Cache American from Logan, Utah (2024)

on iU 1 '( i' i with oGiics QJl'Xrll' -f V.V 4 1 uni a Wi S1.50 IV V'ar A HOME RARER FOR HOME IKORLE 02 West Center Telephone 700 Thirteenth Year No. 50 Logan, Utah, Tuesday, May 1(5, 1911 i Three Cache High Schools List Graduates; Announce Commencement Exercises nl SOUTH CACHE 'NORTH CACHE 1 LOGAN HIGH I --v 9 i r. 'V 'Facing the Problem of Peace in a Post War will be the theme of North Cache high school graduation exercises to be conducted Friday at 8 p. m. in the Benson tabernacle at Richmond.

Principal C. Stoddard announced today. The theme will be developed by six honor students, who will give snort talks on various topics derived from the main Idea. They are Richard Pond, who will give the introduction and read continuity. Rouena Reeder, Marjorie Weeks, LaMar Nelson, Richard Perkins, end Hazel Larkin.

Musical numbers will be presented by Wendell Hansen, the girl's chorus. Marva Lu Hillyard, Justin Webb and the male glee club. Invocation will be offered by Ralph Clark, student body president, and the benediction by Geraldine Alvey. Dan Stoddard will lead the graduating class in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. 'Principal Stoddard will present the uates and a member of the board of education will present the diplomas.

A dance In the North Cache gym will follow the exercises. Graduates are: Clair Allen, Jann Anderson, Martha Anderson, Geraldine Bertha Alvey, Marcella Balls, Joye Bam-brough, Betty Marie Bemhisel, George Leon Beutler, Donne Bingham, Ronald Niel Bingham, Clarice Bodily, Dean W. Boman, Alice Buxton, Amy Bybee, Aileen Christiansen, Barbara Christensen, Co-leen Christensen, Ralph T. Clark, Auralia Done, Fern Elwood, Leona Erickson, Margaret Fackrell, Rulon Falslev, Paula Fickes, Loila Rae Funk, Norman Gittins, Ross God-deridge, Blaine B. Godfrey, Elizabeth Godfrey, Jesse William Godfrey, Martha Grant, Morris R.

Griffin. Renee Griffin, Asael Ben Griffiths, Dean C. Hall, Clarice Hemp, Wiida Claire Hancey, Lois Hancey, Betty Louise Hansen, Florence Hansen, Phyllis Shirley Hansen, Robert Leslie Hansen, Ruth Hansen, Thea Hansen, Sadie Belle Harris, Lorraine Hillyard, Marva Lu Hillyard, Madge Marie Hogan, Norris Hyde, Vorris Rosal Hyde, Wendell L. Hyer, Leo Dean Hymas, Blain Lavon Jenkins, George Edwin Jensen, Harold Keith Johnson, Rallo Ray Johnson, Hazel KearL Yuriko Kobayashl, Chris John Lambrose, Garth S. Larsen, Hazel Marie Larkin, Ned Robert Law, Jack Eldon Leavitt, -Eunice Litz, Bonna Dean Lowe, aura Louise McCarrey, Ked-(Continued on pae Five) Dr.

Adam S. Bennlon. personal director of the Utah Tower and Light company in Salt Lake city will deliver the address to graduates of the Logan semor high school at commencement exercise to be conducted Friday in the Logan tabernacle, Principal George S. Bates announced today. Representing the graduating class will be Mary Jean Sorensen.

daughter of professor and Mrs. A. N. Sorensen and Willard Gardner, sen of Dr. and Mrs.

Willard Gardner. Other members on the program will Include the entry march by the high school orchestra directed by A. T. Henson; Invocation, Dorothy Crookston, salutatory by Marilyn Carter, student body president; music by the Acapella choir, by a string quartet composed of Ines Blndrup, Joyce Tate, Edith Fletcher and Ja Nell Hyde; song, Our Alma Mater," graduates and orchestra, and benediction, Reid Izatt Principal Bates will present tha graduates and N. D.

Salisbury, president of the board of education. will present the diplomas. The annual graduation ball will be held Thursday evening In the school gymnasium, instead of after the exercises. The graduates are: Henrietta Adams. Myrtle Aebis-cher, Frank Akiyama, Emma El.

len Alder, Joyce Allen. Lu Dean Allen, Ora Allen, Keith H. Anderson, Max James Austin, David P. Barker, La Vere Barker, Joyce Emma Barrett, Margaret Bateman, Francis H. Baugh, Dean Baxter, Douglas Bench, Elinor Jean Bennett, Margene Bemtson, Donald G.

Bickmore, Bonna Bingham, Colleen Bingham. Millie Lou Bird, Joyce Blazzard, Wesley H. Blood, Jack D. Bowen, Thead N. Call, Don S.

Campbell, Pauline Cardon, (Continued on Page Four) MORE DRIVE HEADS NAMED Additional appointments of personnel to conduct the Fifth war loan drive in Cache county, were announced today by Adrian W. Hatch, drive chairman, who is completing his organization in anticipation of the drive next month. J. W. Kirkbride, superintendent of Cache county schools, was named chairman of the northern district of the county, with H.

R. Hurren, member of the executive committee as adviser. William Lohman, prominent Logan civic worker and insurance salesman, will direct the drive in Logan city, with Russell S. Hanson, cashier of the First National Bank as adviser from the executive committee. 0.

W. Edwards, manager of the Edwards Furniture company and chairman of the retail merchants committee of the Logan chamber of commerce, will be in charge of the special events and Marion L- Nielsen, assistant professor of languages at Utah State Agricultural college, will be in charge of publicity. Division chairmen and members of the executive committee will meet Wednesday to discuss the preliminary organization for the drive and on Monday, May 22 the same group will attend a state conference of Utah War Finance committee in Salt Lake city. At this meeting plans and allocation will be set up for the various counties, Mr. Hatch reported.

Dr. Juhn C. Carlisle, assistant i to the president at Utah State Agrl.ullural college, will deliver the address to graduates at thej twenty-ninth annual conmcnce-j merit exercises of the South Cache high school to be held May 21 at 8 p. in. in the school! auditorium, H.

R. Ad- a ms announced today. Gordon Theurer of Providence, Ilenc Bickmore of Paradise and Ramona Petersen, Hyrum. will re-j present the graduating class with valedictory addresses. J.W.

Kirk-1 bride, superintendent of Cache county schools will crept the graduates and E. M. Bickmore, vice president of the board, will present the diplomas. Other numbers on the program i will include music tire school choir and rochestra, directed by Professor W. H.

Terry; a comet! duet by Wilma Abrams and Kenneth Palmer; flute solo, Margene: Nielsen, and gils' trio number III Rae Clark. Lianc Maughan and Lorraine Bankhead. Invocation will be given by Dorene Wyatt and benediction by Claud (Continued on page Eight) Accident Fatal To Cache Man Funeral services are being arranged in Lewiston for Reed L. Hendricks, 22, who died Monday at 1 a. m.

In a Brigham City hospital of injuries sustained early Saturday morning in Brigham City. Mr. Hendricks, who apparently went to sleep while driving his car along main street In Brigham City, suffered a crushed chest, fractured leg, severe lacerattions below the collarbone and multiple cuts and bruises. His automobile Jumped the curb at Fourth South and Main and crashed into a large tree. A lifelong resident of Lewiston, he was bom October 18, 1921, a son of Thomas A and Inez L.

Cardon. Five years agq he married Nada Cardon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cardon of Benson. They made their home in Lewiston, where Mr.

Hendricks operated a farm. Survivors include his parents, his widow, one daughter, Diane, two brothers and one sister: Scott Hendricks, serving with the U. 8. armed forces; Bob Hendricks, Lewiston, and Mrs. Irene H.

Reese, Inkom, Idaho. Draftees Listed By Local Board Thirty four Cache county men and three transfers have left Logan during the past few days for the Fort Douglas reception center in Salt Lake city, where they were inducted into the armed services. Twenty four of the group entered the navy and 12 went into the army. The inductees were listed today by Arthur M. Turner, clerk of the local selective service board, as follows: LOGAN Lewis William Darby, Gerald Mathews Hanks, Rex DeCon Goodwin, Leon Christian Larsen, Burnhardt Del Mont Olsen, Paul Abrahams Kowallis, Gail Horne and Joseph Earl Price, navy.

LEWISTON George Earl Dent, Don Edward Jamison, army; Howard B. McGee, Ted Buttars, Roland Jay Hodges, navy. HYRUM Keith Jorgensen Wright, army; Edgar I. Allred, navy. RICHMOND Roy Ariel Sorenson, army; Ray Lawrence Talbot, navy.

MENDON Mervyn John Willie, army. LOGAN RFD Jack Junior King, Albert Leo Krebs, John Merlin Swenson, Russell Voy Mauchley, Lynn Verl Nielsen, Floyd Shaw Yeates, navy; Darrell Schenk, army. PARADISE Monta Lee Hug-hart, army. SM3THFIELD Otto Porter, navy. HYDE PARK Waldo Golden Cook, navy.

PROVIDENCE Aaron Lex Baer, Kay Campbell Alder, Boyd Albert Chugg, navy. NEWTON Perry La Mar Nebeker, navy. WELLSVILLE Frant Purcer Leishman, Clair Napper Price, navy. TRANSFERS Edward Burnham Scholes, Hailey, Idaho, navy; Philip Justin Graham, Kemmer-er, Doyle Farist Cazier, St Anthony, Idaho, army. V-f f' 1-, Vl; r.

"TllU i AV 7 I I -i his home until 1925, where he operated a large farm. At that time he served for several years as president of the Cache county farm bureau and was state agricultural inspector for two years. He also was instructor in geology at USAC for a short time. Active throughout his life in civic affairs. Mr.

Parker was a (Continued on page Eight) Horseback Ride Set Wednesday The first organized horseback ride, sponsored Jointly by the Cache Canter club and the canyon trails committee of the Logan chamber of commerce, will be held Wednesday, beginning at 9 a. J. L. Montrose, chairman of the chamber of commerce committee, announced today. Riders should meet at Preston valley in Logan canyon and will return by way of the Preston Valley-Zanavoo trail, he said.

Trailers are necessary to take horses to the valley. T. Earl Hunsaker Heads Legion Sergeant T. Earl Hunsaker, controlling officer for the Utah Highway patrol in Cache, Rich and Box Elder counties, was elected commander of the Logan Post No. 7, American Legion at the annual meeting Friday night, Frank Neuberger, retiring commander, announced Saturday.

Sergeant Hunsaker, former commander of the Cache Valley Post, Veterans of Foreign wars, spent 23 months overseas during World War I. He received the purple heart for wounds received in action in Russia. Recognized as a leading authority on traffic safety in the state, he also is active in civic service and was first coordinatory and on ganizer of the Cache county civilian defense corps. Other new officers, who will be installed in June, are William 0. Pedersen, first vice commander; Guy N.

Cardon, second vice commander; Willis Lamb, chaplain; 1. W. Evans and Lee Smith, sergeants at rms! J. J. Edwards, Henry B.

Johnson, D. V. Hess, Perce Smith, Joseph Morgan, Jo. seph Mouritzen, E. H.

Elliott and Mr. Neuberger are members of the executive committee. General Frank T. Hines to Address US AC Graduates at Fifty-first Commencement Brigadier General Frank- T. H'ines, director of the United States Veterans Bureau and holder of an honorary degree from Utah State Agricultural college, will deliver the address to graduates at the fifty-first annual A commencement exercises Saturday, June 3, Dr.

E. G. Peterson, college president, has announced. Full details of commencement week activities will be announced later by college officials. George Albert Smith, president of the council of Twelve Apostles, will deliver the baccalaureate sermon on Sunday, June 4.

General Hines was a student at the college in 1890 when he withdrew to enlist for services in the Snanish-American war. He rose from rank of Sergeant to Captain by 1908. He had a brilliant military career in World ar becoming a full Colonel in 1917 and three years later attained the rank of Brigadier General, a rank he held until he resigned to become associate director of the veterans bureau. In 1923 he was appointed director of the veteran's bureau. His most recent problem has been the rehabilitation of more than 500,000 persons already discharged from the armed forces in this war because of Continuing his work, he will direct retraining and re-employment procedures of men and women as they leave the armed services and war industries Holder of many honorary educational and military awards, he received an L.L.D.

degree from A in June, 1919; and the same degree from Lincoln Memorial university, Harrogate, Ten nessee in 1927; and was recommended or the Medal of Honor for distinguished service in action in the Spanish-American war on the night of July 31-August 1, 1898. The Distinguished Service medal came from the war and navy "for especially meritorious service as chief of embarkation service in organizing and administering that service during World War I. Additional honors were the Order of the Bath (British); Order de Leopold (Belgian); Officer Legion of Honor (French); and the War Cross (Czechoslovakian). The commencement speaker will arrive in Salt Lake City on June 2, 9.30 a. and will address graduates the following day.

Funeral Services Being Arranged for Prominent Cache Valley Resident Scout Fund Drive Slated L. L. Roberts, executive of the Tendoy Council, Boy Scouts of America with headquarters in Pocatello, Idaho will be guest speaker at a kickoff dinner tonight at 7:30 p. m. in the Bluebird that will launch the Cache Valley Council finance drive, N.

D. Salisbury, drive chairman, announced today. Mr. Roberts, who is a native of Logan, served from 1930 to 1936 as field executive of the Salt Lake council and then was transferred to Pocatello where he accepted the post as Tendoy Council executive. Mr.

Salisbury reported that the budget has been increased from $9600 last year to $14,090 this year, but the increase is due mainly to addition of a field man for the Wyoming areas of the council. Most of the increase will be raised by that area, he explained. Key men to direct the drive, have been seletced as follows: F. P. Champ, vice chairman; Rex M.

Ingersoll, public relations; O. Guy Cardon and Adrian Hatch utilities and corporations; J. W. Kirkbride, public institutions; David A. Burgoyne and Professor Evan B.

Murray, Utah State Agricultural college. W. W. Lundberg and John H. Moser, Logan business district and professional men; H.

R. Hurren, Cache county towns; Willard Paulsen, in charge of the Logan area outside of the business district; Peter D. Rosendale, Wyoming area. Dr. A.

R. Cutler, Preston and Franklin county, to be assisted by Homer Johnson, T. R. Bow-den and R. R.

Rowell. Funeral services are being arranged today for Harry C. Parker, 63, superintendent of buildings and grounds at Utah State Agricultural college and prominent in Utah civic and engineering affairs, who died Monday at 7 p. m. in a local hospital following a long illness.

Mr. Parker, a native of Wells-ville, had supervised maintenance and construction of buildings at USAC since 1938, and prior to that time had been instrumental in construction of the Hyrum reservoir. He was born February 15, 1881 in Wellsville, a son of Heber Thomas and Sarah Ann Cooper Parker. He lived his early life in that community and later graduated from the old Utah Agricultural college high school in Logan. He received a bachelor of science degree in mining engineering from Harvard university in 1904.

Mr. Parker was employed as a mining engineer in Nevada between 1907 and 1915, and then moved back to Wellsville to make.

Cache American from Logan, Utah (2024)


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Name: Jerrold Considine

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