This Day, May 9, in Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)

May 9

1457BCE: In the 15th century BCE, Battle of Megiddo between Thutmose IIIand a large Canaanite coalition under the King of Kadesh. The victory ofThutmose extended the orbit of Egyptian influence into Canaan and Syria whichmight help explain some of the events described in the last chapters of Genesisand the opening portion of Exodus.According to one source, the Exodus took place in 1456 which would notbe consistent with the information surrounding the battle. Other sources indicatethat Joshua and the Israelites crossed the Jordan around 1200 BCE. Based on archeological evidence, Megiddo wasa site of military importance during the time of King Solomon and he kept achariot force stationed there. TheJudeans lost a battle with the Egyptians in 609 BCE and the British scored asignificant victory over the Turks at the same site in 1918. Fighting atMegiddo would play a significant role during the War of Independence as bothsides sought to control the Jezreel Valley. It is the first battle to have beenrecorded in what is accepted as relatively reliable detail. Accordingto Christian doctrine, there is supposed to be a battle between the forces ofgood and evil in th end of days. Thebattle is known as Armageddon which is Greek form of the Hebrew Har-Megiddo (Mtof Megiddo).

1222:The Synod of Oxford, which enacted “harsh anti-Jewish laws” that meant that “"socialrelations between Jews and Christians were blocked; church tithes were leviedagainst Jews, and English Jews were forced to wear an identifying badge” while constructionof new synagogues was also prevented” was held today at Osney Abbey.

1224:Innocent IV issued “Impia Judoerum Perfidia,” a papal bull that ordered theFrench King to brun the Talmud and forbade Jews from employing Christiannurses.

1317:In his will dated today, the infanteDon Pedro, ordered that Judah Abravanel be paid: (1) 15,000 maravedis for clothes delivered; (2)30,000 maravedis as part of apersonal debt, at the same time requesting Judah to release him from paying therest. Judah had been in great favor with King Alfonso the Wise, with whom heonce had a conversation regarding Judaism.

1408:Gabriele Condulmer, who as Pope Eugene IV “would decree and order that from nowon, and for all time, Christians shall not eat or drink with the Jews, noradmit them to feasts, nor cohabit with them, nor bathe with them. […]They cannot live among Christians, but in a certain street, separated andsegregated from Christians, and outside which they cannot under any pretexthave houses” was elevated to the position of Cardinal1457 BCE: In the 15thcentury BCE, Battle of Megiddo between Thutmose III and a large Canaanitecoalition under the King of Kadesh. The victory of Thutmose extended the orbitof Egyptian influence into Canaan and Syria which might help explain some ofthe events described in the last chapters of Genesis and the opening portion ofExodus. According to one source, theExodus took place in 1456 which would not be consistent with the informationsurrounding the battle. Other sources indicate that Joshua and the Israelitescrossed the Jordan around 1200 BCE.Based on archeological evidence, Megiddo was a site of militaryimportance during the time of King Solomon and he kept a chariot forcestationed there. The Judeans lost abattle with the Egyptians in 609 BCE and the British scored a significantvictory over the Turks at the same site in 1918. Fighting at Megiddo would playa significant role during the War of Independence as both sides sought tocontrol the Jezreel Valley. It is the first battle to have been recorded inwhat is accepted as relatively reliable detail. According to Christiandoctrine, there is supposed to be a battle between the forces of good and evilin th end of days. The battle is knownas Armageddon which is Greek form of the Hebrew Har-Megiddo (Mt of Megiddo).

1664:In Lemberg and Cracow, Poland, anti-Jewish riots by students and peasantsresulted in damages and death in both communities. In Lemberg, the cantor waskilled during when the synagogue was attacked.

1712:In Berlin, the cornerstone of the first public synagogue was laid inHeiderentergasse.

1775:Birthdate of Moses Philippson the Jewish writer, teacher, translator andpublisher who was related to 16th century Rabbi Joshua ben JosephHoseschel and who taught at the Jewish School in Dessau.

1775:David Salisbury Franks was released after having been under arrest for six dayson charges of having spoken “disrespectfully” about King George III. Franks,who was living in Montreal at the time, became such an ardent supporter of theAmerican Revolution that he joined the Continental Army.

1778(12thof Iyar): Chasidic Rabbi Samuel Shmelke Horowitz, author of Divrei Shmuel,passed away today.

1788(2ndof Iyar): Rabbi Menahem Mendel of Vitebsk, autheo of “Peri Ha-Aretz,” passedaway

1798:Napoleon Bonaparte arrived at Toulon as the French prepared for a militarycampaign that would take them Jaffa, Acre and a promise by the French leader torestore the Jews to a state in Palestine.

1800(14thof Iyar, 5560): Pesach Sheni

1800:Birthdate of Justus Olshuasen, the German philologist who published a textbookon the Hebrew Language in 1861 and Emendation of the Old Testament.

1800:Birthdate of abolitionist John Brown, best known for his seizure of Harper’sFerry. However, he had played an activerole in the fighting between slave owners and free soilers in Kansas during1850’s. When he led the raid onPottawatomie, Kansas, he was joined by three Jews – August Bondi, JacobBenjamin and Theodore Weiner.

1804:In Amsterdam, Rachel Cornelia Bernard and Abraham Levy who were married in 1799gave birth Jacob Abraham Levy, the future resident of Richmond, VA who marriedMartha Ezekiel in 1828 ater which they gave birth to 11 children.

1805(10thof Iyar, 5565): Sixty-six year old Boston businessman Moses Michael Hays, theNew York born son of Dutch Jewish immigrants Judah Hays and Rebecca Michaels,husband of Rachel Myers and brother-in-law to New York silversmith Myer Myersand Rabbi Isaac de Abraham Touro who was a supporter of the American Revolutionand founder of the Massachusetts Bank which survives today as the Bank ofAmerica passed away today at which he was “at The Colonial Burying Ground inNewport.”

1809:Birthdate of Middlesex native Ralph Disraeli.

1812:Birthdate of Egyptian-born Indian civil servant, Henry Edward Goldsmid who “enteredthe service of the East India Company in 1832, and three years later becameassistant revenue commissioner for Bombay.”

1817(23rdof Iyar, 5577): Three-year-old Frances Henrietta Hendricks, the New York borndaughter of copper manufacturer Harmon Hendricks and Frances Isaacs who was thegranddaughter of Joshua and Brandly Isaacs and Uriah Hendricks, “one of the 23Jewish immigrants who founded Congregation Shearith Israel.

1819:Birthdateof Wallerstein, Bavaria, native and pioneer in reform Jewish liturgical musicLeon Sternberger who in 1849 came to New York where he began a cantorial careerthat took him from Anshe Chesed to the Norfolk Street synagogue, to AdathJeshurun to Congregation Beth El where he remained until his retirement.

1822(18thof Iyar, 5582): Lag B’Omer

1822(18thof Iyar, 5582): Seventy-six-year-old Bavarian born Jacob Naphtali Hart, thehusband of Lean Nathan passed away today in New York City.

1823(28thof Iyar, 5583): Thirteen-year-old Justina Brandly Hendricks, the daughter ofcopper manufacturer Harmon Hendricks and his wife the former Frances Isaacs andthe granddaughter of Uriah Hendricks, one of the founders of CongregationSheartih Israel passed away today in New York after which she was buried in theThird Cemetery of Congregation Searirth Israel.

1824:In Sejny, Poland, R' Moses Bacharach and Sheina Bacharach gave birth to Jacobben Moses Bachrach, the “grammarian and rabbi” who was the husband of RevaBachrach.

1828:Birthdate of Somerville, OH and Jefferson Medical College trained physicianLevi Cooper Lane

1834:In London, England, Philip Philips and his wife gave birth to Cleveland, OHeducated Morris Phillips, “the father of society news” in the United States who“was the author of several books among them Home Abroad and the fatherof Frederick Phillips, an associate editor of Town and Country.

1837:In Philadelphia, PA, Julia Levy and Joseph Lyons Moss gave birth to Frank Moss,the husband of Annie Bathurst Harrison.

1837:Elisa Morpurgo (Parente) and Giuseppe / Joseph Baron von Morpurgo gave birth toEmilio Isacco Baron de Morpurgo

1838(14tfIyar, 5598): Pesach Sheini

1840(6thof Iyar, 5600): Parashat Kedoshim

1840(6th of Iyar, 5600): Twenty-eight-year-old Elieser Elieser Duelken,the Deutz born son of Markus Duelken and Beile Sibilla Duelken passed awaytoday.

1841(18thof Iyar, 5601): Lag B’Omer

1841:Leon Lewis Isaacs married Fanny Abrahams at the Great Synagogue today.

1841:In Charleston, SC, Rabbi Pozhanski officiated at the wedding of Judah Bensadonand Leah Hyams.

1849:In London, Rabbi Moses Henry Myers, the London born son of Rabbi Henry HenochMyers and his wife Sarah H. Myers gave birth to Victor Myers

1850:In Albany, NY, “Dr. Joseph Lewi and Bertha Schwarz” gave birth to “IsidorLewi,” an “editorial writer for the NewYork Tribune” and publisher of the NewEra Illustrated Magazine.

1852:As a sign of Christian determination to gain Jewish converts, Reverend WilliamRamsay is scheduled to deliver the annual sermon before the American Societyfor the Meliorating the Condition of the Jews in New York City.

1855:The new building for the Jews Hospital in New York, located on 28thStreet between 7th and 8th Avenues, has beencompleted. The building, which cost$35,000 is four stories high and has room for 150 patients. Dedication ceremonies are scheduled for May17.

1856:An “English gossiper” described a meeting with Sir Lionel Goldsmid, Lord MayorSalomons and Sir Moses Montefiore in an article entitled “Three Great Jews”published today.

1858:In Lafayette, IN, Moses and Sophia Neumann Amberg gave birth to HenriettaAmberg Born, the wife of Bernhardt “Ben” Born.

1859:One day after she had passed a way, Catherin Jacobs, the wife of Isaac Jacobswith whom she had had six children was buried toda at the “Halfway(Queensborough) Jewish Cemetery.”

1863(20thof Iyar, 5623): Parashat Emor

1863:In Paris, Lazar Schorstein, the Vienna born son of Yithak Schorstein and his wife Clara Schorstein gave birth toGustave Isidor Schorstein

1863(20thof Iyar, 5623: On Shabbat, during the Civil War, Lieutenant L.S. Lipman diedwhile serving with the 5th Louisiana.

1864(3rdof Iyar, 5624): Lieutenant W.M. Wolf died while serving with Hagood’s S.C.Brigade.

1864:John Engel, a native of Maryland who had been working as a clerk in MecklenburgCounty (NC) enlisted in the Confederate Army today.

1864:Walter Goodman arrived in Cuba where he worked as an artist and paintingtheatrical sets and journalist writing articles and letters to the New YorkHerald, using the nom de plume el Caballero Inglese.

1865:In Memphis, TN, Marx and Rosa (Meyer) Levi gave birth to St. Louis realtor,financial agent, and grocer Joseph M. Levi, the usband of Evelyn Eiseman withwhom he had two children – Doris and Joseph.

1865:At Nashville, TN, Union Brigadier General Frederick Knefler led the 79thIndiana Infantry Brigade in final review of the army under the command ofGeneral George Thomas. Following the review, Knefler, one of the highest-rankingJewish officers to serve in the U.S. Army during the Civil War, took his troopsback to Indianapolis where they were mustered out of service.

1868:The city of Reno, Nevada, is founded. Jews have been part of the Reno communitysince the founding of the city.According to the history prepared by Temple Emanu-El “One of the firstJewish organizations was the "Reno Hebrew Benevolent Society"established in 1879. The Society's purpose was to secure a piece of land for acemetery, assist sick members and, in case of death, provide for a decentinternment. The initial membership fee was $2.50 with a monthly membershippayment of fifty cents.’ For more about the history of the Jews in Reno see Jewsin Nevada: A History by John Marschall.

1871:Lipman Emanuel “Lip” Pike played in his first major league baseball game as amember of the Troy Haymakers.

1872:The American Society for the Promotion of Christianity Among the Jews held itssecond anniversary meeting this evening at the Union Presbyterian Church in NewYork City. While the report of ReverendAbraham C. Tris stated “that the progress of the work has been veryencouraging” it never provided any number of Jews who had actually converted asa result of the society’s efforts.

1873: Myer Stern, President of the Hebrew andBenevolent and Orphan Asylum Society, a trustee of Temple Emanu-El and aprominent businessman and political figure was one of three people nominated bythe Mayor to serve as Commissioners of charities and Correction in New YorkCity.

1874:Birthdate of Posen, Germany native, Simon Peiser who in 1892 came to the UnitedStates where he graduated from the University of Cincinnati in 1896, wasordained as a Rabbi at the Hebrew Union College and married Amelia Buchman in194, “two months after becoming Superintendent” of the Cleveland Jewish OrphanAsylum.

1876(15thof Iyar, 5636): Pesach N. Rubenstein who had been convicted of murdering SaraAlexander starved himself to death before he could be hanged for his crime.

1878:Russia promulgated another set of regulations pertaining to the militaryservice of the Jews today.

1881:Anti-Jewish riots broke out in Shpola and Ananyev, Russia. This was partof a wave of anti-Semitic violence that would sweep backand forth acrossRussia until the start of World War I. It was consistent with theCzars1/3, 1/3, 1/3policy for theJews.Things wouldbe so bad for the Jews that one third would convert, one third would leave thecountry and one third would die. And Russia would be free of its JewishProblem

1882:In “Biala, Russia,” “Raphael Shalom and Cheyah Sarah (Pilatsky) Rosenblatt gavebirth to the “King of the Cantors, Josef “Yossele” Rosenblatt, the husband of“Taube Kaufman.”

1884(14thof Iyar, 5644): Pesach Sheni

1885:Rabbi Alexander Kohut of Grosswardein, Hungary delivered his first sermon atTemple Ahavath Chesed in New York City.

1886:Birthdate of NYU trained attorney Max Levy “a founder and first president ofthe Jewish Community Center of Staten Island” and “founder and first Presidentof the Jewish Foundation School of State Island” who raised a son, Jack and adaughter, Ralene, with his wife “the former Josephine Mendelson.”

1886:In New York “500 people met at the Salem Fields Cemetery” today to dedicate amonument honor Jewish philanthropist Seligman Solomon. Among other things, the 20-foot-high graniteshaft honored his work with the Hebrew Orphan Asylum calling him “A Father tothe Orphan and Humanity’s Noblest Volunteer.”

1890:In the upper house of the Prussian Diet, right-wing politician Count Pfeilmoved that the government take measures to limit the educational opportunitiesof Jewish students.

1892:“Bay State Republicans” published today described status of the MassachusettsRepublican Party as it prepares for the upcoming national convention inMinneapolis. This includes the role toplayed by party secretary Ratchesky, “a very clever, shrewd and cunning Jewishpolitician who has been useful in in the past in keeping his people in line forthe Republican ticket. He is a member of the Boston Common Council, a keendebater and a man of unlimited political resource.” He is one of two mendescribed as exercising “absolute control over the machinery” of the RepublicanParty.

1892:Five days after she had passed away, Sarah Eliza Henriques, “the widow ofJoseph Gutteres Henriques” and the mother of Alfred and Frederick Henrqiues wasburied today at the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1893:John B. Weber, the former Commissioner of Immigration expressed his views onreports that the government of Russia has issued edicts expelling the Jews fromPoland. He is concerned that this latest wave of immigrants will not benefitthe United States and that the Czar and the Europeans are dumping theirunwanted Jews on the Americans.

1893:The decision of the Presbyterian Board of Home Missions to actively work toconvert Jews in the United States was made public today.

1893:As of today, Annie Weisberg, the daughter of Polish-Jewish immigrants was theonly person reported to have been injured in the fire at the tenement house onSuffolk Street.

1893:Adolph Marix, a native of Germany who had enlisted in the Navy while living inIowa and was the Secretary to the Board of Inquiry that investigated thesinking of the battleship Maine was promoted to the rank of Lt. Commandertoday.

1893:Based on information that first appeared in the Hartford Courant it was reported today the wholesale expulsion ofJews from Poland began in the middle of February and has continued unabatedsince then.

1894:In Prague, Eduard and Elisabeth Bondy gave bird to Pavel “Paul” Bonday whowould be murdered at Riga during the Holocuast.

1894:Esther Ruskay spoke on "The Revival of Judaism" at the foundingmeeting of the New York section of the National Council of Jewish Women

1895:The members of the New York Branch of the Jewish Woman’s Council was held todayat Temple Emanu-El

1895:“The East Side Art Exhibition” published today praised the selection of thepaintings being shown at the East Side Free Art Exhibition taking place at theHebrew Institute which will continue for the next thirty days.

1896:The Young Men’s Hebrew Association will hold its 19th annualstrawberry festival at Lenox Lyceum.

1896:The palatial mansion of Diamond mogul Barney Barnato located in the Mayfairsection of London is reported to be nearing completion. Barnato’s new home ison Park Lane, near the home of another Jewish Diamond Mogul, Alfred Beit.

1897:In Little Rock, AR, B'nai Israel, a Reform Congregation, dedicated its newhouse of worship which was designed by architect Charles Thompson. Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise, the founder of ReformJudaism gave the keynote address at the ceremony. The building was used until May, 1975 whenthe Temple B’nai Israel moved into it current home in western Little Rock.

1898:It was reported today that among fifty Jewish families who were at a massmeeting praying for the success of the American Army in the war with Spain wereamong 200 people left homeless by a firethat swept through Duluth, MN.

1898:Captain Bernard W. Salomonsky of Norfolk was among those who were mustered intoservice today as the mustering in process began today for the 4thVirginia Volunteer Infantry.

1898:Private Will H. Freudenstein of St. Louis was mustered in today at JeffersonBarracks, MO as members of Light Battery A Missouri Volunteers

1899:Birthdate of Zhitomir, Ukraine native Max Cutler, the 18-year-old “Phi BetaKappa graduate of the University of Georgia” and John Hopkins Universitytrained physician who founded the Chicago Tumor Institute while raising threedaughters – Nina, Nancy and Susie – with “his wife, the former Bertie Berger.”(As reported by Wolfgang Saxon)

1900:During the Konitz Affair, a blood libel in West Prussia, “the Staatsbürgerzeitung, the leadinganti-Semitic organ of Berlin, said: ‘No one can help forming the impressionthat the organs of the government received orders to pursue the investigationin a manner calculated to spare the Jews’” even though the opposite was quitetrue as could be seen by the detectivesand judges eagerly listened to “the most improbable statements implicatingJews, while Christian witnesses withheld important testimony.”

1901Australia opens its first parliament in Melbourne. Elias Solomon, a native ofLondon who became an auctioneer in Freemantle was among the members of thefirst parliament having won the Australian House Representative seat ofFremantle for the Free Trade Party.

1901:“Since the destruction of its house of worship by fire” today, “thecongregation of Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church” has been holding servicesat Temple Beth Emet in Albany.

1901:In Russia, chemical engineer Ospivoch Ephrussi, the son of Kishinev bankerJoseph Ephrussi, and his wife gave birth to “Boris Ephrussi, the Professor ofGenetics at the University of Paris.”

1901:Sir Isaac Isaacs began serving as a Member of the Australian Party representingthe Division of Indi which is located in north-eastern Victoria. This is butone of many governmental positions that Isaacs held during a long careerdedicated to public service.

1901:Together with David Wolffsohn and Oskar Marmorek, Theodor Herzl traveled toConstantinople in his quest to gain support from the Sultan for a Jewishhomeland in Eretz Israel. The trip will last until May 23.

1902(2ndof Iyar, 5662): Ashe I Myers, the editor of the Jewish Chronicle who doubled and then trebled the readership ofthis English journal passed away today.(Other sources show his death date as May 11. This date comes from an article written in1913)

1903(12thof Iyar, 5663): Parashat Achrei Mot-Kedoshim

1903:Half the proceeds of tonight’s performance “The Destruction of Kishineff” atthe Windsor Theatre are to go to fund being raised to help the victims of thepogrom at “the capital city of Bessarabia.”

1904:In Galicia, Israel David Irom and Sabina "Shifra" (Sadie) Blau gavebirth Abraham Simcha Irom who in 1915 came to the United States where he earneda BS from Columbia and ordained as a rabbi by Yeshiva College while raising twochildren – Joseph and Renee – with his wife Pauline Irom.

1904(24thof Iyar, 5664): Hungarian born actress Jenny Gross who made her debut in 1878in Vienna passed away today in Berlin.

1904:Nissan Katzenelson visited Herzl in Franzensbad and reports the results of histrip to London. Jacob Schiff had declared himself ready to negotiate a loan forRussia if it proved to do something for the Jews.

1905:“The rumors of a massacre of Jews at Zhitomir” in southwestern Russia wereconfirmed from St. Petersburg based on “a dispatch to the Novosti” that “saysthe rioting began on” May 7 and continued for 48 hours during which “OrthodoxChristians fell upon the Jews in the streets.”

1906(14thof Iyar, 5666): Pesach Sheni

1906:It was reported today that Congregation Temple Emanu-El has re-elected JamesSeligman as President of the Board of Trustees, Moses H. Moses as VicePresident and James Seligman, Daniel Guggenheim and A.J. Dittenhoefer asTrustees for three years.

1907:“Tracts For Jews No Help” published today described a conflict between Dr.Shearer and his American Tract Society who missionaries have been passing outtracts to Jews and other immigrants “immediately on their landing” andImmigration Commissioner Robert Watchorn who is concerned that Jewishimmigrants who received these Hebrew documents will scare them into hinkingthat converting them to Christianity is some sort of U.S. governmentpolicy.

1908(8thof Iyar, 5668): Parashat Emor

1908:It was reported today that during a debate the Duma about conscriptingnon-Russians into the Czar’s army, “M. Krupensky, a Marshal of the nobility”who was part of the anti-Semitic cohort of deputes “moved to strike Jewishrecruits from the conscript list and to impose a head tax on them instead.

1909(18thof Iyar, 5669): Lag B’Omer

1909:“Before an audience which crowded the pews and aisles of the Free Synagogue, inWest Eighty-First Street, to the doors Rabbi Leon Harrison of Temple Israel,St. Louis, made a passionate appeal today to his fellow-Jews againstintermarriage with Christians.”

1910:In what some say is a strange twist, Reverend Frank W. Stanford said thatsixty-six people from Portland, ME who had returned from “the Holy Land” hadabandoned their plans to establishment a settlement in Palestine.

1910:It was reported today that the Hebrew Orphan Asylum “is celebrating the 50thanniversary of the opening of its first home at 1 Lamartine Place” and thatduring those fifty years, the society has “brought nearly 6,000 children withonly 57 deaths.”

1910:Today, Albert Herman Woods, the Hungarian born Jewish producer “went to the NewYork Supreme Court” today “to get a injunctionprevent the police from closing down “The Girl with the Whooping” over chargesof that it was indecent.

1911:The Vatican placed the works of Italian author Gabriele D'Annunzio in the Indexof Forbidden Books. The Index Librorum Prohibitorum The List of ProhibitedBooks or The Index Librorum Prohibitorum, a list of publications prohibited bythe Catholic Church was begun in the 16th century under Pope PaulIV. Pope Paul VI finally discontinued itin 1966. The lengthy list of forbiddenincludes some names that are not surprising including Martin Luther, Voltaireand Rabelais. Among the few “Jewish” names are Maimonides, Spinoza andHeine. Mein Kampf never made theList of Prohibited Books!

1912:A cablegram that had been sent from London was received by the Jewish Daily News in New York reporting“that ITO has decided to consider an offer by Portugal to establish a Jewishcolony in Angola.”

1913:Today, Milton J. Rosenau of Brookline, Massachusetts was named an AssistantSurgeon in the Medical Reserve Corps in the same month in which he was“nominated by the Governor to be a member of the Massachusetts State Board ofHealth.

1914(13thof Iyar, 5674): Parashat Acrhrei-Mot Kedoshim

1914:President Woodrow Wilson issued a presidential proclamation that officiallyestablishes the first national Mother’s Day holiday to celebrate America’smothers

1915:According to reports received by Provisional Executive Committee for GeneralZionist Affairs in London, Henry Morgenthau, the United States Ambassador toTurkey, has been successful in his attempts to halt, at least temporarily,actions by the Turkish government which were proving to be inimical to theZionist settlements and Jewish communities in Palestine.

1915:It was reported tody that “Detectives Lehon, Tedder, Rogers and Whitfield whowould have on the Leo Frank case for W.J. Burns” detective agency “are to betried this week for alleged misdemeanors in connection with theirinvestigation.

1915:It was reported that “the trial of the Rev. C.B. Ragsdale and R.L. Barber whoaccused W.J. Burns operatives Lehon, Tedder and Arthur Thurman of bribery inthe make of alleged false affidavits for the Leo Frank Defense is set for thisweek.

1915:In “What Is To Be Done With Turkey?” published today French politician GustaveHervé described his plan for carving up the Ottoman Empire after the warincluding giving Russia Constantinople – a proposal to which no one wouldobject “if a Russian Government really resuscitated Poland by granting it fullautonomy, gave the Jews equal civil and political rights,” and lived up to thepromises made to the Dumas in 1906. (Editor’s note: The issue of improving the treatment of theJews of Eastern Europe was one that people spent a lot of time talking aboutbut did little to make a reality.)

1915(25thof Iyar, 5675): London resident 2nd Lt. Herman Stern was killedtoday while serving with His Majesty’s Forces.

1916:The British and the French finalize the Sykes-Picot Agreement. This was asecret treaty between the French and the British concerning the dismembermentof Turkey that would take place once World War I would come to a close.France was to gain control over most of what is now Syria and Lebanon.Britain would control what is now Jordan, Iraq and effectively SaudiArabia. The British were also to control a small enclave aroundHaifa. The rest of what is now Israel and the West Bank was to be under someform of international control. This secret agreement contradicted Alliedpromises that would be made to the Jews and the Arabs later during thewar. The treaty became public after the Russian Revolution when Leninreleased the archives of the former Russian government to public view. Inpart, the Middle East is still living with the end product of imperialduplicity as typified by the work of Sykes and Picot.

1916:Today, President Wilson appointed Louis A. Sussdorf as a secretary of theUnited States Embassy

1916:Today “President Leon Sanders of the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant AidSociety received a telegram from Secretary State Lansing” saying “that IsadorHerschfield “ who has been in Europe for eleven months “investigatingconditions among Jews in the war zones” has set sail from Rotterdam bound forNew York.

1917:The University of Washington “Menorah Society presented ‘The Family’ by LouisL. Schwartz” today “at the Moore Theatre” in Seattle.

1917:Rabbi Nathan Krass, a member of the American Jewish War Relief Commissionreturned to New York today from a fund raising lecture tour in the westernUnited States.

1917:“Replying to a question in the House of Commons today as to whether any pledgeshad been given to France or Italy which might interfere with the establishmentof an independent, integral Jewish Palestine under American or Britishprotection, Lord Robert Cecil, Minister of Blockade, said he was afraid hecould not answer any question with regard to pledges which might or might nothave been given to Great Britain’s allies in connection with the terms ofpeace.

1917:Birthdate of Fay Mitchell who as Fay Kanin the wife of Michael Kanin was “halfof the husband-and-wife team that wrote the Clark Gable-Doris Day comedy“Teacher’s Pet” and the writer of television movies including Emmy-winningvehicles for Maureen Stapleton and Carol Burnett…´(As reported by AleanHarmetz)

1918:In Brookline, MA, “Zina Wallik, who had come to the United States from aRussian shtetl before the turn of the 20th century” gave birth to Myron LeonWallace who gained fame as American broadcast journalist Mike Wallace.

1919:Birthdate of prodigy Julius Heldman, who earned his Ph.D. from Stanford at theage of 23, played a key role in the Manhattan project and raised a daughter,Carrie, with his wife Gladys, the publisher of World Tennis magazine.

1919:Birthdate of Chicago native and University of Michigan and Loyal educatedpublishing executive Ted Winter, a member of the board of education in HighlandPark, IL and an officer of the American Jewish Committee.

1919(19thof Iyar, 5679): Eighty-one-year-old Samuel “Saul” Hirsch the German born son ofTherese Wromser and Leopold Hrisch and the husband of Serette Hirsch passedaway today in Memphis, TN.

1920:In Chicago “a furniture dealer who had emigrated to Lativa” and “the daughterof another Latvian émigré” gave birth to Art Institute trained artist and USArmy Air Forces veteran Alfred Cohen who on critic described as “a fresh andaccessible artist of considerable accomplishment whose abstract impressionistcompositions were enlivened by an acute charm of colour'.”

Alfred Cohen Art Foundation and Museum -Alfred Cohen Art Foundation and Museum

1920:Birthdate of Philip Klass, the London native who gained fame as Americanscience fiction writer William Tenn.

1921(1stof Iyar, 5681): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1921:Fiorello La Guardia, the son of Irene Coen “a Jewish woman from Triest” whochose to father in father’s Catholic footsteps mourned the loss of his daughterFioretta Thea who passed away today.

1921:Those attending the annual convention of the United States Grand Lodge, Orderof B’rith Abraham in Atlantic City “ will be called upon to adopt various resolutions”in response to the anti-Semitic attacks by Henry Ford and his publications.

1921:“Jews’ Aid To Columbus” published today described the assertion by Dr. WilliamH. Morgan, past of the First Methodist Episcopal Church in Baltimore that “Jewishfinanciers and Jewish scientists made possible the discovery of America byColumbus,” that “a Jew, doctor and surgeon Luis De Torres was the first knownEuropean to set foot on American soil” and that “the Jews convinced Vasco deGama of the possibility of sailing around the Cape of Good Hope” thus helpingto “revolutionize commerce.”

1921:Birthdate of Sophie Scholl, a member of the White Rose resistance group whomthe Nazis was executed by guillotine. Scholl was a Lutheran, a truly RighteousGentile who did what she could to stop Hitler.

1922:A noon service is scheduled to be held at the Marble Collegiate Reformed Churchon 5th Avenue which is part of weeklong effort by Reverend JosephFlacks of St. Louis “a Jew who says he has been converted to Christianity” andpreaches in Yiddish to convert Jews to his new found faith.

1923:In Alexandria, LA, Bernard F. and May Violet Kaffie Rosenthal gave birth toTulane grad, attorney and Democratic Party leader Arnold Jack Rosenthal.

1924:It was reported today that I. Edwin Goldwasser, secretary of the NathanHofheimer Foundation and Vice President of the Federation for the Support ofJewish Philanthropic Societies delivered a speech on “The Relation of LargeFoundations to Local Welfare Agencies” at the 12th annual meeting ofthe Children’s Welfare Federation.

1925:Twenty-six-year old NYU trained attorney and New York state legislator MorrisWeinfeld, the New York born son of Abraham and Fannie (Singer) Weinfeld marriedBeatrice Margel today

1926:“Louis W. Osterweis, a New York attorney, was elected President of the DistrictNo. 1, Independent Order B’nai B’rith, the largest American Jewish fraternitywith a membership of over sixty thousand, at the seventy-fourth annualconvention of the Order held today at the Astor Hotel. He succeeded Bertram M.Aufsesser. (As reported by JTA)

1926:U.S. premiere of “Shipwrecked,” a silent adventure film starring JosephSchildkraut as “Larry O’Neil.”

1926(25thof Iyar, 5686): Seventy-five year old Oscar Solomon Strauss passed away. Asuccessful businessman he served two tours as U.S. Minister to the OttomanEmpire and was Teddy Roosevelt’s choice to serve as Secretary of Commerce andLabor making him the first Jew to serve as a Cabinet Secretary.

1927:“Felix M. Warburg, President of the Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, andAlbert G. Becket of Chicago, one of its directors, arrived in Moscow tonightfrom China” where “they were met by Dr. Reinhardt Kahn, European director, whocame especially from Berlin, and Dr. Joseph Rosen, who is President of theAgrojoint, for Russia.

1928:“A preliminary meet was held at the home Aaron Hein to discuss the organizationof Men’s Club at Congregation Beth El in Camden, NJ.

1929:Eighty-four-year-old Gustave Schlumberger, an award winning French historianand numismatist and an ultra-conservative, an active supporter of theanti-Dreyfusard movement who “stormed out of the salon of the hostess GenevieveStraus when her friend Joseph Reinach pointed out Dreyfus' innocence” passedaway today.

1930:Birthdate of Mordechai “Motta” Gur who commanded the division that reunitedJerusalem in 1967 and served 10th Chief of Staff of the IDF.

1931(22ndof Iyar, 5691): Parashat Behar-Bechukotai

1931:LieutenantGovernor Herbert H. Lehman is scheduled to receive the Gottheil Medal named “inhonor of Professor Richard J.H. Gottheil of Columbia University which haspreviously been award to Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, David Brown of Detroit, AaronSapiro, Julius Rosenwald of Chicago and Felix M. Warburg.

1931(22ndof Iyar, 5691): Seventy-eight-year-old Nobel Prize Winner, Albert AbrahamMichelson passed away. Born in Prussia in 1852, Michelson came to theU.S. two years later. He grew up in SanFranciscograduatedfrom the U.S. NavalAcademy in 1873,something highly unusual for a Jewish youth of his day.Afterfinishing his naval career, Michelson went to enjoy a distinguished career inthe United States and Europe as a physicist with a specialty in optics.He won the NobelPrize in 1907. He was 87 at thetime of hisdeath.

1931:Birthdate of Tel Aviv native and Israeli politician Amnon Rubinstein.

1932:The local police disclosed that “Dr. Paul Groguloff, the Russian whoassassinated President Doumer of France was actively engaged in anti-Semiticpropaganda while living in Czechoslovakia.”

1933:In Vienna, “protests were filed at the United States Consulate today by nineAmerican students” including Nathan Shapiro, Maxwell Silberman and Eli Starr“who said they had been struck Nazis in anti-Jewish rioting that started at theVienna Anatomical Institutes.

1934:U. S. premiere of “Sadie McKee” a romantic drama based on "Pretty SadieMcKee” by Viña Delmar, produced by Lawrence Weingarten with lyrics by ArthurFreed.

1935:“The Informer” a film version of the novel by the same name with music by MaxSteiner was released today in the United States.

1935:The American Jewish Olympic team arrived in New York today on the Italian linerConte di Savoia. The United States athletes were returning from the secondWorld Maccabiah staged at Tel-Aviv, Palestine.

1936:The world takes another step toward a general war when Italy formally annexedEthiopia after taking the capital Addis Ababa.The Western Powers did nothing to stop the Italian dictator and theLeague of Nations was totally helpless in stopping Mussolini. This lack of willand impotence gave Hitler further proof that he could swallow up much of Europewithout firing a shot. Orde Wingate, theBritish officer who would play a critical role in the liberation of Ethiopiawas serving in Palestine and was one of the few British officers whosympathized with the Jewish settlers and helped train them in self-defense whenthey came under attack from armed Arab gangs bent on mayhem and murder.

1936:It was reported today that “among the questions to come before” the firstJewish World Congress which is scheduled to meet in August “will the defense ofJewish equality, re-establishment of the rights Jews in Germany, the struggleagainst anti-Semitism and the participation in Jewish reconstruction work inPalestine.”

1936:A detachment of British tanks is scheduled to be shipped from Alexandria, Egyptto Palestine in response to the Arab attacks and violence.

1936:At the 25th anniversary dinner of the Syracuse University chapter ofZeta Beta Tau “Dr. James Grover McDonald, former High Commissioner of theLeague of Nations for Refugees from Germany was extolled as one of the world’soutstanding contributors to the cause of international understanding” as he wasnamed the recipient of the “Gottheil Medal which is given annually to theAmerican who has, in the previous year, done the most for Jewry.”

1936:The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee reported today that servicesagencies it supported help more than 1,500 “German Jews and German Jewishrefugees to migrate from their homes” during the month of January.

1937:For the second day in a row, Jews in Grabow were beaten by a mob angered atreports that Pole had been stabbed in an altercation with a Jew.

1937:“The Second Hurricane,” an opera in two acts by Aaron Coplan “was today on CBSRadio in a one-hour broadscast.

1937:“Make Way For Tomorrow” produced by Adolph Zukor and featuring MauriceMoscovitch as “Max Rubens, the Jewish shopkeeper” was released in the UnitedStates today.

1938:The Arabs continued their boycott of the Partition Commission and refused tomeet personally with the British officials.But they did submit a memorandum to the commission today rejecting any“scheme” that would result in partition.They demanded an entity in which the Jews “would remain a minority” withwhat are called “full guarantees.”

1938:La Acion, the Judeo-Spanish newspaperof Salonica wrote that the community of Salonica had never been richer with thepublic property have a value totaling 2,000,000 Drachmas.

1938: The Palestine Post reported that the101st Session of the League of Nations opened with a negative balance ofunsolved problems like the Italian occupation of Ethiopia, the Germanoccupation of Austria and the Japanese invasion of China. The German andItalian intervention in Spain, where they fought against thedemocratically-elected government and the steadily growing refuge problem alsofigured high on the League's distressing agenda.

1939:The Rothschild-Hadassah University Hospital and Medical Center was opened onMt. Scopus. Mt. Scopus would be cut off from the Jewish held section ofJerusalem at the end of the War for Independence. When the city wasre-united, Mt. Scopus again became part of Israel and Jewish institutions werere-built and revitalized.

1940:Rabbi Louis Finkelstein met with President Roosevelt in the White House today.

1940:As he continued his flight in the face of Nazi conquests Leo Bretholz entered ahospital in Antwerp for hernia surgery.

1940:The visas of the family of Dutch art dealer Jacques Goudstikker expired today“just as the Nazis invaded the Netherlands”

1940:As he tried to escape from Germany, Hugo Gutman, “an officer in the veryregiment in which Adolf Hitler was an enlisted man” received his immigrationvisa today so that he and his family could catch the train for France.

1941 “Billie Holiday recorded the classic jazz song ‘God Bless theChild’” which she had written with “Arthur Herzog, Jr in 1938.”

1942:Belgrade becomes the first Axis-conquered city to murder or eliminate itsJewish Population, largely with the help of Serbian collaborators.

1942:The first deportation train set out from Eisenach for the Belzyce Ghetto

1942: The Jews of Markuszow, Poland, ledby Shlomo Goldwasser, Mordechai Kirshenbaum, and the brothers Yaakov andYerucham Gothelf, escaped to nearby forests.

1942:American poet Ezra Pound, who was working for the Fascist Italian government,broadcasted from Italy: "You would do better to inoculate your childrenwith typhus and syphilis" than allow more Jews into the United States.America, Pound continues, is ruled by Jews and their allies, who are "thedirtiest dirt from the bottom of the Jew's ash can."

1943:On the eve of the 10th anniversary of a mass book burning in NaziGermany, Wendell Willkie, the 1940 Republican nominee for President of theUnited States declared that the Nazis, “arrogant with power…burned books whichcontained the accumulated the truth of centuries.” However, “those very flames lit horizons ofthe spirit everywhere and today liberty-loving men are united to wipe out theforces of barbarism and brutality – forces which cannot live where men readbooks.” (Willkie’s sentiment are a case of war driven revisionism since Americans did not see the threat of the Nazisuntil after the attack on Pearl Harbor and even then for many it was areluctant realization.)

1943(4thof Iyar, 5703):The Skalat, Ukraine, Jewish community is destroyed.

1943:Despite the death of most of the leadership at the Headquarters at Mila 18, theresistance in the Warsaw Ghetto continues.

1943:Twenty-six year old Eddie Turchin played his first big league game as a memberof the Cleveland Indians.

1944:Today, “The Soviet 4th Ukrainian Front captured Sevastopol” whereapproximately 4,000 Jews had been murdered by the Nazis during their two yearoccupation of the city.

1945:Friedrich Krüger, an SS-Obergruppenführerresponsible for mass exterminations of Polish Jews, committed suicide.

1945:By the time that Red Army liberated Prague today, two-thirds of city’s 92,000Jews had “perished in the Holocaust.”

1945:On the day after World War II ended in Europe, Captain Bo Foster flew capturedNazi leader Hermann Goering to the U.S. 7th Army’s headquarters forinterrogation. Foster and a group ofofficers from the Army's 36th Infantry Division gathered on a tiny airstripoutside Kitzbuhel, Austria, to transport the highly-prized war prisoner back toGermany in an unarmed, two-man reconnaissance plane. Then he took one look atthe one-time heir to Adolf Hitler and commander of the fearsome Luftwaffe — all300-plus pounds (136-plus kilos) of him — and knew he needed a bigger plane.According to Foster, "They wanted to get him back where he could bedebriefed. There was a strong rumor that in a mountainside in the Alps rightdown there in Bavaria there was a concentration of (German) military,"Foster said. "He just acted as though it was a nice, friendly trip."Goering, 52, had surrendered to the US Army's 36th Infantry Division the daybefore. He had fallen out of favor with Hitler and hadn't played an active roleat the end of the war, though he remained Reichsmarschall of Nazi Germany.Before his capture, Goering wrote a letter to Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower,Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, offering to work with Eisenhower on theconditions of the German army's surrender, according to an account of Goering'scapture by Brigadier Gen. Robert Stack kept by the 36th Infantry DivisionAssociation. After receiving the letter, Stack and a group of soldiers drovefrom the division's base near Kitzbuhel across the border into Germany andintercepted a convoy that included Goering, his wife, daughter, sister-in-law,household servants and military aides, according to the account. Goering agreedto surrender unconditionally but asked that his family be cared for, and the Nazileader was delivered to Foster for transport the next day. The 33 year-oldFoster didn't fear getting shot down carrying such precious cargo alone in anunescorted, unarmed plane. He didn't worry about Goering taking advantage ofthe lack of a guard to wrest control of the aircraft. The main problem wasgetting the two of them off the ground — the nimble, lightweight Piper L4 thatFoster piloted in his artillery spotting missions wouldn't support both him andGoering. But the division only had the small airstrip that was fine forFoster's aircraft, but was problematic for taking off and landing largerplanes. They'd have to upgrade to the one L5 in the division's inventory, aslightly larger aircraft Foster hadn't flown in years. Goering stood on the tinyairstrip in a plain, gray uniform that was unadorned but for a pistol at hiship and a medal around his neck. Still wearing the pistol, he stepped towardthe plane. A Goering aide emerged from the group that had gathered and relievedGoering of the weapon. The Nazi leader settled into the back seat and tried tofasten his seat belt. It wouldn't stretch across his belly. He held the strapin his hand, looked at Foster and said, "Das goot!" — that's good.The two men spent the 55-minute flight from Kitzbuhel to Augsburg, Germany,conversing in a mix of German and English. Goering asked Foster to avoid anytalk of Hitler or the war but appeared to relish pointing out the sites belowthem. In a letter to his wife, Virginia Lou Foster, written soon after the mission,Foster told her that the Nazi leader was "effeminate" and "gaveme the creeps." [Foster returned to Montanan where he became a General inthe National Guard and was awarded the French Legion of Honor for his World WarII service. (As reported in theJerusalem Post)

1945:Due to quirk of time zones, in the Soviet the ninth and not the eighth of Mayis the official end of WW II.

1946:In Haifa, “Yechiel Bin-Nun (Fischer) and Shoshana Bin-Nun (Rosa First),educators and researchers in Judaism and the Hebrew language” gave birth to “YoelBin-Nun (Hebrew: יואל בן an Israeli religious Zionist rabbi and one of thefounders of Yeshivat Har Etzion, Gush Emunim, Michlelet Herzog and thesettlements of Alon Shevut and Ofra who “fought in the Six Day War and was partof Israel's 55th Paratroopers Brigade that liberated Old City Jerusalem.”

1946:Based on the rulings of courts in Poland, today is the date used for peoplewhose death date was not documented but in all likelihood occurred during WorldWar II including the Polish children’s author Janusz Korczak who used the penname of Henryk Goldszmit and died at Treblinka with the children from hisWarsaw orphanage.

1947:“Dr. Chaim Weizmann, who may resume the role of world Zionism's chief spokesmanwhen the United Nations debates the future of Palestine in the autumn,entertained the British High Commissioner, Lieut. Gen. Sir Alan Cunningham, atlunch today.”

1948: Pinchas Ben Porat “was one of ten pilots who left Israel toenroll in Avia S-199 training in Czechoslovakia.”

1949:In the Bronx, German born classical pianist Howard (Helmuth) Joel, the son Metaand Karl Amson Joel, and the former Rosalind Joel, the daughter of Philip andRebecca Nyman, gave birth to William Martin Joel who gained fame as singer andpiano player, Billy Joel the brother of Judith Joel and half-brother classicalconductor Alexander Joe.

1951(3rdof Iyar, 5711): Sixty-eight-year-old “writer,translator, educator and important woman of letter Marietta Federn, the Vienna,born daughter of suffragist Ernestine Spitzer and Dr. Salomon Federn the sister of economist Walther Federn, psychoanalyst PaulFedern and social worker Else Fdern passed away today in France.

1952(14thof Iyar, 5712): Pesach Sheni

1952:“The Sniper” a film about what would someday be labeled as a serial killer,produced by Stanley Kramer was released in the United States today.

1953:Birthdate of Roslyn, NY, Doctor Judith Steinberg who became Judith SteinbergDean when she married fellow medical student Howard Dean, the future governorof Vermont.

1954:Gertrude Berg made her first appearance as the “mystery guest” on What’s MyLine, signing in as Molly Goldberg, the iconic character she had created.

1955:Ten years and one day after VE Day, West Germany joined N.A.T.O. which raisedconcerns about how quickly the home of the Nazis and the Holocaust was beingnormalized in the cause of the “fight against Communism.”

1956:In Brooklyn, “award winning Yiddish and English poet Menke Katz” and his wifegave birth to “Yiddish author, educator and cultural historian” Dovid Katz, theeditor of the website

1956:Outfielder Cal Abrams played his last major league baseball game with theChicago White Sox.

1957:The Libyan government issued a decree ordering all Libyan Jews with relativesin Israel to register with the Libyan boycott Office, the main pressure groupopposed trade with Israel. Since morethan ninety per cent of Libyan Jews had left the country between 1949 and 1952,this decree applies to almost every Jewish family in Libya." (InIshmael's House by Martin Gilbert)

1958:U.S. premiere of the psychological thriller “Vertigo” with music by BernardHerrmann

1958:Otto Brinkman, who “had been convicted in the Einsatzgruppen Trial” wasreleased from Landsberg Prison today at the conclusion of the U.S. War Crimesprogram.

1959(1stof Iyar, 5719): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1959:Hank Greenberg resigned from the Chicago White Sox. Following his successfulcareer as a baseball player, Greenberg became an equally successfulexecutive. He was the general manager of the 1954 Cleveland Indians thatbroke the Yankee's pennant winning streak. He then became a part-ownerand executive of the Chicago White Sox who beat the Yanks for the pennant in1959. Greenberg left baseball to become a successful investment banker.

1960(12thof Iyar, 5720): Funeral services are scheduled for Murray Goodman, the husbandof Bess Goodman and brother of Max Goodman and a member of The Samuel TichnerSociety.

1961:“Fiorello!” a musical about New York’s most famous mayor who spoke Yiddish whenhe campaigned for Congress moved from the Broadhurst Theatre to the BroadwayTheatre where it continued its first run on Broadway.

1962(5thof Iyar, 5722): Yom HaAtsma’ut

1962:Doubleday is scheduled to publish Three Days which describes the“seventy-two hours leadup to the birth of the modern state Israel through theeyes of author Zeev Sharef who was a member of the Haganah and “was one of thekey men concerned with transfer of Palestine’s administration from to Britishto Jewish hands.”

1962:In the New York City Council Chamber, Mayor Robert F. Wagner is scheduled to“officially proclaim today as Israel Independence Day.”

1964:The day after her birth Paul Gilbert and Barbara Crane adopted actress MelissaGilbert best known for her portrayal of Laura Ingalls in “Little House on thePrairie” where the television father was the Jewish actor Michael Landon.

1965:CBS broadcast the last episode of “For the People” a legal drama created byStuart Rosenberg and starring William Shatner (before he was Kirk) and HowardDa Silva

1956:Senator Jacob K. Javits, the New York liberal said today that “he would rathersee the Republican nomination for Mayor go to any one of the three Republicansmentioned now most prominently mentioned for it than I.D. the builder who isseeking “the Republican and Democratic nominations for Mayor.”

1961:“Fiorello,” a musical about the Mayor Fiorello La Guardia with music by JerryBock and Lyrics Sheldon Harnick moved to The Broadway Theatre today.

1965:Birthdate of journalist Mark Leibovich who “is the chief national correspondentfor the New York Times Magazine.”

1968(11th of Iyar, 5728):Fifty-eightyear old Hackensack, NJ native and vaudeville actor turn movie and televisionperformer Phil Arnold who appeared in150 films including several “Three Stooges” movies suffered a fatal heartattack today.

1968(11thof Iyar, 5728): Seventy-three-year-old producer, director and author AlbertLewin, the holder of an MA from Harvard who, with the support of IrvingThalberg, “produced his first picture, ‘The Kiss,” which was Greta Garbo’s lastsilent film” passed away today.

1972:One day after Sabena Flight 571 was hijacked by four terrorists from BlackSeptember demanding the release of 315 convicted Palestinian terrorists inexchange for the passengers, a rescue mission was mounted. A group of commandos led by Ehud Barak thatincluded Benjamin Netanyahu took back control of the plane, free the passengerswith the loss of only one life, not counting the two dead terrorists.

1973(7thof Iyar, 5733: Comedian Jack E Leonard passed away. Born Leonard Lebitsky in Chicago, Illinois,Leonard was a heavy-set, cigar-smoking practitioner of an aggressive form ofhumor. His movie credits included the“Disorderly Orderly,” “The Fat Spy,” and “Target: Harry.”

1975(28thof Iyar, 5735): Yom Yerushalayim

1976: Anne Bernays received the Edward Lewis Wallant Book Awardfor her novel, "Growing Up Rich,"

1977(21st of Iyar, 5737): Eighty-year-old Byrdie Cohethe daughter of Rachel and Isaac Aron Levin the wife Israel Cohen passed awaytoday after which she was buried in Baltimore, MD.

1978 -The Jerusalem Postreported that a clear consensus developed in the U.S. Senate Foreign RelationsCommittee in support of a compromise, proposed by the former Secretary ofState, Henry Kissinger, which paved the way for the sale of 60 F-15 fighters toSaudi Arabia. The Senate agreed to support this sale, provided that theAdministration agreed to increase the number of planes slated for Israel.

1979(12th of Iyar, 5739): Seventy-three year old LanAdomain the Russian born son of a cantor who served with the Abraham LincolnBrigade during the Spanish Civil War passed away today.

1979(12th of Iyar, 5739): Habib Elghanian “ a prominentIranian Jewish businessman and philanthropist who served as the president ofthe Tehran Jewish Society and acted as the symbolic head of the Iranian Jewishcommunity in the 1970s” was executed by a firing squad after having beenconvicted by an Islamist Court.

1980 Funeral services are scheduled to held for Sue Freedman Mintz, thewife of Jack Mintz and the mother of Terry Scharf and Dr. David Mintz at apre-funeral gathering this evening.

1981(5th of Iyar, 5741): On Shabbat, seventy-two-year-oldauthor Nelson Algren winner of the National Book Award for Man With a GoldenArm, which later became a successful film, passed away today.

1981: After 40 performances at the Eugene O’Neill Theatre, thecurtain came down on “Fools” a comedy written by Neil Simon, directed by MikeNichols with a cast that included John Rubinstein and Harold Gould.

1981: Rabbi David Posner of Temple Emanu-El officiated at themarriage ceremony of Celine Leah Perle and Jeffery Martin Sinaw which was heldin his study.

1982: In “Oppenheimer – Examining the Scientist’s RelationshipWith Society,” Michael Billington reviews ‘Oppenheimer,’ an upcoming televisionmini-series that provides a portrait of the complex Jewish-American who wasknown as the father of the atomic bomb and who lost his security clearanceduring the Red Scare.

1983(26thof Iyar, 5743): Eighty-three-year-old administrator, diplomat, and publicrelations and manpower expert Anna Lederer Rosenberg, the Budapest borndaughter of Charlotte Sarolota Bacskai and Albert Leder er who married Paul G.Hoffman after divorcing Julius Rosenberg an administrator, diplomat, and publicrelations and manpower expert who advised multiple presidents passed awaytoday.

1984(7thof Iyar, 5744): Eighty-three-year-old Israeli writer and poet MiriamYalan-Shteklis passed away today.

1984(7thof Iyar, 5744): Eighty-one-year-old Nudie Cohn, the Kievan born tailor famousfor “decorative rhinestone-covered suits” passed away today,

1985:NBC broadcast the final episode of the first season “The Cosby Show” co-createdby Ed Weinberger

1986(30thof Nisan, 5746): Rosh Chodesh Iyar

1986(30thof Nisan, 5746): Herschel Bernardi passed away at the age of 62. BorninNew York in 1923, Bernardi came from a long line ofYiddishperformers. According to one legend, it was his mother's portrayal of acharacter called Yente that moved that term from a proper name to a descriptiveterm.As an actor, Bernardi had trouble finding work outside ofethnic productions and because of his political views which led to him beingblacklisted in the 1950's. His career finally took off when played Lt. Jacoby,on the hit detective series"Peter Gunn" a role for which he wonan Emmy. Bernardi's unique voice made him the voice for Charlie the Tunaand theJolly Green Giant.He was the second actor toplayTevye in the Broadway hit "Fiddler on the Roof."

1987(10thof Iyar, 57467): American financier and national president of the Boy Scouts ofAmerica, John Mortimer Schiff passed away. (As reported by William G. Blair)

1989(4thof Iyar, 5749): Yom HaZikaron

1990(14thof Iyar, 5750): Pesach Shenia

1991(25thof Iyar, 5751): Eighty-seven-year-old Irving “Irv” Cohen, the Baltimore born soof Ansel and Fannie Cohen the husband of Rebecca Sherman Cohen whom he marriedin 1925 and the father of Morton Albert “Morton” Cohen who was buried exactly15 years after his father’s death, passed away today after which he was buriedin the Beth El Memorial Park in Randallstown, MD.

1991:Michael Landon appeared on The Tonight Show where he discussed pancreaticcancer that would claim his life.

1992:NBC broadcast the final episode of “The Golden Girls” a long-running sitcom created by Susan Harrisand co-starring Beatrice Arthur and Estelle Getty.

1993(18thof Iyar): Lag B’Omer

1993:“2 Views of a Horror” published today described differing views of theHolocaust held by Israelis and Americans.

1994(28thof Iyar, 5754): Yom Yerushalayim

1996: Pursuant to Article VII of the Interim Agreementon the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, dated September 28, 1995, the Israelis andthe Palestinians agree to the establishment of a Temporary InternationalPresence in the city of Hebron ("TIPH"). This agreement will remainin force until such time as Israeli forces redeploy from Hebron, whereupon itwill be superseded by a new agreement to be negotiated by the two sides and theTIPH established by this Agreement will be replaced by a new TIPH to be establishedunder the new agreement ("the new TIPH").

1997:In a story entitled “Saga of Yanov Torah recounted at Yom Hashoah Rites,” theSan Diego Jewish Press Heritage recounts Rabbi Erwin Herman’s moving story ofthe Yanov Torah and how it how survived the Holocaust and found a home in thissouthern California metropolis

1997:“Father’s Day” a comedy directed by Ivan Reitman who served as producer alongwith Joel Silver, with a script co-authored by Lowell Ganz and co-starringBilly Crystal was released in the United States today.

1998:NBC broadcast the final episode of season one “Veronica’s Closet,” created byMarta Kauffman.

1998:Ninety-three year old comedy writer Nat Perrin who was also a prolific producerof scripts for movies and television passed away today.

1999:The New York Times featured reviewsof books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readersincludingBettyFriedan. And the Making of 'The Feminine Mystique': The American Left, the ColdWar, and Modern Feminism by Daniel Horowitz and Betty Friedan: Her Life by JudithNennessee.

1999:Michael Ovitz Is on the Line

1999:In “Family Politics,” published today, Aaron L. Friedberg examined the MadelineAlbright’s reaction to revelation about the Jews in her family tree.

2000(4thof Iyar, 5760): Yom HaZikaron

2000:Prime Minister Ehud “Barak and his advisors dropped hints today” that the datefor Israel’s withdrawal from southern Lebanon “could be advanced…as a way toput pressure on Lebanon to help curb the violence or to negotiate a withdrawalarrangement.”

2001:The bodies of two Israeli teenagers – Yaakov “Koby Mandell and YosefIshran - who had been kidnappedyesterday were found in a cave in the Judean Desert near their home which wascovered with the boy’s blood “reportedly smeared by their killers” who hadbound them, stabbed them and beaten them to death with rocks.

2001(16thof Iyar, 5761): Ninety-three year old producer and director Saul Elkins, thebrother of Leon and Michael Elkins, passed away today Nevada.

2002:“Roger Dodger” a comedy co-starring Jesse Eisenberg premiered at the TribecaFilm Festival.

2002:The 38-day stand-off in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem came to an endwhen the Palestinians inside agreed to have 13 suspected terrorists among themdeported to several different countries. The terrorists had taken over theChristian shrine as they were pursued by Israeli security forces. Interestingly there was no complaint byChristian leaders over this desecration of one of their holy places.

2002:Yom Yerushalayim begins this evening.

2003 (7th of Iyar, 5763): Seventy-one-year-oldplaywright Jack Gelber, the Chicago born son of “Molly (Singer) and HaroldGelber” passed away today. (As reported by Mel Gussow)

2003: “Leaders Honor Ghetto Fighters” published today describeda joint tribute that the Presidents of Israel and Poland paid to those whofought in the 1943 uprising.

2004(18thof Iyar, 5764): Lag B’Omer

2004:The curtain came down on a revival of Baby for which David Shire wrote themusic at The Paper Mill Playhouse, Millburn, New Jersey

2004(18thof Iyar, 5764): Comedian Alan King passed away.“It’s not how long you lived, but how well you lived.” (As reported byBruce Weber)

2004: The New York Times featured reviews ofbooks by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including‘Our Mothers' War': The Just-as-Great Generation by Laura Shapiro.

2005:In Berlin, Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder led a delegation “of the senior memberof Germany’s government” at the ceremonies dedicating “The Memorial to theMurdered Jews of Europe” designed by Peter Eisenman.

2006:At New York’s Congregation B’nai Jeshurun, Rabbi Joseph Telushkin delivers alecture on his new book A Code of Jewish Ethics followed by a book partyand book signing.

2006(11thof Iyar, 5766): Ruth Gay, a writer known for her nonfiction books documentingJewish life in the Old World and the New, died in the Bronx. She was 83 andlived in Manhattan. She had been suffering from leukemia, and died at CalvaryHospital, her family said. Ms. Gay's books include "Safe Among theGermans: Liberated Jews After World War II" (Yale University, 2002), whichdealt with a little-studied subject: the more than 250,000 Jews who returned toAllied-occupied Germany in the immediate aftermath of World War II. She alsowrote "The Jews of Germany: A Historical Portrait" (Yale University,1992), which chronicled Jewish life in Germany from the fall of Jerusalem inA.D. 70 to the rise of Hitler in 1933. (As Reported by Margalit Fox)

2006: Israeli archaeologists working for Israel'sAntiquities Authority announced today that they have uncovered a largeconcentration of stone utensils on the southeastern rim of the city which wereused by prehistoric man hundreds of thousands of years ago.

2007:As part of Jewish Heritage Month, the National Archives presented The Rape of Europa, a featuredocumentary that tells of the systematic theft, deliberate destruction, andmiraculous survival of Europe’s art treasures during the Second World War. Thefilm skillfully interweaves the history of Nazi art looting with contemporarystories of restitution. Tonight, following a screening of the 117-minute film,a distinguished panel will participate in a discussion and aquestion-and-answer session with the audience. Panelists include Lynn Nicholas,author of “The Rape of Europa,” the award-winning book onwhich the film is based; Robert M. Edsel, author of “Rescuing Da Vinciand a co-producer of the film; and Michael J. Kurtz, Assistant Archivist forRecords Services at the National Archives.

2007:Students from Beit Hannah participate in the main ceremony on Karl MarxBoulevard in Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, commemorating the victory over the Nazisin 1945.

2007:“Under Pressure, New Rep Cancels Play” describes the cancellation of “To Paythe Price” about the Raid on Entebbe because it was going to be paired with “MyName Is Rachel Corrie.” The pressurecame from the family of Yoni Netanyahu, the only person killed when Israelicommandos rescued Jewish hostages being held by Arab terrorists.

2007:In “A Life Made Out of Wood, Metal and Determination,” published today Andreak K. Scott reviews an exhibitionstyled “The Sculpture of Louise Nevelson: Constructing a Legend,” acompact survey of 66 works organized by Brooke Kamin Rapaport for the JewishMuseum which is her first New York museum show in 27 years and examines thecareer of this late-blooming artist. “Life isn’t one straight line. Most of ushave to be transplanted, like a tree, before we blossom.”

2008:The Holocaust memorial in Berlin hosts a classical concert on the thirdanniversary of its opening. 2008(4th of Iyar, 5768):In Tel Aviv, Shmuel Katz, who was a close adviser to Menachem Begin, Israel’sprime minister in the late 1970s and early 1980s, but who later became avociferous opponent of Begin’s peace efforts with Egypt and the Palestinians, passedaway at the age of 93.

2009(15th of Iyar, 5769): Noted editor and author DavidMarcus, the County Cork native whose work included To Next Year in Jerusalem,Who Ever Heard of an Irish Jew? and Other Short Stories and Oughtobioraphy– Leaves From the Diary of a Hyphenated Jew passed away today.

2009: Canadian born tennis pro Sharon Fichman who also holdsIsraeli citizenship was the “runner-u[“ in the Portugal Open, clay courttournament played in Estroril, Portugal.

2009:The Jacob’s Ladder Spring Festival comes to a close.

2009:As part of the Shabbat Lecture Series, the 92nd Street Y presents“Jewish Giants of the

AmericanSongbook: Rodgers and Hammerstein” which examines the collaboration thatproduced a series of musicals that began with adaption of “Green Grow theLilacs” into “Oklahoma” and continued with Carousel, The King and I, South Pacific and TheSound of Music.

2009: “The Man That Got Away: After Ira, George” opens at the 92ndStreet Y in New York.

2010: Fradle Freidenreich is scheduled to lead a panel discussionentitled “More Than a Book Launch...Passionate Pioneers: The Story of YiddishSecular Education in North America, 1910-1960” at the Center for JewishHistory.”

2010: In honor of Yom Yerushalayim, Young Israelof Southfield (Michigan) is scheduled to show “Alone on the Ramparts,” a filmthat tells the story of the battle for Jerusalem during the War ofIndependence.

2010: The New York Times featuredreviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readersincluding Trials of the Diaspora: A History ofAnti-Semitism in England by Anthony Julius, Heidegger:The Introduction of Nazism Into Philosophy in Light of the Unpublished Seminarsof 1933-1935 by Emmanuel Faye, Stranger From Abroad: Hannah Arendt, Martin Heidegger, Friendship and Forgiveness by Daniel Maier-Katkin, The Life of Irene Nemirovsky: 1903-1942 by OlivierPhilipponnat and Patrick Lienhardt, Dimanche And Other Stories by IrèneNémirovsky and The Crisis of Capitalist Democracy by Richard A. Posner.

2010:The Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial institution isscheduled to hold a ceremony marking the 65th anniversary of the Allied victoryover Nazi Germany beginning at 5:00 p.m. this evening at the Yad Vashem'sMemorial to the Jewish Soldiers and Partisans.

2010:The Obama administration announced today thatindirect, American-brokered talks had resumed between Israel and thePalestinians, capping a year of efforts by Washington to revive the peaceprocess.

2011:The Center for Jewish History, American Society forJewish Music and Center for Traditional Music and Dance are scheduled topresent: The Weimar Klezmer Republic: Creating a Center for Yiddish Culture inGermany

2011(5th of Iyar, 5771): Seventy-two year oldtelevision news director Dennis Gralnick passed away. (As reported by DennisHevesi)

2011(5th of Iyar, 5771): Yom Hazikaron – IsraelRemembrance Day

2011:At 11 AM today a two-minute siren sounded throughout the country to markMemorial Day, followed by ceremonies at Israel's 44 military cemeteries.

2011:The 2011 Independence Day ceremony is scheduled to take place at MountHerzl in Jerusalem. Among the torch lighters are Orit Dror, a member of KibbutzLavi who, together with her husband, donated her son's organs after he died ofa terminal illness, and saved the life of a 13-year-old girl; Zehava Dankner(mother of businessman Nochi Dankner), a philanthropist who supported, amongothers, residents surrounding Gaza, and who is involved in matters ofeducation, security and health; Barbra Goldstein, a representative of Hadassah,the women's Zionist organization of America, which is marking its 100thanniversary this year; Yovi Tsuma, a social activist who participates in agroup of young Ethiopian volunteers who help members of the immigrant communitywho have encountered difficulties in absorption; and Rabbi Shimon Rosenberg, amember of the Chabad movement, who lost his daughter and son in law in theNovember 2008 terrorist attack at the Chabad house in Mumbai. Thisannual ceremony in Jerusalem that marks the transition from the solemn YomHazicharon (Memorial Day) to the joyous Yom Ha'atzmaut (Independence Day.)

2011:Moshe Cohen, director of Heichal Hatora – an OrthodoxJewish Day School in Buenos Aires - was hit in the head with an iron bar as hisassailant shouted "Jew, Jew." Cohen was hospitalized with a serioushead injury. The attacker was arrested. Buenos Aires was the scene of one ofthe most murderous attacks on Jewish civilians outside of Israel.

2012(16th of Iyar, 5572): Eight-four-year-old VidalSassoon passed away today (As reported by Bruce Weber)

2012: Kadima council chairman Haim Ramon marred the celebrationsin the party over its chairman Shaul Mofaz’s joining the cabinet today, when hesent Mofaz a fiercely worded letter announcing that he was quitting his postand leaving the party altogether. (As reported by Gil Hoffman)

2012(16th of Iyar, 5572): Eighty-four year old CPAMilton Adler, the son of Leo and Bella Adler and the husband of Marion Adlerpassed away today in Cherry Hill, NJ.

2012:A special benefit concert for Woman to Woman - TheJerusalem Shelter for Battered Women is scheduled to take place at the CityWinery in New York City.

2012: The Leo Baeck Institute is scheduled to present“Autobiography and Biography: Herzl, Freud, and Stefan Zweig, during which Professor Mark Gelber is scheduled to discuss StefanZweig’s brilliant but problematic depictions of Herzl (and Zionism) and Freud(psychoanalysis, anti-Semitism, and Jewish survival) in his lateautobiographical work written predominantly during the period of his Americanexile, The World of Yesterday

2012: Dr. Erica Brown is scheduled to address the annual meetingof The Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington.

2012: “Barbara Bain Remains ‘Love Struck’ When It Comes ToTheatre” published today describes the career of the Emmy award winning actresswho will be forever remember for her role in “Mission Impossible.

2012:The Jewish Historical Society of New Jersey isscheduled to sponsor a public forum titled "Jews and Jazz" inWhippany, NJ.

2012: The 2nd Annual Cleveland’s Funniest Rabbi Contest and LagB’omer Celebration is scheduled to take place tonight at the Maltz Museum ofJewish Heritage.

2012: The United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Actof 2012, which was sponsored by House Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.)and House Minority Whip Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), passed today by a vote of411-2

2013:The National Archives will show the AcademyAward-winning HBO documentary of Gerda Weissman’s life, “One SurvivorRemembers” and then the celebrated author, 2010 Presidential Medal of Freedomrecipient, and Holocaust survivor will discuss the film after the screening.

2013: Shiva minyan for Miles Lane, the brother of Harriet Gaswayand the brother-in-law of Bill Gasway was held this evening in Cedar Rapids.

2013: The Skirball Center for Adult Center for Jewish Learning isscheduled to present a lecture by /Dr. Avivah Gottlieb Zornberg entitled “To Be or Not to Be: A Tale of Five Sisters”based on Torah narrative about the five daughters of Zelofchad.

2013: Researchers from Tel Aviv University are tentativelypositing that they may have discovered the origin of Alzheimer’s disease andother forms of dementia. Despite immense amounts of research into dementia andother cognitive diseases that affect vast numbers of people around the world,and significant progress in addressing the illnesses, there are no known cures.The Israeli research points at a protein in the brain called tomosyn as apossible key to the diseases, Israel Radio reported today.

2013:Criticism of Finance Minister Yair Lapid’s proposedbudget cuts and tax hikes mounted today, with social protest groups announcingtwo planned demonstrations against perceived violations of Lapid’s pre-electioncampaign promises.

2013(29thof Iyar, 5773): Eighty-seven-year-old Alan Abelson the former editor ofBarron’s and iconoclastic business columnist passed away today. (As reported byDouglas Martin)

2013(29thof Iyar, 5773): Ninety-three-year-old Baruch Spiegel, “one of the lastsurviving” Warsaw Ghetto fighters passed away today in Montreal.

2014:“The Wonders” and “Joe Papp in Five Acts” are scheduled to be shown at theNational Center for Jewish Film’s 17th annual Film Festival.

2014:Noah Thalblum and Curtis Litow are scheduled to “share their respective abouttheir experiences in Israel last summer” as Temple Judah in Cedar Rapidscelebrates another year of Israesli independence.

2015:The Temple Emanu-El Skirball Center is scheduled to present “25 Questions for aJewish Mother” with Judy Gold.

2015:“The Outrageous Sophie Tucker” is scheduled to be shown at the 18thannual Jewish Film Festival.

2015:Israeli composer and sound artist Maya Dunietz is scheduled to present the U.S.premiere of her solo work at the Abrons Art Center.

2015:Israeli cellist Michael Katz and pianist Reanna Gutman are scheduled to performas part of “Echoes of Hope, “ a celebration of the work and lives of brilliantcomposers who were directly affect by WW II and the Holocaust.”

2016(1stof Iyar, 5776): Rosh Chodesh Iyar;

2016:“A nascent Jewish community was officially born in Madagascar starting todaywhen 121 men, women and children began the Orthodox conversion process on theremote Indian Ocean island nation” be coming before a beit din “comprised threerabbis with Orthodox ordinations: Rabbi Oizer Neumann of Brooklyn, Rabbi AchiyaDelouya of Montreal and Rabbi Pinchas Klein of Philadelphia” at the Le PaveHotel..

2016:In St. Augustine, FL, the City Commission of America’s Oldest European City isscheduled to proclaim May as “St. Augustine Jewish Heritage Month” at theCommission’s regularly scheduled meeting at 5:00pm this evening.

2016:“Artis, in partnership with the School of Visual Arts (SVA), and theInternational Center for Photography (ICP) is scheduled to present a lecturewith acclaimed photographer Miki Kratsman an Argentinean-born photographer whohas lived in Israel since 1971.

2017:Lynn Downey is scheduled to speak about her book Levi Strauss: The Man Who BlueJeans to the World at the San Francisco Museum and Historical Society thisevening.

2017:Dr. David Kraemer is scheduled to lecture on “The Books Jewish Tradition Forgot– But Shouldn’t Have” this evening at the Streicker Center in New York City.

2017:In London, JW3 is scheduled to host a screening of “The Zookeeper’s Wife.”

2018:The Streicker Center is scheduled to host an evening with Mel Brooks duringwhich he will talk about “his favorite film clips,” “growing up Jewish inBrooklyn: and “his career an actor, producer and director.”

2018:“How Michael Cohen, Denied Job in White House, Was Seen as Its Gatekeeper”published today described the fate of the man who said “he would take a bulletfor Mr. Trump.”

2018:Today, “CNN reported that investigators from the Special Counsel investigationhave questioned “Ukrainian born Viktor Vekselberg, “the owner and president ofRenova Group “about hundreds of thousands of dollars in payments his company’sUS affiliate had made to Michael Cohen, President Trump’s personal lawyer” andself-avowed “fixer,

2018:“Simon and Theodore” and “Another Planet” are scheduled to be shown at the 26thToronto Jewish Film Festival this evening.

2018:The American Sephardi Federation is scheduled to host “Uprooted: How 3,000Years of the Middle Eastern Jewish Civilization Vanished” in which “Lyn Julius,a British journalist (Guardian, Standpoint) and daughter of Iraqi-Jewishrefugees, explores the mass exodus of Middle Eastern Jewish minoritycommunities, the clamor for recognition, redress, and memorialization, and howtheir cause can further peace and reconciliation between Israel and the Muslimworld.” (Editor’s Note: This is the“Middle East Refugee Problem” that nobody talks about.)

2018:“Back to Berlin” and “The Dead Nation” are scheduled to be shown at theWashington Jewish Film Festival.

2018:In New Orleans, Temple Sinai is scheduled to co-host “Do Justice: Meaning andAction Across Our Traditions, a free social justice-themed course.”

2018:The US Holocaust Memorial Museum is scheduled to host a presentation byHolocaust survivor Susan Warsinger.

2019:“Firefighters who were called to put out a fire in the Mea Shearimneighborhood. were attacked by dozens of residents who tried to take down theIsraeli flag from the fire truck,”

2019:After being introduced by Speaker of the House Nancy Peolosi, Omar Suleiman,“an imam who has wished for the end of Zionism, called for a third Intifada andlikened Israel to Nazi-era Germany delivered the opening prayer for a sessionof the US House of Representatives” today which coincides with the celebrationof Israel Independence Day. (As reported by Ron Kampeas)

2019:In London, JW3 is scheduled to host a screening of “Outdoors,” the winner of“Best Screenplay” award at the Haifa International Film Festival.

2019:The Jewish Book Council and Tablet Magazine are scheduled to host Dani Shaprio,author of Inheritance: A Memoir of Genealogy, Fraternity and Love and StephanieButnick as they discuss “how we become who we are, how Judaism shapes how wethink about our identity, and society's expectations on female artists andJewish women.”

2019:The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center is scheduled to host Chicago Tribune columnist Howard Reich,the author of The Art of Inventing and child of Holocaust survivors ashe “looks back on his greatestopportunity as a writer and journalist: numerous conversations with the Nobellaureate Elie Wiesel. Howard will appear in conversation with anotherchild of Survivors, Regine Schlesinger, veteran WBBM News Radio 78 broadcastpersonality.”

2019: Alarmed by Rev. Michael Pfleger’sinvitation for Louis Farrakhan to speak at his church, Illinois HolocaustMuseum officials spoke out this afternoon against Pfleger for “giving hatred aplatform

2019(4thof Iyar): Yom Ha’atsama’ut – Israel Independence Day --- Seventy-one years andcounting.

2020(15thof Iyar, 5780): Parasha Emor and Chapter Four Pirke Avot;

2020:Netta Yersushalmy is scheduled to present the livestream premier of part six ofParamodernities, “A Response to Balanchine with special guest Perter N.Miller.”

2020:B'nai Jeshurun Congregation is scheduled to host via Zoom “Starbucks, Bread& Torah Online.”

2020:As of today, thanks to a ruling by Israel’s High Court and an amendment to theBasic Law passed by the Knesset there appear to be no obstacles to the formation of a unity government headed by Prime Minister BenjaminNetanyahu and supported by the Blue & White party under Benny Gantz.

2020:Based on published reports, Israel’s total virus-related deaths has reached atleast 245 victims.

2021:The East Bay International Jewish Film Festival program is scheduled to includea talk by late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir’s son, Yair, and one ofthe filmmakers of the 2019 documentary “Shamir, His Way.”

2021:The Jewish Studio Project in Berkeley is scheduled to “present a gathering forpeople who feel grief on Mother’s Day.”

2021:In celebration of Mother’s Day, in Atlanta, GA, The Breman Museum is scheduledto provide “all Moms with complimentary admission and a gift”

2021:The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors/and or ofspecial interest to Jewish readers including Antiquities by CynthiaOzick, The Hard Crowd Essays 2000-2020 by Rachel Kushner, whose fatherwas Jewish and Susan, Linda, Nina & co*kie: The Extraordinary Story ofthe Founding Mothers of NPR by Lisa Napoli which highlights the work of twoJewish women, Susan Stamberg and Nina Totenberg and one, co*kie Roberts, who ismarried to a Jew.

2021:The Israel Office of Cultural Affairs is scheduled to co-sponsor a Mother’s Daycelebration “with music from the Jerusalem Orchestra East and West” which is a“blended music program that will include selections of musical styles fromaround the world.

2021:The Jewish Studies Program at the University of Pennsylvania is scheduled toco-host a visit to “A Virtual Coffeehouse in Twentieth Century Cairo with Dr.Alon Tam” who will “recreate the atmosphere” of what was “an urban hub forJewish working and middle class men and women.”

2021:As Israelis arise this morning, they are left to wonder if yesterday’s rocketattacks and riots in Jerusalem and Gaza, couple with violence earlier lastweek, are “isolated incidents” or the prelude to another round of violence andterrorism.

2022:YIVO is scheduled to present a concert featuring music by Sergei Prokofiev,Maurice Ravel, Joel Engel, Alexander Veprik, and Aaron Copland, alongside thepremiere of new works by Martin Bresnick, Annie Gosfield, Paul Alan Levi, andAlex Weiser as part of its “Continuing Evolution: Yiddish Folksong Today.”

2022:The Streicker Center is scheduled to host Yotam Ottolenghi as he discusses “whyhe gave up a career in philosophy to become a cookbook author and restaurateur,changing the way Londoners eat, working with refugees and why hummus couldbring world peace.”

2022:The Jewish Book Council is scheduled to host the Paper Brigades editors andBasia Winograd as they discuss her short story “The Realist.”

2022:The Sir Martin Gilbert Learning Centre is scheduled to present Professor JeremyCrang lecturing on “Sisters in Arms: Women in the British Armed Forces duringthe Second World War.”

2022:The American Sephardi Federation is scheduled to present Rick Sopher a look atthe basis of the very close practices of Jewish and Muslim dietary laws andexplain the history of this connection, which was first stated explicitly inthe Qur’an as well as a Jewish perspective on The Five Pillars of Islam.

2022:The Baltimore Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to present the first screen of“Greener Pastures” and “Wet Dog.”

2022:LBI and the Center for Jewish History are scheduled to present a discussionbetween Angelina Palmen of the University of Oxford and Dr. Mila Ganeva on “AFeminist Jewish Department Store in Imperial Berlin” which examines thebusiness practices of Berlin department store N. Israel in the first fourteenyears of the 20th century.

2023:JWA is scheduled to a host a lecture by on “The Interwar Roots of MilitaryResistance of Jewish Women in the Ghetto,” with Katarzyna Czerwonogóra.

2023:The Streicker Center is scheduled to host the fourth session of Naomi Miller’s“Beginner’s Yiddish: Shopping, Cooking, Inviting and Eating For the JewishHolidays.”

2023:Shalva Band is scheduled to be presentedby the Jewish Federation of Cleveland in celebration of Israel’s 75thIndependence Day.

2023:YIVO is scheduled to host a lecture by Michael Casper on “Baruch Vladeck andMovement for Public Housing.”

2023:In Columbus, OH, Tifereth Israel and Agudas Achim are scheduled to host LagB’Omer Celebration that will include a “minyan, cookout and archery for kidsand fun for adults.”

2023:The New York Sephardic Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host the New Yorkpremiere screening of “Paris Boutique” and the U.S. premiere of “Je t'aime -Ronit Elkabetz.”

2023:Chabad of Iowa City is scheduled to host a a Lag Ba'Omer BBQ in City Park.

2023(18thof Iyar, 5783): Lag Ba’Omer

2024:Qesher is scheduled to present “A Year of Music and Food in Jewish Italy.”

2024:The Jewish Federation of Greater Des Moines and Iowans Supporting Israel arescheduled to host an evening at Caspewith Shachar Gal, founder of Hands On Israel and a friend to many in ourcommunity who have toured with him in our Partnership community.”

2024(1stof Iyar, 5784): Rosh Chodesh Iyar; for more see

2024:The JDC Archives and the Jewish Book Council are scheduled to host a virtualbook talk on “The Counterfeit Countess: The Jewish Woman Who Rescued Thousandsof Poles during the Holocaust.

2024:As May 9th begins in Israel, an unprecedented wave of anti-Semitism sweeps theUnited States and the Hamas held hostages begin day216 in captivity. (Editor’snote: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so we are justproviding a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time.)

This Day, May 9, in Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)


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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.