspondent's re proved out In Chicago the other dav re rrsrked Mr rank Young of th Windy City nt the Rnldgh last "when Mayor Harrison received Aiuhlqu letter from him Twenty years aid when the mayor Was but twenty on year old and when hla father was In his prme wrote a latter to Witham Dean Howell asklhg foe the author's autdgraph It was a collecdor of famous Signatures at the time He heard nothing from th re quest nnd In fact had forgotten' It until l'bst 'week when he received reply Mr Howells offered no explanation bilt sim ply wrote that he took measure In glvlnj him the autograph he hud requeatel Tha letter was even eeret In th self itddrMSAl envelop Mr Harrison had sent wth hu request I take it that Howells must hav found the request among old paper had laid aw av somewnere or nisi must have been so heavy that he has Just reached th matter In th natural of events or ha must have recently ed out his desk for the first time in ty years" i erejses have tha New York another court necessary Havaha Is entire! 5 tree from politics thanks to tfie work of the American offi cials Is not time we were doing a little work in this line for the American Miles? It (doesn't seem to be much ap pre by! the Cubans A Mr Tliiian admits it will be 1m tble to prove the charge he made net his colleague It would seem that back pdal movement Is the next on his programme i 2 te I.

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The Washington Post from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)


Is District of Columbia different from Washington? ›

What is Washington, DC? Washington, DC, isn't a state; it's a district. DC stands for District of Columbia. Its creation comes directly from the US Constitution, which provides that the district, "not exceeding 10 Miles square," would "become the Seat of the Government of the United States."

Is Washington Post a Republican paper? ›

In the vast majority of U.S. elections, for federal, state, and local office, the Post editorial board has endorsed Democratic candidates. The paper's editorial board and endorsem*nt decision-making are separate from newsroom operations.

What is the address of The Washington Post? ›

Letters to the editor can be sent via our online form, to, or to Letters to the Editor, The Washington Post, 1301 K Street NW, Washington D.C. 20071.

What is the audience of The Washington Post? ›

Audience composition can reveal a site's current market share across various audiences.'s audience is 47.28% male and 52.72% female. The largest age group of visitors are 55 - 64 year olds.

Why is it called the District of Columbia? ›

The new federal territory was named District of Columbia to honour explorer Christopher Columbus, and the new federal city was named for George Washington.

Who owns the District of Columbia? ›

Answer and Explanation: The federal government own Washington DC. Under Article I Section 8 Clause 17, the seat of the national government is under the purview of the Congress. Today, the majority of the city is owned by the federal government with foreign governments owning their embassies and consulates.

Which newspapers are left-wing? ›

  • Daily Mirror – mainstream newspaper which has consistently supported the Labour Party since the 1945 general election.
  • The Guardian – mainstream newspaper which has consistently supported centre-left politics, either reflected by the Labour Party or the Liberal Democrats.

Which newspapers are conservative? ›

  • National Catholic Register.
  • The New Atlantis (journal)
  • New Hampshire Union Leader.
  • New York City Tribune.
  • New York Post.
  • The New York Sun.
  • News Corporation.
  • Newsmax.

Is WSJ left or right? ›

WSJ publishes international editions in various regions around the world, including Europe and Asia. The editorial pages of the Journal are typically center-right in their positions, while the newspaper itself maintains commitment to journalistic standards in its reporting.

Is Washington Post paid? ›

All readers of The Washington Post website or apps have access to a limited number of articles every month, and can sign up for newsletters delivered directly through email. Once you've reached your article limit, you will need a subscription to continue reading.

Is The Washington Post a secondary source? ›

Yes, in most cases. A Washington Post article is a primary source only when the content is original or a first-hand account of an event. If the article describes past events or an interview, then it's a secondary source.

What is the mission statement of The Washington Post? ›

The Washington Post is an award-winning news leader whose mission is to connect, inform, and enlighten local, national and global readers with trustworthy reporting, in-depth analysis and engaging opinions.

Is The Washington Post losing readership? ›

The Post has lost half its audience, with 50 million unique visitors by the end of 2023, compared with 101 million in 2020, while its subscriber base has fallen from 3 million to 2.5 million, according to the New York Times.

Who owns Washington Post? ›

Jeff Bezos, the billionaire owner of The Washington Post, broke his silence Tuesday on the mounting turmoil within his newspaper, expressing support for maintaining high standards at the storied publication as questions swirl over the ethical integrity of its new publisher, Will Lewis.

Does The Washington Post make money? ›

According to Semafor's Max Tani, Lewis told staff, “To be direct, we are in a hole, and we have been for some time.” Axios' Sara Fischer tweeted the Post has had a 14% decline in digital revenue and 12% total revenue decline since 2021.

Is District of Columbia a U.S. territory? ›

The District of Columbia is that portion of the territory of the United States ceded by the State of Maryland for the permanent seat of government of the United States, including the river Potomac in its course through the District, and the islands therein. (R.S., D.C., § 1; June 11, 1878, 20 Stat.

Why did Virginia take back DC? ›

Members of Congress from other areas of Virginia used their power to prohibit funding for projects, such as the Alexandria Canal, which would have increased competition with their home districts. Returning Alexandria to Virginia allowed residents to seek financing for projects without interference from Congress.

Is DC more in Maryland or Virginia? ›

Both Maryland and Virginia ceded land to form the new District of Columbia. However, today, all of the District of Columbia is on the land ceded by Maryland.

Can DC citizens vote? ›

D.C. residents have no representation in the Senate. The Twenty-third Amendment, adopted in 1961, effectively entitles the District to three electoral votes in the election of the president and vice president. The District's lack of voting representation in Congress has been an issue since the capital's founding.


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Name: Jonah Leffler

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