The Freeman's Journal and National Press from Dublin, Dublin, Ireland (2024)

3 -THE FBH3EMA2TS JOHBKAL, WEDNESDAY, JIfNE 7, Calcutta. Tuesday The steamer Maaora, from Lon ingin cloth, and easy sellers get wa of those who ask higher pnees geBerally fafl. There is a steady 0A3 ASD M9BX. thw. "STTTiWAET-JAMES" PNEU COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE.

0 LOKD ASHBOURNE'S vi i'EK. uir.hter, the Hon Elsie -tteriy afternoon at 3 o'clock at SHiU dobs. Sugat CoRterl. Purely Vegotatle. ARTER'S QARTER'S LITTLE LIVER LITTLB LIVES PILLS.

PILLS, LITTLE LIVER PILLS. LITTLE LIVER PILLS. LITTLE LIVES PILLS, LITTLE LIVER PILLS. LITTLE LIVEii PILLS don, arrived. Aden, Tuesday The stamer Golconda, London lor Colombo, Madras, and Calcutta, left.

Las Paimaa, Monday -me steamer uuuim for Lndon, left. Hong Kong, Tuesday-Tiie steamer Teheraa left for Bombiy. Aden, Monday Tie steamer enaniion, t-uiittuu Bombay, left. Prawlo Point, Tuesday The steamer Avoca, Brisbane for London, passfd. Jamaica, Tuesday The Spey, from Southampton, arrived.

Lii'bon, Tui-snay i r.e steamerrretoua, avunimc-for Capetown, i-ailed. Sliantthai. Tuesday The steamers Rosetta and Glenshiel, from London, amved. Gravesend. Tuesday rne steamer curope, ievr for Royal Albert Dock, passed.

THE AMERICAN MARKETS. (DALZIEL'S CABLEGRAM.) New York, Tuesday. Th Stock Market opened higher, but a slight reaction followed. During the forenoon the market ruled very dull, and although a firmer tone prevailed during the afternoon, the close was weaker on the absence of any definite news regarding the decision of the Cabinet on the silver, question. To-morrow's shipments o-nlrl av exuacted to amount to 300,000 dollars, but the indications seem to point to small exports on Saturday.

The run on the banks in Chicago is subsiding, but the shipments of specie to the Wost show a falling off. Money here is tighter, and a stringency in the money market Th holders of Philadelphia and Reading are assenting to t'ae reconstruction scheme in areater numbers than had been ex pected. Itissaidthat holders of over fire million delJars or toe general mortgage oonus uave notified their assent to the reconstruction scheme. The Atehoson, Topeka, and Santa Fe gross earaiugs for the fourth week oc May show an increase of aols; the gross earnings for the month show an increase of 265,867 dols. lAXCH ANGUS.

To-day. 5 6 4 '563 5-17A 95r Prev day. 24 pc 3 4 '37 4-59J 95J; Call Money, Govt Bonds Other Securities Exchange on London, 60 days' sight Cable Transfers Exchange ou Paris oO days' on Berlin 60 (lays sight Closing Prices. To-day Prevday. Business Done Highest.


At! Chemists, Is I'd. Genohje in Blue ano White Wkappbr. 92S9 RIFLE SHOOTING IRISH RIFLE-ASSOCIATION. ANNUAL SHOOTING COMPETITIONS. President, his Grace the Duke of Abercovn.

Execta tive committee, Henry Thynne, Robert Wbitestone, Captain Jlillrier, -Major George Fenton. Hon secretary, Joynt; hon treasurer, Major Smyly. The second day's programme of the above was deciifid yesterday on the' North Bull Ranges, Dollymount. The weather was a lot more favourable than 011 Monuay, the sky being brighter aud the wind considerably lower still it was very unpleasant, as several heavy shower fell during the evening. The competition yesterday for the Lord Lieutenant's Cup, and the fact that Irish Eight to represent Ireland in the c*ntest for tin Elcho Shield will be selected on the furm shown in.

vested the proceedings with a Urge amount of interest. The ate 909 yards and 1,069 yards, tho competitors getting 25 shots in each yestci day and a simiiai number to-day. Tlie eight with the largest aggregate score o.i the two days' shooting will be selected on lim team. The feature ot tlie competition at the shoritr distance was the fine display of Mr Ganly, who scored 121 out of a possible 125, gaining 21 bull's-eyes. At tho 1,000 yards Major Fenton did a most meritorious r-r-fonnance, obtaining 120 out of a possible 125, his tisi fifteen shots being bull's-eyes.

The following are thi details LORD LIEUTENANT'S CCP any riSe SO 73fd first orize, Cup, value 20. presented by ins Excellency tiie Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, for the hijhest score rrude bv a competitor quaiiSed to represent, Ireland in the match at Bisley for the Elclio Shield, who lus not, at any previous meeting, won the Cut), provided he wins a place in the first three, failing 'which, the Cup roll be awarded to the IrighcsS score nude by a previous winner. 2C0 Yards. A Ganly 5 55555455555555545545545 5121 Joynt 455S.4 5555255SS4E55S54554 5113 M'Kenna 5 0 5 4 4 5 3 2 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 5-115 Smith 555555555554545454454445 51:5 Major Fentoti 335353355655553555555555 5113 Capt Miilacr 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 5 4113 TEraithwaite 53555235055555555535555 5 3-lil if Cooper 545533555535554553544444 5-110 Thynne, 2555454544554545354 2 5555 5-110 Caldwell 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 5 4 5 4 4 4 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 Massy 55555354353556535552 2 552 5-107 Henry 5 55 4 3 3 5 4 5 5 5 3 4 4 3 5 4 5 2 5 5 5 3 5 4-lt'l 559434543555534554534534 4-103 Lieut Latnier 5545553555553445 4 3458054 4-101 Morgan 2453 5 4445544 43555444044 5: 01 Whitostone 4559334355344534540405444- fJ Hamilton 454435444045334503504505 4 S7 Qutnn 00330223 54 053 5344 44 554 44 5- 81 1,000 AKDS. Major Fenton 54:5445454555555555555555 12 AGauly 554554554554.554555555554-111 -T M'Kenna 353550555455555S45i555655-ir.

Lieutenant Lauder 555345535554545544555555411.1 Caotain Miluer 4540554555554555454555555114 Caldwell 45330545S325S455555555445 111 Joynt 4355345354555443553545555109 Whitestone 3555445454354545444554455-109 TBraithwaite 3553455505553354255455555-158 Massej 4554555554454404554355535-108 Thynne 5443445445543KS445555555-i07 Smith 0355595552544545555555344 10? Henrv 5455425455355505445444545106 Morgan" 4553504355445450355545544-101 W.I Hamilton 5455545505344554455553005-160 FQninn 5555453455454033045503335 9S FC Cooper 004055454435445545535434093 Dunlop 0352343450255555054425455- S3 AUGKEGATK. US4pcBond5 110J HI Atchis'n, Top, and Fe 25 21 i 23 iJJ Income Bonds 47j Baltimore and Ohio 60 65 Canadian Pacific 76J 76" Canada Southern 50 Cent'l New 1061 106 Central Pacific 294 24 Ches and Ohio li 19 Ch, Burl, amlQncy 733 S6i 863 85 Chic Milwaukee 675 6Si 6Sj 67J Pref 55J 116 Chicago andNW 104 10 105i 104 Pref 135 135 Ch Rock Is and 61J 72 73 71; Clev, Cin, ami St 41 40.5 411 4U Delaware and 120i 1204 Del and Lucka wanna 139 110 133i Denver Common 134 134 Pref 45i East Tenn 2nd Pref Great Northern 108 103 Uliuow Central 834 Lake Shore ...122 12'-i 12J 1215 Louisville and Nashv 64 64 63J 6-ij Mexican Centntl 7J 7g Michigan Central 97 97 Missouri Kansas lis IH Missouri Pacific 34i 35i 35J 34j New York Central 1014 994 New York, LErie 174 17 17j 174 Ih-ef 36 35i 2nd Mortgage 90 83i and Kng 22 2 Ontario 14 14J Norfolk and Pref 234 231, Sorth American 8i 8J Northern Pacific 122 13 Pref 33i 33 31 33 Ohio and Mississippi 13 13 Oregon Imp Pennsylvania 50 Phila and Reading 174 17i 17 4 t- Bonds 69 6Bi 1st 5 pc Bonds 33i 32 Richmond Terminal 14 li Ten'see CI and It- 17 I64 Texas and Pacific 7 63 Union Pacific 284 29 234 Wabash, St and 81 7J 01 Pi-ef I04 16i Western Union Tel 82 3IJ Chicago Gas Trust 67 68- Cotton Oil Trust 35 36 National Lead Trust 30 30 Sugar Reined S7j 37 Silver (per osj i2j 82i DUBLIN MONET MARKET. Tuasday Evening. MlSCEtiANEOCS ACT1VK, WITH HoJIB RAILWAY Pre-Ordinabies and Bank Stock firm. Further rklapse in Shaee3.

Taken all round there was a considerable business negotiated on 'Change this afternoon. The feature was the further general renction in Tyre Shares. Seddous and Pneumatics each fell on rumours of litigation. Puncture-Proof wera freely dealt in. Before 'Change they realised 39s prein, and during hours they were sold down to 36s prem, but afterwards, in the Street," they recovered to 37s prem bid, with no seller under o'Js prem.

lirappler Tyro.s, after opening shade under last night's closing, 18s titl, slid wv to 15s. iiydneys were steady at lis to 12s 6d. Some small market dealings were effected in Turner Pneumatics at 3-16 premium, at which thy closed free sellers. Air wheels were nominally -A to discount, aud French Seddous were on otier at ISs. Consols were unaltered at 15-16, but India Three aud a Half per Cent rose 3-16, to 100.

In Home Railways dealings were confined to the Heavy Brigade." Great Southern rose and Midland Great Western was unaltered; but Great Northern fell f. Further improvements from in Slitohelstown Baronial to in Great Northern Four per Cent Guaranteed took place in Pre-Ordinary Stocks. Droghetla Steainpacket Shares fell 1, but Dublin and Liverpool were buyers at 50, yesterday's enhanced price. Bank Stock was hrm at 300, a rise of and Hibernians were steady at and National at 20. Provincial, however, further gave way to 2a.

in Breweries, Guinness Ordinary advanced 1-16, to 33 15-16 sellers, aud Dublin Distillers were dull and 1-16 lower at 2 15-16. The changes in Miscellaneous were mostly favourable. Kehoe Preference led with a rise or while Mooney Ordinary aud Salt Union Preference each gained and Perrier Preference, Juhnsttm Ordinary, and b'renrtuu Preference 1-16 each. Alliance Gas and National Assurance each fell 1-16, and Coats Preference The following is a comparison between today's final prices and those hist previously iUoted here GovKKXMLfNT Funds, iiise India Three and a Half per Cent, 3-16, to 109. Consols, at 98 15-16; and Guaranteed Two and ThreB-quarter per Cent Land Stock, at 98f.

Bomk Railways Rise GreatSouthern to Hti'g. Fall Great Northern, to 136. Unchanged Midland Great Western, at 101. Home Railway Pbk-Oedinary Stocks Belfast and Counties Four per Cent Preference, 1, to 118 Waterford and Liraeriuk Four per Cent Preference, 1, to 97 Great Northern Four per Cent Guaranteed, Is-, to 123A; and Mitchelstown and Feriuoy ive per Cent Baronial, to 12 J. Undianged Great Northern Four per Gent Preference, at 123rJ-; Great Southern Four- per Cent Guaranteed, at 123i; Water-ford and Limerick Four aud a Half per Cant Debenture, at 120 and West Clare Four per Cent Baronial, at 9 13-16.

Steamships Fall Drogheda, 1, to 21, Utclianged Dublin and Liverpool, at 50J. Tkasiwayb iiise Belfast, to 14i. Kdinburgh, at yi. Banks Hist Bank of Ireland to 306. iF'aM Provincial, to 22.

Unchanged National, at 20i; and Hibernian, at 2. Bre eries, Hise uinuess Ordinary, 1-16, to 33 15-16. fall Dublin Distillers Ordinary, 1-16, to 2 15-16. Misoellaneocs itVi'ses Kehoe and Co Preference, to Mooney and Co Ordinary, to 7a Salt Union Preference, to 10; Ferrier and Co Preference, 1-16, to 5 3-16; Freeman Preference, 1-16, to 3 and Johnston aud Co Ordinary, 1-16, to 6 13-16. Falls Pneumatic Tyre, jj, to 23; Seddon's Tyre, 11-32, to 4 1-32; Coats Preference, to 14; Alliance Gas, i-lC, to 16 15-16 and National Assurance, 1-16, to 2 1-16.

U-chamjed Bi-yant and May, at 14J; Crowe and Co Ordinary, at vt, Plumber and Go, at Pirn Ordinary, at ug; Tliom and Co Preference, at 5J; and Thwaites and Co Or-dinarv, at We are informed that tlio Star Theatre of Vakieties is in course of being converted into a limited liability compauy. ire prospectus will be before the public in a few rlavs. The board is stron; one, iritli Mr. Dan Lowry as managing director. Thn accounts will show net profits equal to 12 per cent on t.h capital the company.

Traffics Home Hallways Increases, 268 in Dublin and Wicklow, 792 in Great Northern. 54 in Cork and Macroom, 548 in Great Southern, 20S in Cork and Pass-vae, 55 in West Clare, 104 in Cork and Muskerry, 600 in Midland Great Western, aud 161 in Waterford and Limerick. Decrease 137 in Cork and Bandon. Grand Canal. 1,314, against 1,202 increase, 112; accumulated increase on 22 weeks, 4,358.

Tramways -Increases, 4 in Dublin aud BlessiTitou, 524 in Glasgow, and 4 in Dublin and Lucau. The following are the official quotations: (JOVEf NriENT FUNDS. Last Business Hoae. PtIcs Casli. Acct.

Consolidated 2i Stock S8i-93xd 21 Guarantetl Laud Stocfe 9S5xd 83i ladia 3i atoek 1032-Jsd 10d Account aay, otn juiy. HOUB ORWSiltY STOCKS Diiitfend last. Business Done Sit Pd Prev Stk 100 Gt Northern 60 Stk 106 45 526 Stfc 100 Con 726 Sr.t ISO MOW Con 10 50' Price Cash 116i 169i 101 101 Acct. 136j 1104-3 170 101 Stk 100 Md Con Ord 47.6 BAH.WAY PriEFEItFNCK. With Dividends contiiijteut ou the Profit of each separate year.

Stk 100 BlfstAN Co 40 tU7 118 Stk 100 DW4Wipc 1860 50 Stk 100 DWW4ipc, 1875 45 Stk 100GtNCo4o Stk and Liu 4 40 50 45 40 40 lcil 125i 193 12Ji 87 1234 1123 123J 1S5 RAILWAY GUARANTEED STOCKS. Stk 100 GtNrthn4pc 40 4S 122 StkKSSandW4pc440 12-M RAILWAY DEBKNTUHS STOCKS Stk 100 pc 45 45 129 120 BARONIAL GUAUANTKESI. 10 10 Mit'Isfn 3 so tui 121 SiJ 19 10VestClar4pc 4 4 Stk ISO Bk Ireland alia all5 29 5 Hikerdiaa alfc al6 9 305i 'it 204 306 201 22 2J 20 50 100 10 National aiu aiu 12i Prov. Uot al26 HKlfWIiRlliS AND rnsni LJatlEi. 5 Bub Bis Ord 3 IS Guinness Ord aW al2 STEAM.

20 Drogbeia, tt al2 a35 50 Dub A Uv 30 TRAMWAYS. 10 Belfast Street 10 KdinbRrfih st ao aS 9 Glasgow Trara a4. 6 a46 IP Alliance Ga-" 10o 106 10 5 5' 6 Brvazit fc May 7't 10 10 Coats 6 6 6 5 Crowe, Wilson Ord 12; 4 5 Ferrier Prel 2S 23 5 Freeumn pe 3-' 5 Hnmber Ltd 6 5 Johnston Ord 4 4 5 Kehoe 6 pc, 3 3 5 Mooney Ord 4 5 24 National Assura2' al3 5 Pirn Brs Ord 3S 4 1 Pn'ni'tk- Tyre alO 5 10 Salt Union Ptef 7 7 1 seddon's Tyre 1 5 Thorn 5J Pref 29 2. t3 24 33J 331-5 22 21 HSi 50 14J Vi Si 9 17 165 10S 14J 144 14j 141 53 52 54 3r 3 5i toi Si bH 4 44 7J 7j Zh 2 63 23i 2J 9i 10 4j 5i 5i 19 20 50 10 10 10 18 10 5 5 25 ie i toflne, dline, 33s to 40a. Bnttor-Irish creameries, 106s; Irfth factories, 93s; Inch farmers, 90s to 96s; choicest Danish, 103s to 110s; fine, lUos to icos.

Marganne uncrtangett. LIVERPOOL GENERAL PRODUCB-Jtjnx 6. ('special kepoetO Cane sugar steady and unchanged. Beat strong; June, 18s Sid; Jnly, 18s Hid; August, 19s I4O: September, 17s 4id; October, 15s 6d; and November December, 14s 6d all values. No 1 crystals, 23a No 2, 22s.

African coffee firm; 550 bags bold berry sold at 71s per in store. Sago flour, 8sg9d to 9s. Linseed, rice, and cocoa, little doing in either. Bacon Halves, 52s 6d. Petroleum quiet and unchanged.

Rape Stettin, 29s, Tallow, North American, 28a 6d; south, 32s. Turpentine, 2Ss 6d. Lrird quiet, 50s. Gambier, 19s 6d. Paim kerneis, 16 15s to 11 5s per ton.

Canary seed, G2s 6d per 464lbs. Potaih, 25s cd. Anniseed, 20s 6d per cwt. G1UMSB J'ISH June 6. Moderate supply and grrd demand.

About twenty smacks and nine steamers arrived. Small quantity of cod and halibut. Soles, Is to la 3d per lb turfcot, 6d to 8d per lb brills, 5d to 7d per lb; salmon, Hid to Is 2d per lb; plaice, 3s 9d to 4s 6a per stne; lemons soles, 5s to 6s 6d per stene; live halibut, 6s te 3s per stone; dead. Is to 5s 6d Tier stone: live cod. 3s to 5s each dead, Is 6d to 2s 6d each kit- haddocks, 9s to 10s fid; gibbed, 10 to 13s per box.

Dublin "Markets. Cobn Exchange, Tuesday, 6th Joke. Weather humid and showery. Trade continues tbe pervaded by a quiet aud cautious tone. Foreign stnff weaker.

Native oats, however, still firmly held. There was a poor attendance at our Corn Exchange to-day. Little business repotted. Irish wheat and barley nominally unchanged. Oats Firmness of holders kept sales in a restricted groove, business more or less of retail character.

Oatmeal unchanged. Foreign wheat slow and favours buyers. Flour also dull and weaker. Maize down 3d to 6d per quarter. Indian meal moves in reflex of maize.

Other milled stuffs in retail request at late currencies. Iinsu Produce Whito (new), per 2Sains, 15s Od to 16s Od; red, 13s Od to 14s Od; inferior. 12s to 131s Barley Malting, 12s 6d to' 14s Od grinding (nominal) 9s 6d to lis Od foreign, 9s 6d to 14s 9d. Malt, per 16Slbs, 17s 6d to 19s 6d secondary qua-I'ties, 16s 6d to 17s. Oats -White (last year's), per 1961bs, 12s 6d to 15s Od send, 00s to 00s Work (last year's) 12s 3d to 13s 3d; seed, OstoOs: tawny, nominal, 12s to 12s 9d.

Oatmeal listra, pet 1121bs, 14a Cd to 15s0d; patent. 12s Od to 13s fine, 10s 3d to Us 3d; American, llsfld to 12s Od. Flour Extra Firsts, per U2ibs. 12s to 13s Od; firsts, lis 6d to 12s 0d seconds, 10n to lis thirds, Ss to 9s interior, 9s Od to lfte. Pollard Fine, per 112lbs, 5a 6d to 6s Cd; coarse, 4s od to5s 3d.

Bran White, per 1121bs, 5s ed to 6s Od; red, 6d to 5s 6rl K9RKIUN Produce Wheat, per 2Beib Australian; old crop, 20s to 20s 6d Califomian, 17s Od to IBs Od Northern Pacific and Waila, 17s Od to 17s 6.i; Oregon, IB Od t. lB-i 6d; New Zealand, 18s Od to ISsSd, Aipericait spring, (No. 1), bardBulutb, OOsOdto OlwOd; American Northern, 00s Od tn 00s Od; American winter, old, 17s 6d to 181 Od new, 16s 6(1 to 17.1 Od Odessa and Nicolaioff, 15s Od to 16s 9d Aziina. 17s Oi to 17. 6d.

Maize, per 4801b Gahltis, 20s9d to 21s 20s to206d; Azoffand Bul garian, 00s Od to OOs Od; River Plate and Sail, Mazagan l)0s to OOs Oil; American (new) OO.j Od to 60s 0i. Flour, per 28Wb Trieste andHuRgarian, 29s 6d to53s6d Rice, 25s iri to 26s 6d American patent, 25s to 27s Sd; American straight. 23u to 26s ud: Caiifoinian andOreceii. 23s Od to 25s Od. Indian Moil, per 1121b White, 6s Od tofisbil: vellew.

6s Sd to 6s Od. Indian Corn Bruised, 5s 3d 5s 6d. Russian iinsend cake, per ton, 165s to I78s; American do, Mas to lous: nscorEicateu cotton eake. 145s to I6fe. WHOLESALE FISH JnNF.6 There was a fair mixed market of country and local hook fish to hand this morning, bui home trawlers were unropie3ented.

Demand tolerably brisk. Lobsters firsts, 12s b'd to 15s ner 13: inferior and dead, Zs bu to 7s od per lot; salmon. la Id to Is 2d oer Ibiarilse, 9d to Is per lb: trout, live. lOd; others, 6d to 8dper lb; turbot, 2s 6d to 6s and 10s each; soles, firsts, 17s 6d to 53 per 9 pair; slips, Ac, 5s to 12s and 15 per lot; largo plaice, 4s to 6.1 per four; others, Is 6d to 3s 6d per lot; bret, 9d to Is 6d each; dorv, 4d to Is 3d; codfish, 2s 6d to 4s each country. Is to Is od; haddock, 4s to 8s per small, 2s to 4s per hake.

Is to 2s each; gurnet, 6d to Is Rd; ling, Is 3d to 2s ed: conzers. Is 6d to 4s each, white per whiting, 2s to 4s per hank. There weie no her-rinss or mackerel ou market, hut five Howth boats fished the bay for herrings last night and arrived this morning in harbour with shots of from 1 to 400 each. Quality satisfactory and realised 20s per hundred on pier by auction, beiug conm'gned to Messrs Alex Cormack and Co, aalesimaat-srs, Howth. BUTTER (Ksvin SrrvhKT) June 6 Small arrivals of farmers butter in this neishbourhooii.

Demand very active, and stores cleared early. First quality codIs, 9d; second. 8d to 84d third, to 8d per lb; firkins, 8d to 8 jd per lb. WHOLESALE EGGS (Little Geeen Juns 6 Fair supplies of eggs on sa'e this morning, and with a steady consumptive enquiry values well sustained. Picked farmers' eggs, 6s lOd to 7s; choice country, us 4d to 6s fid; ordinary, 5s 9d to 6s; smalls, 5s 2d to 5s 4d per ISA; duck eggs, 6s 6d to 7s 6d per 120.

BUTTER (Little Green) June 6 Moderato arrivals of butter here; trade good to a clearance. Fine cools, 9d; extra mild, 94d; good ordinary sorts, Sd to84d; low grades, 7d to 7jd; creams, lOd to lOiJil lb. WHOLESALE POTATOES June 6-Thcre vras a fairly good supply of new potatoes on market this morning for which there was a moderate demand. General price Is 4d per stone, but a few specially for-wrd samples held for ljd por lb; old potatoes now in few hands and dear, consideringquality; best champions. Is 4d to 4s per cwt; and magnums, 3s to 3s 4d per cwt.

WHOLESALE POULTRY JuNB 6 The supplies of chickens continue excessively heavy. Ducks also in liberal compass, but other kinds of poultry in but average seasonable supply. Demand very active for really prime table goods, but inferior stuff very dull and hard to move. Geese, 2s 6d to 3s, and a few extra good, 4s each; small goslings, Is 6d to la 9d; fat ducks, Is 9d to 2s each; small, Is 2d to Is 6d each; inferior, 10s per dez; top chickens, 2s, Zs 2d, and 2s 4d; seconds, Is Sd; small, 10s to 14s per dozen; Gniuca fowl, live, 3d to Ss each; young pigeons, Is; old. 6d; best rabbits (trapped), Is tels2d; gtaziei 3d to I'M each.

WHOLESALE FRUIT June 6 Fair supply of all classes of goods; demand steady. Auction prices this morning averaged the following rates Grapes, 2s 6d to 4s 6d per lb; home strawberries, Is 2d tn 3s por lb do. 2s to 7s per dozen leaves; English strawberries, 3s 4d to 6s per peck; peaches, 2s to 10s per doz; cucumbers, 2s to 4s per do2; melons, 2s to 3s 6d each; French ebonies, 5s to 8s por pad; do currants, 2s 6d to 3s per basket; gooseberries, 2s to 2s 3d per kish; Irish cherries, Sd to Is per ib; rhnbard, Is to la 9d per dtra; tomatoes (house), Is to Is 6d per lb: peas, 3s 4d to 4s per float; asparagus, Is 4d to 2s por hand. HAY AND STRAW MARKET (SMITnFIKLD)-June 6 The supply of hay marketed this morning was scarcely so large as on Saturday, probably owing to wet yesterday. Trade all ronud dull and values barely sustained.

Oaten straw very plentiful and difficult to cash. Wheaten in poor supply and cleared fairly. First and second crop hay, 4s to 4s 4d per cwt third ditso, 3s 6d to 3s 10d par cwt prime cow hay, 2s to to 3s 4d per cwt medium sorts, 2s to 2s 6d and 2s 8d per cwt. Wheaten straw, 2s to 2s 4d and 2s fid per cwt oxten, Is 6d to Is 1.0d and 2s per cwt barley, Is 2d to Is 6d per cwt. SMITHFIELD HAY AND STRAW REPORT of Patrick O'Connor and Son, Auction' trs and Valuers, Cattle Salesmen, Factors, 49 st, Dublin, 6th June, 1893.

To-day's supplies sma)f caused by broken weather; brisk for choice a loads of sapenor hay; other sorts bought catitiously. Horse hay, to 4s 6d; old meadow hay, 2s to 3s 4d; straw, ls4dto 2s 8d per cwt. CORE BUTTER JrNB 6, (SPECIAiBBPOaT.) Firsts, 80s seconds, 83s thirds, 79s; fourths, 75s. Kegs Seconds, 81s; thirds, 75s; fourths, 70s. Mild-cured firkins Superfine, 91s; fine, 86s; mild, S2s.

Cools Superfine, 91s. In market, 1.2E6 firkins. BT TELE3BAPH. INBN PRODUCE Juse 6-Sngar Refined moderate demand; firm rates French goods firm beet strong; June, 18s 9d sellers 18s 7id buyers July sold 18s Hid November-December. 14s 6d, sellers 14s 5id buyers.

Coffee steady Rio, June, 75s 9d; Santos, 77s 9d. Tea, fair demand at late rates. Rice, jute, and hemp unaltered. Oils-Linseed, 90s to 20s ljd: rape, 24s; crude cotton. Zfb 9d; refined, 22s 3d to 25s turpentine, 22s 6d to 22s 9d petroleum unaltered.

IT ECHAP EL HAY AND STRAW-JCNE 6- Fair aupplies and steady demand. Quotations Prune clover, 80s to 114s; inferior, 70r to 75s; heat hay, 85s to 140s- inferior, 65s to 75s; straw, SOs to 45s per load. BOROUGH AN1 SPITALFIELDS POTATO-JUNB 6 Large supplies and slow trade. Quotations Old potatoes, 30s to 60s per ton new potatoes to ISs per LONDON LEATHER MARKET June 6 Trade is rather quiet for leather, and prices are generally unchanged. There is a steady demand for light English butts.

Light shoulders and thin oflal and shaved hides are wanted. Market bides are in fair supply. The quality keeps about the same, and there is a steady inquiry at previous values. LIVERPOOL CORN (Opening) June 6-Iaiports for week ending 5th June-Wheat, 412,147 oats, ,1,293 beans, peas, 8,021 maize, 150,155 flour, 63,491 centals. Wheat opens dull and Id per cental lower.

Maize qniet, at 4s Id to 4s lid for mixed American. (Closing)- A quiet spot trade has been passing in wheat, at a decline of Id per cental as compared with Friday's currencies. Maize in moderate request, prime mixed osing at 4s Id per cental. Flour, a slow sale at bare' Ate rates. Beans and peas quiet, th latter, ha' over, rather favouring sellers.

Oats and barley unaltered. TVEpnftT.rnTTnNfOpENtNal Juneo The mar ket opens with a fair inquiry. Sales probably 10.000 bales Importssieee Friday 30,009, including 19,000 bales American- Futures opened at 3 points decline, at which there axe buyers. June-Jiuy, io-uhu; juij-iSiu, 4 15-d to 4 1 4-64d August -September, 4 16-64d September-October, 4 18-64U November-December, 4 2Vfi4d; December, 4 23-64d, (Closing) Fair business. American prices turn in favour ol biivers.

About 1,590 bales Egyptian sold. Total sales, 10,089 bales. Futures, after fluctuating, are steady at points below last night. June-July, 4 13-64d, 4 15-64d, 4 14-Md: August-September. 16-4d, 4 15-64d, 4 17-64d.

4 16-64d; September-October, 4 18-64d, 4 i7-64d, 4 18-64d Jstober-Notember, 4 19-64d; November-December, 4 21-Ri December-January, 4 83-64d, 4 22-6d, 423-64. Egyptian December, 4 25-64(1. (Anothkr Report) -American in fair demand; freely met. Brazils unchanged. Egyptian firm, 1.500 bales sold.

East Indian steady. Sales 15,000 bales, including 1,500 bales export or speculation. Futures, 3 to 34 points below last night. Juue-July, 4 124-64d July-August, 4 14-64d August-September, 4 16-6W 1 September-October, 4 17-644; October-November, 4 19Jr64d; November -December, 4 21-64d December-January, 22i-54d. LlvaitPeOL PE8BUCE (OPENINO)-JUHE 6-Sngar strong 1 crystals, 23s No 2, 22s.

Lard quiet, 61s. Bacon steady Halves, 52s 6d. Cheese firm-Wow, 61s; old, 56s. Butter nominal. Petroleum qniet American, SJd.

Turpeatino, 23sd. Resin steady Common, Ss 74d. Cottonseed, 24s linseed, 21s. Rape quiet Stettin, E9s asked. Tallow North, 28s 6d; South, 32s.

nominal. Palm Lagos, 24 10s. Hemp Manilla, 30. Nitrate steady, 8s. Castor Calcutta, 21-16d.

MANCHESTER TRADE REPORT JcN 6 No great changes to report in this market. Yarns are stnady at yesterday's rates, but not-very many orders are beiss secured. Some Eastern business is still otier- inonirv. MANCHESTER PROvlSIONTIIABKET-JUNE 6-Itisb eggs in good demand; finest. os6d; duck, 's 6d; Danish, 6s 8d; Austrian, 4s lod to 3s 5d.

Butter market fair, but not cleared. Danish, etc, choicest, 105s to 106s; choice, 100s; Irish creameries, 100s to 102s; dairies, lipperary, 94s to96s: Margariue unchanged. Araencan eueese, nnest new, ois ANOTHER REPORT we nave naa a moaeraie market to-day; the bacon trade fs comparatively quiet at Liverpool prices and advanced quotations for Continental butter has checked demand for all descriptions. Irish, ordinary dairy, is said to be selling at a loss, but for first quality centrifugal the market is firm, aad pricos have gone up 4s siuce last week. Quotations Tipperary choice alts, 94s to 96s; secondary, Sds to 883; Limericks, choice salts, 94s eecoiiuary, 80s toous; cnoicest centnrugiu, ioi to iwa.

Irish eggs. 6d dearer, with tvorwl demand. MANC.HESTEK UOJlur liiit-uitl ou.Mto laiui dearer, but not much business about. Host spinners are asking quotations which are prohibitive to manufacturers, who are not following the market upwards bevond what is wanted for immediate requirements. In cloth an is being made to raise prices, and al- UUHieiOUS orteis ate ilchiuuhcu iu, the limitsTiave seldom improved, and sellers have not done much at the advanceo rates.

LEEDS CORN Junk 6 A very qniet market. Wheat may be quoted Is loet. Besnsbd andoatsod per quarter dearer Maize and peas firm. Bartey without chUBge. Price of flour unchanged.

BIRMINGHAM CATTLE AND PIG JUNE 6-Moderate stwply ad demand for cattle; fair inquiry after pigs small supnly. Beef, 5d to 6Jd 6d to 7id per lb. Bacon pigs, 10s to 10s 3d per score porkets, 10s 6d to 10s lOd per do; sows, 7s 9d to 8s od per do. SALFORD CATTLE JUNE 6-Suppy ef cattle smaller, with good demand, and prices tending upwards. Smaller show of sheep anil lambs trade slow except far choicest qualities.

Supply of calves larger, aud trade dull. Quotations Cattle, 54d to 7jd per lb; sheep, 6d to 7Jd per lb; lambs, 9d to lod per lb; calves, fil A tn fiiri ni- Ih. CAMBRIDGE CATTLE On Monday last the nf srivir ntiTed at this market was Beasts. 3b9; sheep, 575; lambs. 155; pigs 367; horsey 34 Piices- nork.

5s 6d to 7s 3d. Remarks Few lots store beasts, the better classes all sold. Fat beasts 000a supply, prices unchanged Fat sheep Large show prices a little bettor. Stores Vory few to hand. Sat pigs-Somewhat better trade.

Stores slow. Straw Good HULl'cORN June 6 To-day the wheat trade rules very slow, and ou the small business lower prices have to be taken for both English and foreign. All descriptions of spring corn decreased at drooping prices. American maize, 3d to 6d per qr cheaper; round corn at late rates. HULL CATTLE June 6-Ar.

avorage supply of horned stock, and business brisker at improved rates, milch cows making 14 to 19 each, and steers and heifers 10 to 14 per head. An improved show of sheep, and good demand, at 33s to 42s each. Pigs Large, 6s Od to Cs 3d per stone. NEWCASTLE CATTLE June 6-Smaller supply of cattle; trade good, and prices an upward tendency. Prime heifers, 8s to 8s 3d steers, 7s 3d to 8s; second class, 6s 3d to 7s 6d; coarse and inferior, 5s 3d to 6s 3d; pork.

5a to 7s 9d per stone sheep, 6d to 7i; lamh, 3d to lOd per lb. Numbers in market Cattle, sheep, 7336; pigs, 343. GLASGOW PIG IRON-OPEOTNG)-JuNE6-Scotch steadv; small business; 40s Ud, 40s 114d, 40s lid cash; 41s 14d one most'n; closing buyers, 403 30id cash; 41s Id one month; sellers Id more. Cleveland steady; small business, 34s 3d cash; 34s 5Jd, one month; closing 3s 2id cash 34s 5d one month sellers 4d more. Cumberland Hematite nil; closing buyers, 44s ed cash; 44s 04d one month; sellers, 44s74d.

cash 44s lid one month. Middlesboro' Hematite unchanged. (CLOSING) Scotch strong; good business, 40s lljd, 41i Id cash; 41s 34d one buyers. 41s Oid cash; 41s 3d one month; sellers. Id move.

Cleveland steady; small business; 3d and 34s 3Jd cash; closing buyers, 54s 3d cash: 34s 5A1 one month; sellers. Id more. Cumberland Hematite idle; business nil; closing buyers, 44s 6d cash; 44s 9d one month; sellers 3d more. Middles-borough Hematite firm; small business; 42s 6d, 42s bid cash- buyers, 42s 6d cash; sellers, 42s 7(1. GLASGOW FREIGHT MARKET JUNE 6-Fair business for rice ports, stronger for steam tonnage, other markets unchanged.

Steamers fixed Grangemouth to Genoa, 6s od option; Leghorn, 7s; Glasgow to Alexandria, 6s 6d; Charlotte Harbour to Fleetwood, Ijs 6d, phosphates. Shins chartered Newcastle, New South Wales, to Mollendo, 12s 6d; Rangoon to E10, Balaclava, 25s 6d; London to Vancouver ana Dunbovne, 14s 6d; Francisco, home, Ktratbgrjffe, 20s, less 2s "6d; another direct to Liverpool, 13s Sd Blnft Harbour to United Kingdom, Indian Empire, Continent, SUGAR JUNE 6 Ofhcial Report Market active and large business done at full prices to 3d advauce. Private report Active market large business done at full prices. CORK CORN June 6 No quotations market. TIPPER ARY BUTTER JUNE 6-102 firkins in market.

Prices Choice mild. 62s good ordinary, 58s to 60s'; medium, 56s to 57s per firkins of 3jrs; 141bs tare Yesterday. OMAGn The June fair of this town was largely supplied with all kinds stock, and there was a large number of buyers in attendance. Best beef sold at o5s to per cwt; second quality, 40s to 53s; and inferior lower. There was a number of fat bulls which butchers obugltt up at from 15 to 18 and 20 each.

Beat nnd clfLS. 9 to 15; newly calved cows, 14 to 16; second class, 9 to 12 each; dry cows and strippers. 6 to 8 each: three year old heilers ana Dullness, jjju to eacu, mu old, 7 to 8 10s; yearlings, 3 10s to 4 10s; and calves from 2 to 3 each. Fat sheep for the butcher, 2 5s to 2 10s; ewes, 30s to 35s each, and lambs, 20s to 30s each. There was an extraordinary show of brood sows and prices were very high; hast sorts selling at 5 to 8 10s citch; 4 to 5 10s; slip3 from 45s to 703 each.

There was a good show of horses, principally of the farming class, which sold at from 12 to 18 and 20 each; saddle and harness animals from 30 to 45 each. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. DUBLIN SHIPPING LLST -YESTERDAy. Barometer 30.50. Wind and weather Westerly, moderate breeze; Mnrf ahowerv.

Arrived Foreien steamers City of Bristol, from Rotterdam, with goads: Florence, Cogent, from Sulina, with maize. Steam colliers Mary Monica, from Ayr; Annie, Beatrice, from Garston. Steam coastors Rose, Nortfi Wall, Lilv, Anglesey, from Holybeaa; Black-rock, Jleath, Cavan, from Liverpool; Duke of Fife, from Glasgow; Robert Burns, from Newry; Express, from Belfast; Azalea, from Morecamhe. Sailed "Foreign steamers City of Bristol, for Steam colliers Mary Monica, for Ayr; Annie, Bsatrice, for Garston; lolito, for Duddon. Steam coasters Rose, North Wall, Lily, Anglesey, for Holyhead; Btackiock, Leitrim, for Liverpool; Robert Burns, for Nowivj Shamrock, for Glasgow; Azalea, for More-cambo.

MAIL AND STEAM SHIPPING NEWS. (LLOYD'S Browhead, Tuesday The steamer Nevada, presumed from New York, passed at 6 35 a m. Barry, Saturday Tho steamer Zeta left for Buenos Ayres. Hurst Castle, Tuesday The stsaaier Chester, New York for Southampton, passed at 8 45 a m. East London, Saturday The steamer Clan Murray, from Liverpool, arrived.

East London, 'Sunday The steamer Clan Cameron, from Liverpool, arrived. Adeii, Sunday The steamer Taroba, from Brisbane, left for London. Inuishoweu Head, Monday The steamer Circassian, from Quebec and Montreal, far Liverpool, passed. Gravesend, Tuesday The steamer Ifata left, for Port Natal. Suez, Tuesday steamer Jumna, London for Brisbane, reached Port Said.

Gibraltar, Tuesday The steamer liassflia, London for Bombay, arrived laet.nisht. Liverpool, Tnesriay The Cenhalonia, from Boston, and the steamer Vancouveuv, from Montreal, arrived. Lizard, Tuesday The steamers Anseim Para and Lisbon, for Liverpool, passed. New York, Monday The steamer Spain, from Lea-don, arrived. Greenock, Monday The Bteamer City of Vienna left for Liverpool and Calcutta.

Old Head Kinsale, Tnesday The steamer Barbarian, Now Orleans for Liverpool, passed at 4 50 a io. Plymouth, Tuesday The steamer Pokin, Calcutta for London, left. Plymouth, Tuesday The steamer Dunottar Castle, from Capo Colony, reported off here at 434 am, arrived, and proceeded for London. Malta, Tuesday The steamers Yorkshire, London for Yokohama, arrived, and the Clan MacPherson, Clyde for Calcutta, left last night. Newport, Sunday The steamer Ovingdean Grange left for Buenos Ayres via Falmouth.

Liverpool, Tuesday Thestearners ZenohiaJrom Cam. ptuii, arrived; end the Seuator left for Calcutta. Sagresfby telegraph) The steamer City of Dundee, Clyde for Bombay, has passed. Peniche (by telegraph) The steamer Clan Grant, Calcutta for London, has passed. Old Head of Kinsaie, Monday The steamer Lord Groagh, Philadelphia tor Liverpool, passed.

MWin Head, Monday The steamer Circassian, Quebec for Liverpool, passed. Cape Town, June 3 The steamer Garth Castle, from London, arrived. Scilly, Monday The steamer Chester, New York for Southampton, Aden, Monday The steamer Shannon, London for Bombay, arrived. Cape Magdalen, Monday The steamers Lake Winnipeg, Liverpool for M- 'real, passed the Colombo, Oriental, aud lave arrived from Shanghai and Calcutta respectively; the Peninsular and Himalaya have loft for Shanghai aud Australia respectively; and the Goorkha, Calcutta for London, left. Gibraltar, Monday The steamer Massilia, London for Bombay, arrived.

Philadelphia. MondayThe steamer Lord Clive, arrived from Liverpool. Cape Town, Tuesday The steamer Thormepylas, from Melbourne, has left for Leu don. Southampton, Tuesday The steamer Chester, from New York on the 27th, arrived to-day. Plymouth, Tuesday Tha steamer Dunottar Castle arrivod from Cape Town.

Melbourne, Tuesday The steamer Britannia, from London to Sydney, arrived. Queenstovra, Tuesday The steamer Nevada, from New York, arrived here at 1L30. this morning and proceeded for Liverpool. Bremorhaven (by telegram) Tne steamer Darmstadt, for Baltimore, and the steamer Trave, from New York, arrived, SuszCanaL Tuesday The steamer Cheshire, Rangoon for. London, arrived at Sne.

Liverpool, Tuesday The stoamur Circassian, from Montreal, arrived. Sydney (by telegram) mer Polynesian, from Marseilles, arrived. v. New York, Tuesday The" steamer Nomadic, for Liverpool, Adi, Tuesday The steamer Natal, Japan and China for Marseilles, left. Perira, Tuesday The steamer Orizaba, London for Sydney, pasted.

Rio Tinto, 1-16; but Grown EeefeB, nd De Beers 1-16. Inlands, Chartered of South Africa rose 6d; Exploring Co, and Consolidated Gold Fields of South Africa, 1-16. In Nitrates, Lautaro toss but Prrmitiva in Breweries, Ailsopps uromary oj St Louis Ordinary, and do Preference, but City of Chicago Malting Ordinary fell Denver Ordinary, and do Preference, In Miscelli.iieous, Salt Onion Ordinary rose and Spratt's Patent, but Peru Corporation fell 4 do Preference, i and do Debenture, i. Discount rates further declined to lg per cent for throe months' bills, and 2 per cent for six months' drafts. Money was in only moderate request at li per cent, and there was plenty of cash left "over at the close.

The sum of 20,000 in bar gold, aud 106,000 in American eagles was bought by the Bank. Rates of exchange Eastern rates, Bombay and Calcutta telegraphic transfers ls221-32d; Hong months, 2s Shanghai, four months, 3s 9rd Kio de Janeiro, lOf Valparaiso, ninety days' sight, 15d. The total traffic recipts of theMancheater, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway Company's railways and canals, exclusive of joint lines from January 1 to May 28th, 1S93, amounted to 792,829, as compared with 793,917 from January 1st to May 29, 1892. The total expenses, including rents, toll duty, etc, exclusive of joint lines, from January lsi May 2Sth, 1893, were 519.818, as against 513,654 from January 1st to May 29th, 1892. The receipts aud expenditure from th correspond-ino period of 1892 include two days more ths.n the current period.

In order to mae a correct comparison for an equal number of days the inures for the two days should be added to those above shown for 1893, which may be estimated at 11 000 for receipts and 6.000 for expenses. Allow ing for the extra days the receipts show an increase ot A 0.19, 3.d the exoenaes an incraasa of MtvjA muL-incr a lnRs in net revenue of 7,252. Traffic vliAAints Railway Great Eastern last week 6,640 increase. Trams North Metropolitan, last week, 315 decrease Sheffield, 83 decreas Calais, 54 increase; Imperial, 50 increase; SmirWland. 24 decrease Swansea, 72, rifiitr-Biise Edinburgh Tram and Omnibus, 911 increase; Glasgow Tram and Omnibus, fr.ox inmmiB: Woolwich.

9 decrease Bor deaux, 55 increase London Street, 189 decrease; Provincial. 32 decrease Belfast, 295 increase; Southampton, 10 increase; London Southern, 31 decrease; Lea Bridge and Leyton, 71 increase. Canadian Railways Grand Trunk for last week shows 1,618 increase Chicago and Grand Trunk, 346 inorease Detroit, 430 decrease. Total, 1,534 increase. Foreign Railways Mexican, last week, grois, 1,000 decrease Cordoba Central, 1,334 dols decrease.

Suez Gaual, yesterday, 120,000 francs. THOMAS WOODLOCK, jStoclc and Share Broker. Warniord Court, Loudon, E.C. All business transacted by and with members of London Stock Exchauge. Soecial private cables from New Yor's.

Telegraphic Address-" TOM. LONDON." 6593 LATEST AFTER "OFFICIAL HOURS CLOSING PRICES. aneKRKMXm' FUNDS. ETC. Consols 2i i.ocai i.oan wss Eauk of ool 4 Liverpool 34 po 1154 17Jxd DoforAcct, 93A i-i 37i lid India 14 P- 1034 9xli India 3 po 89 io Kr-vntlpc ..103 4 Meti'OD pc 10S Rupee Paper 4pc 64i COLON J.

0 VSRSMBST. Csnadlao 54 1044 54 1 Qysland4pcliis Cape4pIns 1(K4 3 I SA'ah PJ NlwSipc 92 3 Vic44P 1904 NZealar.d4pc 104 5 BRITISH RAILWAYS. 98 1024 102 100 34 LonBrighton 166 Do A Caledtyan Con 115J 9 1 Lon Wost 187 Manch Shefl 58 16 Do Def 25 DoDaf 2SS Metropolitan 874 Do Snr Land 754 Jlettop'an Dist Z8i Midland 1574 British Pref 66J DoDaf Sii NE 1571 Cbatlmm Old Dd Pref Gt Eastern lit Pref Con Do Def fit Western Hull AP.arosl'y ijin Y'ksU're 15 1054 83g" 114 5S4 1504 303 1CS4 1 15 1 I 3 Eastern 122 54 Do A Hi L011 A wjs Arauco Ord lasi Max 2nd Pref 42 115 li 124 24 154 24 124 4 19 9 154 i 164 5ixd Do Pref Bahia 4 San Franciscc- Do Dobent Nitrate Rail NBUrugPrel NWof Urug 1st Pref OtMtn'n Sliares Ssn Panto Smyrna Cass LombardoVene. tian 12 65 107 65 70 66 171 76i II Ayres Ayres OfcSth Cent Argentine Cent Uruguay Argentina Mexican Iai Do 1st Pref CASSPIAH tUlLWATS. Camd'n Pacific 732 9 Do Grand Trunk 7 i Do4pc6na- 624 17i 3 DO l8f, PtBl IWUrtWU (JToIC2ndPre 32 mm as hailwais 150 29 2 6xd B'bay Baroda 133 0 aiaurano t.

India Annuity 264 74 Scinde endPau GtIndPonin5'OC 170 3 I POREIOS STOCKS, BONDS, ETC. Argentine, 1S86 68 SO 70 3pc Cons 851 Great 48 no a pc Do 5 Funding Do Cedulas A Austrian Sold Rentes BnziUan 1E8S Do 4 18S9 Ayres 6 '86 Do Ceiluias Do Cedillas Chilian I. Con "85 Costa Rica A Ecuador Egyptian Do New 34 pc Do Nov Daira Do Domain French 44pc DoMonop4pc Hnngarian 4jc Italian 5pc'61 Mex New 6pc Do internal Paraguay Land Warrants 474 96 92g 754 24i 3H 84 6 694 "04 645 5i 33 5 94 10 94 14 85 7 61 4 16 18 i 7 100i 1 i 4 9 Portugaese3pc 22J Prussian cons iuo Russian 4 pc Turkish Do5pcDef Do Group 3 Group 4 Uruguay Unit Venezuela 66 ft 98i 96i 23 mi 33 37 164 174 lV3i i SS4 100 1 Ifci i 1044 54 97i 4 Wipe AMERICAN GOVJIWIBNT AND RAILWAY Atchison and Topetn- 254 Missoorf. Kan 11 NY CntralSii IO04 9 NY.Pn&OLst 23i i iNY.CrntWSh 15 Norfolk Pref 23? I Pasiflc Ptel 33J 9 Ohio Mia Sh 151 4 Perm 51f 34 PABSODlSh 9 2 Union Pacific 29 5 WabStlAsa'd 74 3 Do Pref do 17 6Q4 I Do Gu Mr do 26i nospcisonas 'toj Cen Pao Sh 26 i 4i 41 4 i i 85 4 i 6i 594 5 94xd 1 i 60 54 D41 Com Do Ptef Erie Shares Erie 2nd Mor Illinois Cod Sb 693 14 484 18 924 914 Lake Shore 124 Louisville Shs 6S Mex Cen ii'nds 534 64 BANKS. Alliance, Ltm Bit Australasia Bk -vVales Bk Zealand CM Bkof India City, Lira Imperial, Lim Irapl Ottoman 17 1, 4 Rir Plate 254 584 34 8i 50 2i 47 68 50 44 19 19 22 70 4 51 20" 20 3 14 Lond a westr Lon Jt Standard Tarapaca.

Australia Union of 13S Lnun A Coy, 87 9 RAH WAYS AUD OMNIBUSES ulfaat 14 15 1 London Lim 94 105 12 4 Dublin 10 llxd Loudon Street Edinburgh 84 9i LondCenOmb 3iasgow 7 8 North Liveroool 91 10 Provincial 64 122 11 39 TELEGRAPHS AND TBLEPBONES. Anglo Amer 494 Do Pref 91 Do Def BtazSubmarine 11J Direct US 114 GastemiAin loi Do Br 15s 50 Globe Tel Jt Tret Globe Pref Gt Natl Teleohoue dfc Brallliati I Panama Do Prof 5 2 1U 12i 3 i 151 7i li Hi 3 20 1 i Jitl i i 3TINES. A us Broken Bill Brit Bran Hill BaltfonteinNB Burwau Ruby Cape Copper City and Sub Copiapo Crown Reef De Boers Durban Roode Flagstaff Golden Featlt'r 19 25 Mysore Gold Mysore Goldflda Namaqoa Cop Oorognm ParranciUo PiggsPeolc Quebrada Richmond BloHnto Robinson Salisbury (New) 3heba SiiutnerdsJacIt Sutheri'd Beef ItiarsiBSaadC Wemmers Proprietary Wolbuters Yankee Girl 4A A 260 273 5b 113 li 7i 17 9d 4 i 65 i 2xd i i 13 140 I i i ii 4 56 2 4ii 9d fi Hi 4 21 1B0 35 1 44 4i a 2 5i i lo re a 5 lS, aiio.oaiand Vf est 6r4 jagersfontein 18J 190 4i 26 januee Tf Jumpers 2 D'raond Langlaagte 3 Libiola 3i Main Reef lb Mason Starr li i lS 1-9 Montana 23 LAND AUD JtXPLOBATIONH. BritCliarS A Kxpiorine Co Gold Hd 3Af John'bg Water Lon and At Colorado Juiia 100 120 1 o56 i 356 1 124 Mid'bro Land Oceana Land Wi Pahang Coi'P Silati Rivet 40 60 2ft US lftfi 1 2,0 110 5 i 3 34 i I i NirKAl'JSS. i I San Jorge 5l'j I Santa I San Pablo i San Sebastiau 2 30 6-J 51 li amSoBato Primitiva Brush Light Gaslight and Met Electric Swan LitrS 21? 20 SWaoaefRIec London Electrio i lilS'th Metro- 1 iNSOtUMCJS.

Alliance Do Marine 95 lOixd lit. and Globe 42 4 NBandMer 294 Xixi Koyal 1 8 TdtMerseyMar SHIPPING. Royal Mail 135 8 I BRJiiy KRISS. i 36 4S 101 46 Si Com Union Indemnity Mar and Steam NavProl 50 Allsopp3 Ord Bamsley Bartholomay RoPref Bristol Chicago Malting Dublin Distils DoPref Donwr 51 5 9i 103 24 51 2S 44 6 2 i i V.i 6 DsnTcr Pief 81 537 103 7 40 Hi 4xd 3 li 4" 6i I04 16i 3 1 is 2 1 i i 10 Si 70 164 i 10 9 1 11 (iniunew Ord Manchester Massoy's Parker's 12i SaaPranciscoPref 3 Do Pref 'laraplin'3 i'liieilall-i ii 15 HISCHLLAHEOUS. Aerated Bread 75 Assam Rails Pref 13 8 14 i 15 Leeds Forge 1 London Prod 3 Niwal Aruis 21 North's Collieries lj New Explosives Pears Ordffiopd) bj DoPref(10pd)108 Do Deb 108 Bell's Asbestos 4i Bryant May Central Borneo Coats Ord Do Pref Deccauind Kastmans Ord Do Pref Ermoro Copper Do Priority Hammonds Ord Harrison, Barber Hotchkiss Ord Hudson's Bay Krneh 144 14i 144 44 Si 78 A i 24 4 3 i i i 1 15i Pern Cor Ord Do Pref Do RaillimstBef Salt Union Do Pref Spratt's Patent Suez Canal Tarapaca Wat tJriion Discount 243 63 154 14 91 3A 106" 101 ii 143 16 JAS.



DEALERS IN ALL SOUTH AFRICAN AND MISCELLANEOUS SHARES. Price Lists on application. LL SHARES SOLD NET FREE OF COMMIS- ADVANCES MADE ON ALL CLASSES OF SECURITIES, a HARES SOLD FOR THKEK MONTHS FORWARD DELIVERY on receipt of deposit 20 per cent. BUSINESS ON THE COVER- SYSTEM We are prepared to do business on the above system and setde bargains immediately they are closed. Close prices Kuatauteed.

Running otf middle price. ftX COMMANDS 500 STOCK. COMMANDS 1,009 STOCK. Ki COMMANDS 5,000 STOCK.and so on. Ol NO OTHER LIABILITY.

7569 MARKET INTELLIGENCE Yesterday. MARK LANE Jcke 6. (SPECIAL REPOET.) At the Baltic to-day the heavy supplies otf coast for orders, coupled with the coliapse in America for wheat, ouite demoralise the market, although it must be ad-mit-teil that at the moment there is up pressure en the part of holders to force sales. On the other hand there is no bidding. Oalifornians, 23s 6d asked; Wallas held at 28s 3d; River Plates, 27s to 27s 6d; no demand for shipment.

Indians weak aiid lower to sell. Maise quiet. Rarlcy weak, FOREIGN AND COLONIAL PRODUCE JUME6. Tea Duty paid on tea in London for the week ending June 3rd, Export, Coastwise for immediate export, Total, 1 Tea duty paid June 2, Exports do, lmportsd in the Scinuia, from Ceylon, 68 chests packages Canton; from Shanghai, 141 half chests 66 packages from Hong Kong, 458 boxes 5 packages per Arcadia from Ceylon, 1,112 chests 344 half chests 1,234 boxes, 1,472 packages per Yestvoom from Amsterdam, 43 cases per Gaekwar from Ceylon, 126 chests 31 half chests, 5,199 packages per Bittern; from Amsterdam, 668 cases. Cotton A generally dull tone has prevailed to-day.

Jute This remains in a dull state without business of importance." Linseed Oil On the spot, pipes, 20 barrels, 20 2s 6d June-August, 20 2s 64 September-December, 19 10s. Hull Spot naked, 18 16s June-August, 18 12s 6d; September-December, 18 2s 6d. LONDON PKICRS. Sugar Crystallised west xnaia. met a gooa uetuauu at full prices to 3d advance, and 3,970 bags Trinidad sold at 20s 9rt to 213 9d for low middling to fine grocery.

225 bags Trinidad syruos sold at 17s 95 to 18s 9d. S9S mats Madagascar sold at 18s 9d to 19s, and 200 bags Egyptian syrups at 12s. Beet, active, and again higher price-s, showing a further improvement of 14d to 3d. Jnne delivery sold at IBs 9d; July, 18s Hid and I9s; 19s lid. plus io.

to 133 ou, plus iu; imu to 17s fid, less id; October, new crop, 14s lljd to 15s; and November-neceiMOer, 14s 6d to 14s fob. In the l-edoeil market a good business in pieces at fnl! prices to 3(1 advance. Stored goods closed oil higher. Tate's cnbes. No 1, 23s 3d; No 2, 2s 9d No 1, crystals, S3s and 22s 3d No 2, 22s standard granulated, 21s 6d; lartiueau's No 1 cuoes, Xix en; no 2ks on; utiers.

25s 6.1 to 24s; granulated, 21s 6d; yellow crystallised, 20sl04fJ; Lyles granulated, Zds; Ml crystals, ccs ao; No 3, 21s 3d; and yellow crystallised sold at 21s Nov, 21s 3d; Martineau's syrups, 8s 6d to 10s; Sliest golden, 15s. Foreign refined is dearer. Coffee market generally fjrm, and I-irgc sales went off well at full prices to Is advance for most descriptions; 1 141 bags East India sold; fine small Mysore, 102s to 103s 6tl; medium, 106s to 109a; 9no bold, 112s 6d to 114s; peas, 122s to 124s. 7,738 bas's central American nearly all sold; foxy lands at 60s 6tl to 89s; small raised grey to fine ordinary greenish Guatemala and Salvador, 92s to 95s; low middling to good calory, 95s 6d to 100s; "ood peas, 107s; fine bine peats, 118s; fine ordinary to lovr middling Costa Rica, 92s 6d to 96s 60; middling to good colory, 97s to 103s; peas, 106s to 108s; pale Columbian, 82s 6d to 86s 6d; grey, 94s; and middling to good greenish Mexican, 98s 6d to Ifllsod. Futuree Hat, and 6d to 9d lower.

Sales, 2,080 bags Rio, September, 75s 9d to December. 74s 6d. Tea Cylon hi large supply, 21,300 packages sold at low prices. Pekoes, 6d to 94d; good to fine, lOd to ls2Jd; orange pekoe, 9d to Is 24d; and pekoe souchong, 5Jd to 9d. Spices Pepper steadier.

25 tons Singapore near sold at 23d. Shellac irregular Garnet, 4s 1,000 cases.sold, Wocky second orange, 95s to 100s; fair to good, 104s to 110s; fine, nos; A garnet, uts 1503. Plumbago dull; small sales; dust, 163s 3d to 103s 9d. Gambier lower; 370 bales block sold at 19s 3d. Stic3dc 166 cases ordinary Siam sold 55s to 56s.

Jute dull. Sales, 1,000 bales in dock, including good Brsts middle numbers, at 13 2s 6d, i. Oils Linseed firm; spot, 26s; Sept-Dec, 19s 6d; Hull, spot, IBs 9d; Sept-Dec, 12e. English brown rase; 23s 9d to 24s; rehned 25s 6d. Crude cotton, steadier; spot, 29s 104d; refined, 22s ed.

Petroleum unchanged; spot 4d to 4 l-16d; Russian, 15-16d to 4d per gaL Titrpentine American spirit, 22s 6d per cwt, TaliowFirst 48s per est. LIVEEPGOL COEN-JrjNE 6. (SPECIAL REPORT.) The consumptive demand for wheat was slow, and the tone of the market -was dull, the prices of spot parcels being from 4d to Id per cental under Friday's figures. In futures, Californians showed a decline of id per cental. Red Americans opened Id lower than yesterday, but recovered part of the loss during the day, the quotations being-No 1, Californiaa, Juno delivery, 5s lOd to 5s lid; July, 5s lid to 6s; August, 6s to 6s Id; September, 63 Id to 6s 2d; October, 6s ljd to 6s 24i.

Red American June delivery, 5s 63d to 5s 7d; July, 5s 74d to 5s 8d; August, 5s 8d to 5s 9d; Sept, 5s 94d to 5s lOd October, 5s 104d to 5s lid. Sales reported Calfornian nil Red American, at 5a 7jd to 5s 7Jd for July, 6s 84d 5s 81d for August, 5s 94 to 5s 9Jd far September, and 5s 104d to 5 19jd for October options. American mixed, Indian corn on the spat gava way about 3d per cental, while European barely maintained late rates. Forward deliveries, in sympathy with advices from the States, showed a further relapse of about id per lOOlbs. American mixed, Juno, 4s Oid to 4s Id July, 4s 03d to 4s lid; August, 4s lid to 4s 2d September, 4s 2id to 4s 2jd October.

4s 3d to 4a 3id. Round yellow, June, Old to 4s Id July, 4s OJd to 4s lid August, 4s 14d to 4s 2d September, 4s 2d to 4s 2Jd October nominal. Sales reported American mixed at 4s Id for July, 4s 2d to 4s 13d for Angnst, 4s 2d for September, and 4s 3id for October optiw. Round yellow at 4s Id for July options. Quotations on the spot Wheat-Oregon, 6s 7d to 6s 8d; Calrfornian, choice white, 6s 4d to 6s 5d do white and Fleetwood, 5 lOd to 5s 114a Chilian white, 5s 9d to 5s lOd Wslla Walla, 5s 84d to 5s 94d; wesUm winter, old, 6s 3d; do new, 5s 8jd to 5s 9d; hard Kansas, 5s7d to 5s 8d spriug Duhith.

No 1, 6s 5d to 6s 8d No 2. os Id to 5s 2d ManiUta, 6s 2d to 6s 8d; Canadian winter, 7d te 5s8id; do spring, 5s 6d to 5s Ed; Bombay white, 5s lid to 2d. Indian corn-Prime mixed, 4s to 4s lid Cinquantina, 4s 6d to 4s 7d; Odessa, 4s 44d to 4s 5d; Danubian, 4s lidjto 4s 13d. Beans quiet and 3d lower; Saidi, 2os 3d to 25s Smyrna, 24s 3d to 24s 6d; washed Saidi. 26s to 26s 3d; spit, 22s bd; Pandermo, 25s to 25s 3d.

Peas advanced Id; Canadian, 5s 5d to 5s 5d. Hour slow English made occasionally 6d per sack lower, patent being quoted at 24s 6d to 26s, and baSers' quality 19s6d to 2te 6d; Califomian, 22s tn 23s; Hnnsnan ao Tnesto. 32s to 34s; American winter patent, 24s to 26s; do oxtra fancy, 21s 5d to 22s fid. Barley (Jttiet and unehanged. Oats a Umited supply, and somowhat Engh arte.

3s to 3s 3d per 451b; do yoDcw and black, 2s 6d to 2s Bd; Irish, LIVEBPOOL EGG MABKET Jnira 6. (SPECIAL REPORT.) The egg market was nnuaually quiet to-day, but wiun-ant change in prices, which remain at between os to 6s.6diorb.en eggs; duck. 7st7s6d- LIVERPOOL PEO VISIONS Jtjnb 6. (SPECIAL REPORT.) Beef quiet and without change in value; Pork flrmly held at S5s to 100s per 20Slb. Bacon firmly bold at an advanee of Is per cwt for Cumberland louts.

Bams steady at full prices. Shoulders quiet Cheese a qnie. tide. Lard Is lower. Bacon, per 1121b bhort dear, 51s to 52s 6d; long clear.

52s to55s 6d; to 59s Staffordshire, S63 to 55s; short clear bacKS, 54s 6d to 56s fat backs, 46s to 49; short ribs, 52s od to 55s; dear bellies, 57s to 59s. Shodders-qnaio cnt, to 50s New' York cut. 45s 6d to 43s. Hams-Long cut 67a to 70s shortcut, 60s to 6tjs. Lard, 50s to 6i.

Oreeas; pes llglb-Caitsd Statw, Ii MATIC TYEB COMPANY, LIMTED. The intrinsic value ol an lnvoninon uw oniiar in the elaborate and com plicated mechanism employed to give the desired result. The simpler th construc tion, the smaller the cost, ana mt less ib is it to set out of order, in tne manuiacfure of the Stowart-James Tyres those points have all been kept in view. Althouph several other pneumatic tyres nave undoubtedly eood qualities, th WinJet commnuiB own nt.vel and special advantages. The splendid results obtained arter exhaustive tests of those tyres are such that it is confidently anticipated they will have a highly remunerative future, and manufacturers will doubtless adopt thm even more largely than hitherto.

The following extracts from testimonials of experts will ffive some idea of their value Herbert Binns writes I consider it to be a really good thing. It is ry comfortable and fast tyre to ride. As regards repairing it is as easy to manipulate as anyone could wmh for. Arthur Jovce writes: "I consider it both sneedy and comfortable, and as to the ease of repair and facility of removing the case, it is the simplest I have seen." Johnson writes "The best on the market Its chafin" part, its corrugated surface, and mode of attachment, all tend to make the Tyre the most perfect and practical 1 have ever ridden." -T Harrison writes I am convinced that it has a great future before it." A Williamson writes "The method of attachment is uniqua in its simplicity My trail would lead me to say it is the fastest machine." Martin writes" It is without doubt a very fast tyre 1 could not imagine a tyre which would be easier to repair." Timberlake and Go, manufacturers, write Answer perfectly under all conditions." We cannot speak too highly of them." The rapidity of repair, in case of puncture absolutely eclipnes all other kinds of tyres." Con-side'rablv lighter than other Pneumatic Tyres in The Prospectus of the Pneumatic Tyre Company is about to be issued. The capital is fixed at 45,000, in 1 shares.

7s85 LONDON AIO-VEY MARKET. (FItOH OUE OWN CORRESPONDENT.) London, Tuesday Tiie continued ease in the Money Market was favourable to further strength being displayed in the different sections of the Stock Exchauge, where, although business was not particularly heavy, quotations generally closed at considerable improvements on tha day. In Government Funds, Consols for money and the account were each up 1-16, and Rupee Paper again improved, to-day'e risa beinir J. Silver metal was quoted 1-16 higher, at 37 15-16d per oz for bars, while the price for dollars was unaltered. In the Home Pvailway Market movements wer again higher, the principal dealings being in the Southern Deferred lines, though th heavies" were far from being neglected.

Great Western advanced Brighton Ordinary, Chatham Preference, Great Northern Consolidated, Pref erenee.Dof erred, and South Eastern, each South Eastern Ordinary, 1 and others from to with the exception of Great Eastern, which was the turn of th market lower. Internationals in the Foreign Market were good, and closed, in the majority of instances, irith a firm tendency. Greeks, however, were lower on rumours relative to the payment of the coupons, and also were affected by realisations. The '84 dropped 2, and Monopoly Four per Cent 2k points. Of the improvements those recorded in Egyptian and Turkish issues and Russian Four per Cent were the best, and ranged from i to South American descriptions, notwithstanding th advauce in gold premium, maintained yesterday's prioes.

The American Railway Market was to-day th centre ot attraction, and further recoveries in quotations were the rule. The upward movement was assisted by President Cleveland's remarks. The receipt of the opening prices from New York caused quotations here to ease slightly, but the closing rvaa firm in tone. Louisville finally advanced Illinois Central, Milwaukee and Lake Shore, each 1 Atchison Bonds, Denver Pre ference, and Wabash Preference, each to Northern Pacific Preference were on r.tie other hand exceptionally weak at a fall of J. In Canadian Railways, the Grand Trunk traffic returns show a total increase of 1,534 on the joint lines, which favourably affected the stocks, vtlie First Preference riamg the toecona Preference, the Third Preterence, and Guaranteed, Canadian Pacific were up Mexican Railways were weaker on th decrease of 1,000 in th weekly tiaffic; th Ordinary and First Preference, each and Second Preference, 1.

Business was slack in the Mining Market and the resultant changes were few. Among these may be noted Jubilee nwith a rise of Jumpers, and Rio Tinto Copper, 1-16. The variations in the Land and Exploration section were to higher figures, and improvements ranging from 1-16 to were recsreed. In Breweries, Allsopp Ordinary again moved upward, to-day's rise beine 3A- points, or a total rise since this day week of no less than PTi points. St Leuis Ordinary and Preference also wers up while Denver Ordinary lapsed City of Chicago Malting ad Denver Preference In Miscellaneous securities, reru oor-poratiou issues weakened, while Salt Union Ordinary rose i.

In Banks, Australian Banking Shares reeovered yesterday's de cline. In Government Funds, Consols for money rose 1-16. ditto account 1-16, and Rupee Paner In Colonial Governments, VictoriaFour and a Half per Cant rose J. In Home Railways. Brighton Ordinary rose 4.

ditto i Caledonian OonsoTidated ditto Deferred Chatham Ordinary ditto Preference Great Northern Prefer- ditto Deferred Great Western North Western Metropolitan District Midland i. North British Preference dhto Deferred North Eastern South Eastern 1. and ditto but Great Eastern fetti. 11. In Canadian Kauways, uanaaian x-hciuc rose Grand Trunk First Preference 1, ditto Second Preference 1, ditto Third Preference and ditto Guaranteed f.

In Foreign Railways, Mexican Second Preference fell 14, ditto First Preference ditto Ordinary and laomoaras it. In Foreign Stocks, Buenos Ayres 8b rose 2: Chilian '86. 1: EffTDtian Unified, do New Daira, do State Domain, Italian Five per Cent, 1-16; Russian Four per Cent, Turks 71. do Defence, do GroupIII, 1-16: do Group IT, and Venezuela, but Greek '84 fell do Monopoly, Mexican Internal, and Portuguese Three per Cent, i- In American Rails, Atchison rose do Five per Cent Bonds, Central Pacific, Milwaukee Ordinary, Denver Ordinary, do Preference, Erie Ordinary, Illinois Central, 1J; Lake Shore. Louisville, Ife; Missouri and Kansas, New York Central, New York, Pennsylvania, Mid" Ohiofiiat Mortgage, Ontario.

Ohio and Mississippi, Union Pacific, Wabash Praferenoe, said do Genera) Mortgage, but Northern Pacific Preference fell i. In Banks, Australasia rose Nw South Wales, and Imperial Ottoman, but London and Westminster fell and Tarapaca Bank, i In Telegraphs, Anglo-American Preference fell i. i In Mines, Jubilee rose Jumpers, aiid quart', Lonoon, mi wiwc Pv Lorn PlBBket, Protestant in. Ihe brule, who was given away whits satin dress, bridesmaids, of whom itB curded with white with Navy Uu. The Lauy Wulseley, and the Hon amount the Lady -rds held lai'Sc reception at Gros- l'C-3 rf Princess S'ary Ade- Teek Int White loilfe on the tiuriiett- Hist li till ILur-sday, wiien III1OT.4.

Cuitntess if Ashbumham, from Lisbon. wheMrthey the Ea'-l of Rose- Fore.i OiSwrwn Saturday. telegraphs that tlie V.n.o-ti im- the international i At ti'c Kniirtsy on Monday. -ii-i and thr. Prince V.

tlir rt la lioche-7 -iiiV-1! oiler I.oio clubs balong- mado for the Cantaiu General llery (luiiiininy, whicb he Simultaneously v.ilh his L.vii de Vesci will resign Colonel. his ,1 ill lie til the -arl uf Denbigh, who is now jtibifea was if tlie (lie leipzgers pro- oi'thi- in-iii June, 1693. Tin- pio- (.:. tile WOlk with Jlidl bec-u atiAJidtili-iu, ying opera. viiiii or diiii the fame of t'ii'Lii lialr a ventury U' Gazette is just iiinns: its season is 1 his yeat it wts an- i.iiE eai Diittciinoies, rL i.nitd i luo-iiien nuuiti iol- nc) did yea: when .,1.

itt in Mi men to ea. outtoimine: Son ers a kind of posy small a tlitv did so a wiien ourtlcar acion direct iruni l-ne tins Ltuuiou lias reoelied and 'Ihe 'UijUon'uole of the This is the iiuiieuzolletu aiiocialiua, it irs and aristocratic iwires ouv Cor- v.iis a very ,011 Cuuvch. Westminster. with palms and the occasion t'eicg uiajiiaje ite icftrs. e.a.y, uf Inaueiowe rarK, lid Lady Frances Speucel Churchill, tie uf rjian-ifoid and Daic of of Ulenheiiu and awe of Lord Kandolpb vp, 'il; Venice nas nUorai, and was i tii Ke Arthur Maiendie, MA.

Rector lai: doiocstic caiaplain to the 'vi-il'rocjb. Archdeaeon Fanat Ms.iden. A. bride wa3 tv h'-r 'ureiher. lie Duke of Marlborough, ''Z John acted as best rrr eiStil bridesmaids.

Tile ivedding c' na with mil court train, the 1- it b-in arriLiiitsi ivith bpraysoi real orange -as MtT was with aniassii'e 0 is: if; uf the Duke of her i earn; a diamond comb, necklace, and if. siei' oy the Marcliioness of rfurd at r.e-, Vj Lowndes square, 1 r.f:-::nieu. AKR1VALS AVD DEPARTURES, fjri 88i Coiiiftt-ss of Portarliugtoti have rq-ldMH fu: Enlana. S.iademsn lifts left Kingstown for has left Kitigbtown of Limerick bap aev. Bislio ,1.

Kennr, M.P., has left Kingstown tVwaeJ Dease lias left Kingstown for L'ai! lias Ici'i Kingstown for 1 Rivvton aad Miss a ior an-ivfd at. Kiugstown 1, Fri'liT-Secretary for aaii firm Knlaiui. itrrived fit Kiugstown ado: Marinde-a eel Kingstown uui rmeJ at Kingstown aivs H-U'Voy io.y itoiu iiuiand. arrived at loni Lngland. afived at Kings- i Ciievm arrived at Kingstown r.ia'aad.

Bauson iias returned to his per Uoyal Mail lie Kowari. Dr and lldiard Orpen, GE; Ma-fe: Kobe: ts and nurse; lie John Daly, L. Mis We.tropp Dawson, Ve-e. Bernard, Kletcher ih 51 ,1 Lindsay, O'Conuell Vevttt, Kirigsiw.n per Rtiya! Mail r.rackcn, Mr rai Kate Smith, If a iiard MissJenkinsDn, iy, Mi-sM Fry, Miss a.i, James Byrne, Rer I. in, fi Alder-', Gengsesan, Dr and Mrs i L-irrv.

Mta, A Bit Miss .1 1. A Auacisou, Myilyive, iliiss (ralbraitli, -Mis a Smith. Mr and a i I'ease. HavSd KrtSett, Jjibben, Coatbridge, A Wait Station by the pas- li V-re II ii Captain "2.

Mrs 1' Snrren.i Mrs liai' imi- lire Rnliinnin. 'i'. i jiiria-r. K.TGru'nli, Mm Haivkins, I'MlJli, WPfyOnn. oca Vo't'oiiiior, Dillon, Robert Miss Wvnne.

El. irnce, Mrs liruee, MissBnice, Mrs Stratford. Misi Stratford. Charles slrt Mi: wTiylor. Miss Tav lor.

from North Wall Slatimi hv thn Loin! aii-i North Western Compani-'s Kxpress pas- i -sot Pembertuu, Major Geo l.istoa. Xn Holt, Mrs H-H. Miss Snqrth, w-ey tsavafe. Thos Leslie, Hopkins, -Mis yherwvod, Thompson, Miss .1 Holland, Mrs Holland, imiiy, li iHumey. Mrs itooney.

a Dreiv, siiss Cassidy, Mis-s A Cassidy, a I'lit-i. 1, Iftoccu isridV.S Ma ail i.i.".!t Shortest sea passaze larne ue niiiowmg were iunuu V-N '''aei's duriii" the last few days Mr and inciji, IK, "ahadee; Miss dearie, Hob.iu: oi iiti. London: Grav Cowrtn. Mxjiia, tiu; ir Mi-tcnauirhten. Kusb- W'V' Gl-0v.

NV Macrobtrt. Stl (flHsgJw; John tntnmar; rco Forbes, Pari--. I'ublin: Tii'j-i! (ornii'l: Dnndnit Mrdn-I iJreuiMU, Alber: J)ixoi, iK-iKTjo," Derrv, Mrt, ard the Misses i-rAlGo-jfrey Clerk, hitabbey; L''Tldl-'1': Earchiv, tlo; Clement Mrsxnd Mtos Nichols, Leiier, A Saunders, Lon- HD Barton, The Bush. Aniriiii; DHamil- iiUSIC IX THE OPEN. 'oM1'1'" Cherts and Officers, the wiiuira laiT.D fiiiajiiTV East Pier this evening, from 7 30 to Mr John Campbell.

IwnT.BttowK Cod Livir fiSV? I5 Scacy is ur.eo,ual)ed. Sir CJ Physician to the Westtuiastei l.itr'rVI.' Tae value of L)r de JooEb'v Cod "rrOi! ltue or or fle Jongos cod flv rf cP'-utic agent a number of aiseases, t'-'thi i diraacr. has been atlmitted a but, in addition, I havefound Mectio. er-i: io the treatment of many 'otoat and Larynx, escociallv in Con- lot latter, where it will -aci eke fails." Sold oslv ii, ransiilirl imiu-rixl 'pints, OU Pint. 0.1 o.

kit en. i.u Hih Kolborn. tl) fee s-iv. vF v'urr! ana tfce bowels stmsth-to9 Catte: Little Liver Pills in "tliliirtr" cbeiwt. is ijd.

iUustra el SCI 1,000 To, Yds. Yds. 121 113 239 313 120 235 115 118 233 112 114 226 115 ICS 224 115 107 222: 109 111 223 111 103 219 102 115 217 110 107 217 1C7 108 215 106 105 212 101 101 202 110 90 26(1 90 109 199 102 90 192 B7 100 187 81 93 174 NEW VORK PRODUCE MARKET. (OALZIEL'S cablegram). New York, Tuesday Wheat opened at an advance ef 5JC.

The rise was sustained, and the market closed steady at the top. Foreign buyiug, unfavourable crop advices from Kansas, and the better feeling at Chicago ware the factors which induced good Cobx advanced the market closing steady. The rise was dua to the lighter interior movement. Oat3 also advanced ge in sympathy with corn, closing steady. Shorts covered.

Ploce was very active on the large sales and the excellent hom*o demand. The close was firm. Stjgar was very firm on tlie good demand. Refined closed strong. Petroleum was neglected.

Freights ruled stronger. Lartj was slightly higher. The close wss steady. Tallow was steady, closing quiet oa the small export demand at 54c. TnitPisNTJNa was qniet, buyers holding off.

The close was quiet at 2Eg to 29J. Coffee opened easy, 5 to 210 points down, owing to poor Havre and Hamburg advices. The close was firm, but at th net declins of from 5 to 15 points local traders were rather buyers, Coffee on the spot was rather quiet at from 17c to 17ic. Ten thousand bags were sold to-day on the basis of 17e for 6evens. CHICAGO PROBUCE MARKET.

(DALZIEL'S CABLEGRAM. 1 Chicago, Tsaesday. Wheat advanced lc, the market closing steady at about the top. The tone showed an improvement throughout, with the exception of a few minutes after the publication af a correction in the visible supply figures, making the increase a million bushels. Bears covered heavily, and some are now operating.

On the bull side there has been a noticeable cessation of disquieting rumours. For to-morrow receipts are estimated at 50 car loads. Coas rose J-c, and closed at the highest. The advance was duo to th decrease in receipts and to shorts covering. To-morrow's receipts are estimated at 300 ear loads.

Oats advancsd closing steady. T-morrow's receipts are estimated at 250 car loads. Pork advanced 40 points on shorts covering, then reacted 40, the market closing dull. Trading was light. Lard ruled dull.

Quotations rose 22 points, Tho close was steady. Ribs advanced 274 points, tb.8 close being firm. Hogs Recaints have been moderate. Tomorrow's receipts at Chicago are estimated at 15,000 head. Bacon closed firm on the expected small receipts for the remamdar of the week.

Wheat This day July, 67J; September, 71. Previous day June, 64f; July, 664 September, 70-. Maize This day June, 37J; July, 39 Ansust; 40 September, 41 J. Previous day June. 37; July, 38 August, 39g September, 40.

Oats This day June, 17; July, 27g. Pre-vious day June, 27; July, 27J. Lard This day June, 9'80; July, IG'74; September, 10'574. Previous day June, 9 70; July, 9'95; September, 10 35. Ribs This day Juiy, 9-42J; September, 9.67Jj.

Previous oiay July, 9 20; September, 9'40. Pork This day Jnly, 20'20; September, 20-70. Previous day July, 20'20; September, 20-70. Receipts Hogs, Western Towns, Chicago, 21,000. Hogs, light, 6-50 to 6-85; heavy, 6 60 to 6 85.

Bacon Short ribs, 9 35; clear middles, 9'60. The "Medical Auuual advised practitioners to remember that when tecomraending Cocoa as a food and beverage for invalids the name ol Cadbury on any package of cocoa is a guarantee of purity. Advt. Danville's Old Irish Whiskey is recommended by the medical profession in preference to French Brandy They hold the Largest Stock of Whiskey in tbo World. Supplied in casks ami cases for home use and exportation.

Quotations on appSicaton to Duuville aud Co, tii.iid. Royal Irish Distilleries. Belfast. S005 AGinly Major Fenton Captain Joynt Smith Caldwell WgT BraithwSte Lieutenant Lauuer Thynne Henry Morgan FCCooper wbitestone Dunlop Hamilton Quinn KILLINBY AND BALLYBRACK TOWNSHIP. A special meeting of the Commissioners was held on Monday niglit for the purpose of considering notice of motion in favour of the Intoxicating Liquors (Ireland) Bill now befora the House of Lords.

Present Captain Stewart. chairman; Messrs G- co*ckbura, Field, Henry Wigham, Wm Brawler, Chaytor, Rambaut, Henry Crosbie Goff. On the motion io! the chairman, seconded by Mr White, a resolution was adopted in favour of thefeill, which, if passed would in the opinion of the commissioners be of great benefit to the township by diminishing drunkenness and disorder, and they, therefore, earnestly desire that the House of Lords would see it right to pass the said Intoxicating Liquors (Ireland) Bill into law in its entirety." A copy of this resolution to be forwarded to such noblo lords as ara known te be interested in the question. A petition from the board for presentation totb.9 House af Lords was also sealed aud signed. FISHERY INQUIRY IN BANDOS.

Bandon, Tuesday. Messrs Alan Horcsby (in the chair) and Cecil Roche, two of Inspectors ot Fisheries, bold an inquiry this day, in the courthouse, Bandon, into an application made by the Local Conservators of Fisheries to have a bye-law made prohibiting a mischievous practice alleged to aav been carried on for gome years on the Bandon river by gangs of men throwing large stones for the purpose of scanns? the fish into the shallow waters and afterwar Ja gaffing them. Mr Francis Fitzmaunce, solicitorappeared on behalf of the Conservators and Jmined a number of witnesses support of application. It was proved that tha bv ganos of persons armed with stones, dogs, and and that having chased the into the shallow VfJ nofoSy seriously destructive to the nver but r- iTi tha leal fishermen, sema ot detrmrenl to tee iei whom said that it 11 wf After Tflnector8 statad SSLSrSS abye-law prohibiting the practice csmplained of. A NEW DEPARTURE IN THE TRADE.

LIMITED, will epen their Dublin oo 14 College green, to-morrow, xnnrsoay, Branch Hoasvw AU one mice. Stockof Best Fur Hats. All cue pne Hundreds of shapes to sclecCIrom, -with an 3s 90. Hundreds Si-fl. JJ-Al-i'f 56 5S 5 'I'aaites Kxeeutioaal amount at special price, Ymtriv Ouarter'y.

Half-yearly diridend to 30th one, 1892. l-'ree Stamp lary. Same da's- 14th June and 2Sth June, Aecoutit days June and 29th June. Stock Exchange will bo dosed on Saturdays durnsstn months of June and July THE TUBNKR PNEUMATIC TYRE LIMITED. meA Ji Cempany that 'iiv have received orders for nearly 2,000 li'res.


The Freeman's Journal and National Press from Dublin, Dublin, Ireland (2024)


What is the most read paper in Ireland? ›

What Is the Most Popular Newspaper in Ireland?
  • The Irish Independent. Ireland's highest circulation daily newspaper, covering a wide range of news, including sports, business, and lifestyle. ...
  • The Irish Times. ...
  • The Evening Herald. ...
  • The Irish News. ...
  • The Irish Examiner. ...
  • The Sunday World. ...
  • The Sunday Independent. ...
  • The Irish Daily Star.

What is the history of the Freemans Journal? ›

The Freeman's Journal was established in 1763 and ran continuously till 1924 when it was absorbed into the Irish Independent. The Freeman's Journal ran for 166 years and is an incredible resource for social, political and historical studies offering insight into Ireland's great historical past.

What is the most read paper in the world? ›

Top newspapers by circulation
1The New York TimesUSA
2The Yomiuri ShimbunJapan
3The Asahi ShimbunJapan
16 more rows

What is the most famous manuscript in Ireland? ›

The Book of Kells (c. 800) is an illuminated manuscript of the four gospels of the Christian New Testament, currently housed at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. The work is the most famous of the medieval illuminated manuscripts for the intricacy, detail, and majesty of the illustrations.

What is the Irish quality newspaper? ›

The Irish Times has delivered top quality news, opinion and analysis since it was first published in 1859.

What is the most popular paper? ›

Top 10 U.S. Newspapers by Circulation
  1. The Wall Street Journal. ...
  2. The New York Times. ...
  3. USA Today. ...
  4. The Washington Post. ...
  5. Los Angeles Times. ...
  6. New York Post. ...
  7. Tampa Bay Times. ...
  8. Chicago Tribune.

What is Irish paper 1? ›

Leaving Cert Irish: Paper 1

Paper 1 focuses on assessing your comprehension and language skills. This paper comprises two sections: An Chluastuiscint (listening exam) and a composition Section with a choice of an essay, a story, a newspaper article or a debate/speech.

What is the biggest note in Ireland? ›

Issuance of Banknotes

Having an adequate supply of quality cash in the economy as part of an effective payments system, protects the best interests of consumers. There are seven different denominations of euro banknotes: €5, €10, €20, €50, €100, €200 and €500.


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Article information

Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Views: 6702

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (64 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.