THE GAZETTE, SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1965 FOR GAZETTE CLASSIFIED CALL 36 1J. Apartments To Lett I. Unfurnished Apartments To Leti-l. Unfurnished Apartments To Let Unfurnished 14. Apartments To Unfurnished Apartments To Lel'3'J.
Share Living Unfurnished Quarters 16-1. Of fire Space til. To Let Of five Space To Let CANADIAN WIDOW w'snes to sharo ELEGANCE IN MODERN LIVING I exclusive aparimem wirn anotner laoy year round. Overlooking swimming pool and sea at Fort Lauderdale, I Florida Ad-Answer, UNiversity a-2412. Le Saguenay local 4704.
AM equioped. Own bedroom. Ad-Answer, UNiversity 6-2412, local 1936 DISTRICT COTE DES NEIGES HEATED i 75. JM. 3V, I 45.
$90. 4', 95. 120. Stove, frigidaire, taxes paid. Hot water, ianitor service, balcony, free parking UNHEATED 3i J40.50 1 13S E.
SHERBROOKE All Electric V2 2V2 3V2 4'2 5V2 6V2 7V2 Next to Peel St. Catherine $2.95 so. FT. 350' to 6,000 sq. ft.
office and showroom space Choice office space, fully serviced, licensed restaurants, steak house, coffee shop, barber shop. DRUMMOND COURT BUILDING 1500 Stanley Room 210 VI. 2-5812 2 BEDROOM Apartment, plainly fur-i nished, downtown. Use of furniture I for 6 months. China, linens, etc.
933- 3V06. frigidaire and oil furnact In- Stove, eluded. Id. Homes Shelbourne Towers 3V'i AND ROOMS NEWLY DECORATED IN SOUNDPROOF, FIREPROOF BUILDING. FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY.
APPLY DOORMAN OR SUPERINTENDENT, 3777 COTE DES NEIGES AT 2810 Goyer Apt. 739 2268- 3555 Cote des Neiges Road at McGregor Everywhere there is visual evidence that experienced professionals have combined their talents in the design, and engineering of luxury apartment living. Observation tower Air conditioning Private swimming pool Steam room Putting green Recreation room Indoor parking Moid service (optional 3 high speed eievators I service elevator Doormen Private terraces Loundry facilities on each floor Protection Intercom service Central television antenna and many other features. One, two and three Bedroom Suites starting at $170.00 up. NURSING HOME for elderly and! chronically ill, private and semi-private rooms.
684-7218. 24 hour nursing care. PINE OR CALL 932-9390 OR 935-0790, 21 storeys Radiant cable electric heating with thermpstat in every room. Swimming pool and Sauna High-speed elevators Electricity and taxes paid VISIT OUR MODEL APTS. TODAY RENTING OFFICE ON PREMISES Open weekdays 10 a.m.
to to p.m. Weekends a.m. to i p.m. TEL. 482-2309 OR 482-2300 SHERBROOKE WEST.
Vacancy for elderly ladies and semi-Invalids. Hunter 9-1401. Commercial Prop. For Sale and Wanted Hi. Apts.
anted Place Cremazie ST. HUBERT PLAZA Corner Beaubien, 25 87, 2 storeys, excellent Investment. 384-0440. 40. Cottages And Camps THE MAYFLOWER 344S RIDGEWOOD AVE.
In one of the nicest apartment houses of Ridgewood Ave. Large 4Vj room on top floor with a view of the Lauren-tian Mountains. Apartment fully equipped, all taxes paid. This building has a very large private garden strictly reserved for residents and a private park tor leisure under the trees. Also available garage with electrically operated door or ftee outside parking.
Rent $140 linrummt1' UliWIiia Bj Immediate or later Occupancy WANTED to lease August 1st, modern, 7 or 8 room, 2 bathroom apartment or self contained duplex, equipped BEAUMONT and BLOOMFIELD, com mercial buildina for sale, fully rented good return tor money. CRescentJ 1-5531. I wim appliances, oroadioom, draperies, garage and laundry facilities. In Town of Mount Royal, Outremont, Central or Westmount. Supply full details to: Box 37353, The Gazette.
ADIRONDACK Upper Chateauguay Lake. Summer residence, 90 minutes from Mercier Bridge. 4 34 acres, 260 feet lakefront, main building principal room 30 15, knotty pine, excellent Model apart- 9 HI Eat we i lis 1 rental office 3 Ummm 9' WE- 2-310 openda.lyat 9 ttl "E- u0 1 10 p.m. Sat. 3 SUSSEX HOCHELAGA.
Commercial and industrial DroDertv storaae S3' 30'. Livino fireplace, 2 large bedrooms, 3 piece iquarters 45' 30', J20.000. Cash, 51- 6191. bath, hydro, phone, fully equipped kit chen and pantry, tap spring water HOUSE oarage iu.x. FOR OCTOBER 1st, 1965 PROPERTY MANAGED BY SEREMACO LTD.
Where service is considered of prime importance. Apply Superintendent or phone REgent 1-1141; Eves. REgent 8-5594 53. Revenue Prop. Separate winterized guest cabin, 9 14.
All furnished, many extras including fishing boat and motor, dock. WANTED by family of four (2 children). Furnished apartment, at least 2 bedrooms, to rent from July 25th 'o August 31st. Preferably in area near Royal Victoria Hospital. Reply to: D' Ardittl, 67 Seely Street, Saint John, N.B.
St. Lawrence Cremazie Blvd. The heart of uptown Montreal. The maximum for luxury office requirements. Located at the strategic centre of the island.
Occupancy August. Telephone CARPETED STUDIO APTS. owner 933-6822 after 6 p.m. YEAR ROUND HEATED BARGAIN. Tetreaultvlllt, Commercial property with 4 revenues.
1405 Degros- bois, 352-2735, owner. CAMP, 4 furnished rooms, to let or SWIMMING POOL DOORMAN sell. Rachel Fabravillt. 669-8368. 225 POINTE-AUX-TREMBLES, 4 heated flats, heated garage.
Good condition, low cash. Owner transterred. IS. Flats, Duplexes To Let Furnished SALE. Baie Missis- CHALETS FOR quoi.
348-3838. new Central 2150 ST. LUKE STREET GREEN LAKE (North of Lachute) fori" Situated just at subway terminus. SUSSEX STREET CLOSE ATWATER BUS TERMINUS INFORMATION: 932-7767 ANGELUS 1. CO.
484-0478 modern'sle- Modern, furnished cottage. Can Industrial Prop. EKERS, 3 rooms, heated. Garage seen weekends. 768-5216.
conveniences, semi-basem*nt. For Sale and Wanted traffic available. REgent 3-7957. No downtown problems. LAC LONG, Laithier, near St.
Agatha. I Bungalow, 4 rooms, all conveniences, i private sandy beach, August. 7291501 'rnMiii'w'i A new concept in distinctive living or Jean Roy, Lanthier, Quebec. 30. Hats, Duplexes To Let Unfurnished ONE LAKE CHAMPLAIN, Pittsburgh, New York on Cumberland Head.
3 bedroom, modern kitchen, located on private road. Beautiful and private. Luxury summer home. Thomas R. Ouinn, Attorney, Pittsburgh, N.Y.
561-6540. 17,411 SQ. FT. One storey, fireproof, 'sprlnklered, 14 ft. ceilings, all in excellent condition, entrally located In Montreal.
Priced for quick sale. Photo M.L.S. 51601. Call Bob Kunzll, 625-2425, eves. 625-9635.
ROCEMERE REALTIES LTD. Licensed Brokers (NEAR THE FORUM) FREE ELECTRICITY ALL CHANNEL T.V. Luxurious new 18-storey bldg. All conveniences. Indoor swimming pool and Sauna baths.
1 and 2 bedroom apts. Bachelor suites from J100 and up. SEEN DAILY FROM 10 TO 10 ST. LUKE TOWERS 935-3141 935-3614 COTE ST. CATHERINE ROAD FACING THE MOUNTAIN LAKE CORNELLI, land 100 100 wooded, 5300 or more, camp built in one week.
Easy terms. 627-0919. CHOMEDEY Brand new 6 room upper duplex to let September or later occupancy. Close to schools, churches, shopping etc. Auto, washer dryer connections.
Fridqe and MAGNIFICENT PANORAMIC VIEW GATEWAY TO UPPER OUTREMONT 14 storeys with 2-level garage (1,000 cars capacity). 7 high-speed elevators. Free professional planning service. Centrally air conditioned throughout. Inside partitions and lighting fixtures free to tenants' requirements.
$3.50 per square foot. PHONE 389 1373 FOR INFORMATION 59. Business Opportunities I stove included. Call 688-1831 or 688-2416. 'Mercury Homes.
LAKE FARMER, furnished camp, 4 rooms, electricity, frigidaire, boat. LAfontaine 6-5191. BEAUTIFUL VM'i APTS. MODERATE RENTALS NEW HIGH RISE LUXURY 271-8811 A Luxunuus Residence At Sensible Rentals AUDOIN, 5 rooms, very modern, heating system, 220, large 9' cellar, near schools. 642-2145.
LAKE OUAREAU, lovely location, 3 bedrooms, living and dining rooms. JOHN KUBIS OFFERS Restaurant, one of the best in South conveniences, safe sandy beach, just minutes away from downtown Montreal 42. seating 96 in main dining room La Reserve. August. St.
plus 46 in private banquet room, com 5024, Ad-Answer, UNiversity 6-2412. BOULEVARD LEVESQUE, 3265, S'j rooms, ultra modern, central heating. $1 25 per month, with garage. Avail-abfe immediately. 661-0360.
JUST A FEW OF THE FEATURES Penthouse MOUNTAIN PLACE LAKE PARE, Chalet, 22 30, for sale. Semi-finished, near lake. 663-3604. CHATHAM 594, 2nd 3rd floors, 7 pletely equipped and furnished with latest of equipment, air conditioned. Price includes building with 10 large rooms plus ceramic tiled bath, liquo-lounge possibilities, full price 145,000.00 with IIO.OOO down.
John Kubis, Realtor rooms. Immediate occupancy, S65. 937. 3706. Fleur de Lys Penthouse Apartment 20th Floor Unobstructed South West view of city, 2 bedrooms, S300 monthly, and 2 smaller penthouses Vi rooms, $150 monthly.
MEMPHR EM AGOG LAKE. Three bedroom cottages to let. Fred Rolland, Magog. Uniformed service Over-size rooms Resident manager Spacious walk-in closets Sun drapes supplied Individual mail boxes and so much more Individually controlled air conditioning Swimming pool with sun deck Ample indoor parking Sound-conditioned throughout Master TV antenna Magnificent views KINGSVILLE, ONTARIO 733-4022 CHRISTOPHE COLOMB 7619, 3Vj heated, hot water, janitor service, S65. 273-4258 274-1901.
COTE ST. LUC. New luxury duplexes, NEAR ST. DONAT. For sale.
Equipped, winterized, 2 bedroom Swiss chalet, oil heating system, land 80 300, with river frontage, 16,000. Little 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, den, butler's pantry, marble foyer, 3 bathrooms and powder rooms, terrace. FOR INFORMATION AND VISITING PHONE 482 1245 OR 482 1266 EVES. AND WEEKENDS 6''3-7V2, completely finished basem*nt. RESTAURANT FOR SALE Bargain for quick sale.
day week in commercial building. Reason, illness. 9611 Paoineau Street. For sale or rent. 7921 Makle Road.
312-2015, 482-7488. cash. Owner, office hours: 272-3600. After: 684-6404. DORVAL, 684 Lakeshore Drive, larae Another Development of A.
COHEN HOLDINGS (INC.) BROCHURE ON REQUEST BARBER SHOP, fully equipped, to I Summer camp, electricity. 32, electric heating system. Private I RAWDON. ent, suitable 2 partners. Apply 12'i VI.
2-2997 OR AV. 8-7054 water, 3 closed rooms, dining room, St. Lawrence parKing and garden, S85. 631-1683 1935 -6588 933 2864 kitchen, land 100 100. CRescent 3- 7403.
CLUB and tavern, commercial centre EAST 3763, 3 rooms. of Montreal, cause illness. Private JEAN TALON 155. 721.0383. Model Apartments Open Daily 10 A.M.
to 10 P.M. Sat. -Sun. 10 A.M. to P.M.
1, 1. 3 a 4 Bedroom Apartment Now Renting for October Occupancy REPENTIGNY. Renting August, fur. nished camp, "refrigerator, large lot sale. 521-8163, between 7 and p.m uniy twimmino nool.
waterfront. 836 Notre-: LASALLE near Arlie and 80th, new 5'-2 heated upper, 195. 366-5168, Ad-Answer, UNiversity 6-2412. THE MAJESTIC 1520 MCGREGOR Dame 581-1953. CORNER RESTAURANT, 176 Marie- Ann 1 r-AAmc Dmmt C4A MOUNTAIN CREST TWO-FIFTY CLARK AVENUE, WESTMOUNT (Just below Western Ave.) ST.
CALIXTE, Lake Desnoyers. Srv 7 fartnr riiiik. MONTREAL WEST, 51 2 lower, equip Reasonable offer accepted. 844-0736 ing, waterfront furnished chalet, water, electricity, large iot, 15,000. Owner, 631-6164.
937-5350 738-4160 276-0323 937-5359 ped, oaicomes, tnermostat, garage Separate entrance. Conveniently located. 636-1816, evenings. DORVAL. Renting, beauty parlor, duplex, 4'j rooms, semi-equipped, with heated rooms.
Im Best floor plan In area. Extra large rooms and closets. Very quiet, only 4 apartments on each floor. 2 AND 3 BEDROOM SUITES Modern conveniences, doorman, service, etc. Reasonable rentals.
Apply Superintendent, 933-3371. 937-7991 OR 737-1050 ST. CALIXTE. Selling, 5 rooms, large lot. No cash, as little at 146 monthly.
625-1715. N.D.G., lower back and front cupancy, 1100. lawns. September oc- 2 BATHROOM ROOMS FROM MOUNT ROYAL mediate occupancy. 105 George Ave nue.
631-6107. 2 BEDROOM. LARGE 1200. NEXT TO PARK. Call HUnter 6-2588.
GARAGE FOR SALE with equipment ror general repairs. CRascent 1-6332. ST. FAUSTIN, sell, rent chalet. Lot 75 100.
Completely finished, easv terms. Information Martial Chaput, 669-7439. OUTREMONT, St. Viateur, 8 large rooms, heated, 1230 monthly. 397-8982, Chateau L'Escale A New Concept in Canadian Living 17 STOREYS OF SPACIOUSLY BUILT evenings 152-1845.
1400 PINE WEST VISIT ANYTIME 6588 933 LICENSED GROCER-BUTCHER, witn 2864 935 PARKVILLE 42, lower duplex, garage, basem*nt, yard, Sept. 1st. 255-0837, Ad-Answer, UNiversity 6-2417. awellmg. quick sale.
16,000. 185 per month. Information evenings, FEderal 4-847. ST. SAUVEUR For sale, Swiss houses, fireplace, heating, furnished, facing Mont Habitant.
Small rash. LAfontaine 2-4824. Evenings 352-3075. PLACE DECARIE 5250 FERRIER ST. AT DECARIE (Adj.
FT. FOR INFORMATION CALL PLACE DECARIE INC. 739-4711 NOTRE DAME WEST, near Vine repair of wasnmg machines, spare ST. LUC, 5550 Adalberc, 5V2 upper, redecorated, heated rooms, front bal WESTMOUNT PLACE 200 KENSINGTON AVENUE Excellent location, modern high rise building. Furnished and unfurnished.
rooms from 1102.50, 3 rooms from 1132.50. 4 rooms from 1180. Penthouse suites and rooms, 2 bathrooms, large terrace, from 1250 monthly. Westmount Realties, Licenced Brokers 935-7897 pans tor an makes, bsrapnsned tor 3570 RIDGEWOOD AVE. 3Va ROOMS FROM S105 FOR OCTOBER orchard, If No.
cony, stove and refrigerator. Near ij years. Death of owner. No reason SUMMER HOME. Nice lawns, 2 acres land, 12,500.
ested write Clarence Huff, 2, Compton, Quebec, or Coaticook 849-3S89. able otter refused. 935-9097, night 767- telephone 5495 shopping centre, bus stop. Adults only. July occupancy.
489-0973, after 6.30 p.m. Bright and sunny apartment In modern elevator building. Quiet residential district on the mountain. Living room with large picture window. Spacious PARTNER SOUGHT in building lumber.
Business pf all kinds, small for ST. VINCENT-DE-PAUL. 5 rooms Sept. 1st, 2nd, 220. 661-7854.
16 ISLANDS LAKE. Island for sale or rent. Immediate occupancy. Owner, 514-226-5337. capital required.
729-4756. PLAZA ST. HUBERT, business inclufl balcony, ample cupboard space, a taxes paid. APPLY TO SEREMACO LTD. Split-Level APARTMENTS Designed for Luxurious Living RIGHT IN DOWNTOWN MONTREAL Living room on different level from sleeping area Glass domed indoor heated swimming pool and sauna Wall to wall floor to ceiling thermopane windows Walnut stained oak parquetry' and walnut kitchen cabinets Doorman Boutigut In building service stores Reinforced walls througout for additional soundproofing Soundproofed double front doors Studio 1 and 2 bedroom apts.
Vi block from Montreal Forum and new subway station 2121 TUPPER STREET 933-3333 FOR INFORMATION MODEL APARTMENTS OPEN DAILY TILL P.M. ing oaiiet accessories plus compleie SHANNON 296, 3rd floor, 4 rooms. Immediate occupancy, 138. 937-3736. line ot sewing accessories.
Days 272 7665,. 663-4534. REgent 1-1141 REgent 8-7466 42. Resorts I POINTE ST. CHARLES, St.
Madeleine. Second floor, modern 4 rooms, redecorated. WEIIington 3-1919. RESTAURANT snack bar, variety LE CHAMB0RD 3510 MOUNTAIN AT MCGREGOR 2 BEDROOM SUITES HUGH MEAGHER VI. 4-7444 store, new equipment.
Must sacrifice, best offer. 804 Chemin Gentilly, Vllle Jacques Cartier. SHANNON 285, 2nd floor, 4 rooms. Im-mediate occupancy, 144. 937-3706.
MARTIN, DIRECTOR, P.O. BOX 12, MONTREAL, PHONE 453-3371. floor, 4 rooms, SHANNON 283, 1st 135. Call 937-3706. restaurant, dining-room, servicing to lacrory.
Atrer 4 p.m. llf-lili. ST. CATHERINE EAST, 3rd floor, 6 Beautiful 1, 2 bedroom apartments rooms, stove, balcony. 256-2525.
furnished unfurnished, 24 hour door man service, janitor and maid service. RESTAURANT, revenue 12,400 It. Mortgage Loans butcher, smallware monthly. 523-0252. Garage.
Restaurant on premises, ca Victor 4-4545 or see superintendent. Stanford Apts. ELEVATOR, AIR-CONDITIONED ALSO FURNISHED IV2. 2Vj, 3Vi, 4'2 ROOMS RENTALS FROM 180 010 COTE ST. LUC ST.
LAMBERT, 941 Boissy near Victoria shopping centre. Heated duplex, lower 7 rooms, plus heated oarage. 671-8279, 671-5981, 671-5690. Ad-Answer, UNiversity 6-7412. RESTAURANT, vestment.
Rent steak house. Good or sell. 731-6588. SPECIAL FAST SERVICE i i i i ST. LAMBERT, 520 Victoria, 2nd floor 488-2271 First, ST.
HUBERT Near Churches, schools, shopping 165 170. 4'i 185. 488-2834 heated, 4 rooms, modern kitchen, equipped, panoramic window. Newly de-icorated. Overlooking park, S77.
937- SMALL BAKERY, well situated, equipped, price to sell, small cash, easy terms. Owner, 521-4518. land, temporary fin-loans. REgent 9-1781, second, builders ickman. ancing Len 3U6.
SNACKBAR, Wellington Street, $800 SUBLET TILL 1967 DUE TO TRANSFER Heated, stove, fridqe and water tax Best otter, wfcinngton on first or second mortgage, anywhere lwffoy revenue ST. LAURENT, 3'-2, 170,00, quiet, adults. Rl. 7-2086. 5235 Cote St.
paid. Newly decorated. Janitor service. 5205 St. Hubert, Apt 4 5175 St.
Hubert, Apt'. 4 5160 St. Hubert, Apt. REgent 9-226S trom August 1st. Call Mr.
OORVAL Rentals start at $85. Bachelor, one, two, and three bedroom suites available. Rental includes: Heat and hot water Water taxes paid 2 Olympic sije swimming pools Wading pool tor the children Master T.V. Antenna 30 BUILDINGS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE ON HIGHWAYS 2 AND 17 i garage, Axten, ST. LAWRENCE 3509 5W, heated.
Furnished or unfurnished. Victor 9-7637, evenings LAfontaine 2-5184. days 849-4741, nights 486-2295. SOFT DRINK truck, for sale. route to homes, DAniel 1-2556 17.
Moving Cariage Storage VARIETY STORE, cause death. Church. POnfiac 6-4695. ST. LAWRENCE 4263, Rachel.
Third, 4V? spacious, clean. Reasonable. 737 4753. BiueridgeCrescent, 4125 2Vi 3V4 roomt apartment, 488-2271 488-2884. VIAUVILLE.
Restaurant, smallware, 3V2 rooms rear, 160 month. 254-C042. AHUNTSIC TRANSPORT Reg'd. Local and long-distance moving. Packing and crating tor Overseas.
Also storage. Insured. 256-1631, 256-1632. DORVAL to 5'2 Rooms TO SUIT TENANTS REQUIREMENTS ST. THERESE WEST, waterfront, upper new, heated.
Occupancy October. Phone DUpont 7-5458. LACHINE WEST 4280 Broadway, 4V-, 61. Business Opportunities Wanted modern, fully FULLY SERVICED RENTALS FROM $1.50 TO $300 PER SQ. FT.
INFORMATION CALL 739 2268 Use 55th Ava. Lachint Underpass RENTAL OFFICE 48S GALLANO BLVD. "APRIL Montreal and district, Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick. Storage. LAfontaine 2-7330.
(WITH Yh TO I BATHROOMS) T.M.R. Near Station, upper 4V2, natural fireplace, September or October occupancy, 1170. REgent 8-2312. transport shopping, MEIrose equipped, near lion, etc. 1115.
SWIMMING POOL, ELECTRICALLY EQUIPPED. OFFICE: 140 GARDEN CRESCENT, 631-4436, 733-7124, 431-5250. AVAILABLE for moving anytime. Fully TRANS ISLAND 6247, sublet 4' 2 rooms GASOLINE COMPANY would rent buy or finance service station, free of encumbrance. Information with details to Box 28513, The Gazette.
insured. Wfcllngton 2-1449. TOWN OF MOUNT ROYAL Near station, soundprool, fireproof, 431 99(3 3 6 heated, equipped. Furniture and car pets for sale. Reasonable, must sell REgent 8-5269 until 4 CALL ROBERT MOVING, 13 days, fully equipped.
3Vj 1115 and 1120. 4'-2 nights. Refrigerators, stoves, etc. 273- CAVENDISH at S135 and 1145. Sept.
Oct. RE 3-7602, RE. 8-1926. 4863. PENTHOUSE APARTMENT i luxurious Puildlng, wall to wall high quality carpets.
Excellent location. Very reasonable. 5501 Randall corner Cote St. Luc. 733-0263 VERDUN, 844 Osborne, 4 rooms, redecorated, S55.
331 St. Emilia, St. Henry, between 6 p.m. to 9. LIGHT MOVING reasonable.
486-5252 N.D.G. Walkley 4605, near Terrebonne, ti'i. Stores to Let And Wanted or Ad-Answer, UNiversity 6-2412. 42, S125. New building.
Fully serviced. nunrer t-wot. VERDUN AVE. 3232, 5 rooms, newly decorated. Phone 676-7552.
LOW PRICE MOVING. Any time. In N.D.G. 3 rooms, 175, healed. Cleremont beiow Sherbrooke.
481-358. LARGE STORE on market for rent In CENTRAL, Marbridge Apartment, 1245 St. Mark Street. 2Va 5Va i'2 rooms. WEIIington 7-5540.
surance. 42-9296. BLVD. NEAR SHERBROOKE VILLE ST. LAURENT, 1 4, 2nd, 220, 170.
Immediate occupation. 689-1976. OUTREMONT, 5 rooms, refrigerator, ROUSILLE TRANSPORT. Local long distance, Packing, storage. 725-2421.
Ottawa, Ont. 60 120. Upstairs also. Suitable for ladies' or men's clothing, variety, departmental, grocery, hardware, restaurant, etc. Write Mrs.
Saunders, 10 Kingsmill Ottawa 5. stove, reasonable. 23-4584. CHOMEDEY. Bellerive Acres, Vh, sublet August 1st, 1124.00.
688-4250. WATERFRONT, facing Lake St. Louis, Pointe Claire, 4M2, heated, stove, fridqe, water taxes paid, 1110. Evenings, Oxford 5-4936. or Mrs.
Shore, 464 Crestview Ot RIDGEWOOD 3220, corner Cote des Neiges, 3'i and rooms, exception- If your cuisine is "HAUTE" On our kitchens you'il DOTE Our bathrooms are symbols of status. Our address is of note To your needs we devote A courteous service that's gratis. The Chateauneuf 1260 McGregor COIE ST. PAUL, 3 rooms, heated, equipped, S75 monthly. 766-4041.
tawa. ally large, prestige building, swimming pool, doorman, indoor, outdoor, parking. 849-1964 or 733-4025. WESTMOUNT B'i rooms, upper, facing Westmount Park, heated, equipped. 61.
extension 38, 937-7804. DORVAL. Sublet 3 rooms, lakefront. large balcony, pool. Mr.
Aylward, 747-759), nights 631-4698. SPACIOUS MODERN balcony, sun-dock. Facing park. Immediate occupancy. 933-7713.
Ad-Answer, UNiversity 6-2412. EKERS. 3 rooms, heated, modern, conveniences, semi-basem*nt. Garage available. REgent i-9H.
21. Rooms To Let To Lei and Wanted 842 5689 ST. LAMBERT, lower 4V2, 190, 6 rooms 1120, heated. Orchard 1-8718. THE READ BUILDING SI.
Alexander and Lagauchetiere W. 400 TO 30,000 SO. FT. HAMPSTEAD PLACE. Modern swimming pool.
Immediate occupancy. AVENUE 1-1628. Single $7-110. kitchen SUBLET. 3V2 semi-basem*nt, 1 month free.
L'Acadii Estate. 388-9951. (ill. Desk Space Montral Trust Exclusive Rental Agents 13 I 14 privileges, near mcGin college. Various sized areas to meet your re L'ACADIE BOULEVARD, 2V3 rooms, equipped, furnished optional, S65.
767- 5381. SUBLET next 9 months, central, 4Vj quirements at attractive rentals from BEAUTIFUL little room, clean and large rooms, bright top floor. Near ST. CATHERINE-PEEL AREA Includes desk, answering service, optional secretarial service. $75 per month.
849-9177. gay with French-Canadian family. No kitchen. 279-5023. 11.75 per sq.
8 elevators, 3 entrances, handy parking. On minute hospitals, suitable 2 or 3. 877-2186 or Ad-Answer, UNiversity 8-2412. LACHINE. Provost, sublet for nine months.
Available Immediately, Vh, heated, equipped, reduced rent, to planned Victoria Square subway COTE ST. LUC, kitchen privileges, CHATEAUBLANC station, pnone r. wnyte 437-2571. SUBLET, 4Va rooms. Available imme swimming pool, 155.00 monthly, nun- diately.
Indoor and outdoor swimming ter 8898. 00015. COTE DES NEIGES, approximated 70. Commercial Ind. To Let and Wanted LASALLE, Arbit 80th, new 5' heated Upper 195.
366-5168. Ad-Answer, UNiversity 6-2412. 1,500 sq. ft. Freshly painted, $225.
RE GREENFIELD PARK, front, breakfast served, home atmosphere. Reasonable. 671-9671. SUBLET. Cote des Neiges, 3V2 rooms, taxes paid, heated.
2985 Bedford Road. gent 7-365L 81 Commercial Property ter Saie ml Wanted Revenue Property far Sale and Wanted tS Industrial Property ter Salt nd Wanted 17 Land tor Sale and Wan 14 I Rusinest Opportunities 41 Business Opportunities Wanted! 41 Store to Lei and Wanted 44 Office Space to Let 44 Office Space Wanted: 44 Desk Space 71 Commercial Industrial te Let and Wanted 72 Manufacturing Space Let nd Wanted 74 Warehouse te Lt and Wantee It Hails and Studio HATES REGULAR ILLUSTRATES 40 45 (PER AGATE LINE) Sublet te following discount tt far I Insert, within dayt 10t for 4 Insertion within 24 day for 24 Centetetlv insertion Contract rate ea request. or call superintendent, 73.1-6075 DECARIE, near Ruby Foo's, air-con HENRI JULIEN AVENUE, 4009, rooms ditioned, elevator, $75. 524-1641 (I1RI FT. Dixia.
Phnn Rnrnacc LINTON near Cote des Neiges, 4'i, 2'2, tha 2Vi equipped. Apply 3900 Linton, Apt. 2. REgent 7-1226 Murray 1-7790 or Ad-Answer, UNiversity 6-24U. 7,000 SQ.
FT. In Outremont district, ground floor, now 875-5522 or 844-473. with refrigerator, wash basin, front, clean, quiet. IDEAL for professional, 450 sq. ft.
vacant, clean. Alterations to suit terjnt. Free parklna and reasonable PINE AVENUE WEST 1280, Rooms, fronting north side 2009 Sherbrooke SUSSEX 1151, heated, 1st flooor. One bedroom, living room, kitchenette, equipped. Taxes paid, S65.
937-3796. home-Ilka guest house, near two hos rental, Also smaller units available. 3620 LORNE CRESCENT (Near Royal Victoria Hospital; DOWNTOWN on quiet street Large Luxurious Vi 2Vi ROOM SUITES Furnished or Unfurnished VI. 9-1524 VI. 4-4856 31 5 a 1 14 OVERLOOKING MOUNT ROYAL YET ONLY A FEW STEPS FROM PLACE VILLE MARIE near ueionmier, syu mommy, itt- LONGUEUIL.
Sublet 4'-2 rooms, modern, heated, 180. monthly. 677-0568. aCv li3 5)56, after 7 p.m. pitals, overlooking city, privileges, iv, Bendix, reasonable prices.
Victor 2- J. H. HANSON 73 1701 MEDICAL TOWERS penthouse, lltn 9451. floor, 10 rooms, also offices 3, 5 MADISON 2361 at Sherbrooke St. West.
2 room apartment, all conveniences. jent 1-3081, 738-0720. rooms, low rentals. Victor 2-5251. Eve TOWN MOUNT ROYAL, luxurious building.
Elevator, alr-conditloning, one bedroom, 1140, 2 bedrooms, S195 to 1220. Another building 4V. 1140 to 1150, 3Vi 1105. REgent 8-2312. APPROXIMATELY 3,000 gt.
slorag space, office, S100.00 monthly. 933-4324. SHERBROOKE-FOIT. large, bright, redecorated, refined, quiet, references, gentleman. Afiar 4, 931-7205.
nings CRescent 7-3464. OFFICES in Caisse Populaire Ste- MAPLEWOOD AVENUE 4930. rooms, sublet, equipped. Call REgent 8-9994, Ad-Answer UNiversity 6-2412. Therese de Blainville, 37 Turgeon, FABRE 4910A, basem*nt.
Storage or commercial centre, 1,440 square feet. other purposes, heated. Aporox. 1,500 ST. LAURENT.
Comlorlable furnished, business gentleman. Clean, kitchen privileges. Riverside 7-5086. 625-3880. TOWN MOUNT ROYAL, 838 Plymouth Vh, I'l rooms, fully serviced and equipped.
Modern fireproof build. tt. entrance stairway, 5 ft. wide. Concrete floor, $90 937-3706.
CrrlCE SPACE to let, SI. Catherine Street, corner Crescent. Second sto-ey National Trust Co. Ltd. 849-9431, MELROSE 4930, 3', modern, redecorated, reasonable.
REgent 3-3846, 482' 8884. OFF METROPOLITAN, near Autoroute, T.M.R. Nice quiet room, privileges, near station. 739-6986. I- REqent 3-0768.
BENNY CRESCENT. IVj studio apart-ment, from 178, furnished, available with a small extra. Swimming pool, parking area. Coll 489-1229, 482-2300, oi COTE ST. Catherine Rd.
(Lemieux), lacing Park, 187. sublet. Spacious, attractive 3W. balcony, modern kitchen, fully equipped, furnished if desired. offices, various sies.
Further informa 2.90O all ground floor. Brand new tion rail Mr. Snrrette, 847-3861 WESTMOUNT. VIEW. 4V, HEATED, building.
Immediate occupancy. Shnit WESTMOUNT near Sherbrooke, sunny EQUIPPED, 175 LP. 2064 CLARE. METCALFE Westmount, 4W, 51 larqe modern, redecorated. Immediate, 932- 3S64 rental.
Days: J84-95J6. UNiversity come at 2400 Benny Crescent, Apt. 115.iCaii 486-8455 or Ad Answer, airy room ith balcony. Business gentleman. Private home.
489-3204. MONT. HUNTER 6-6681. IS-2JI? ViLLf ST. LAURENT.
Excellent loca-lion, near bus s'op. Elevator, air-con di'iored, maintenance. $2 95 sq. tool. REQUIRED by construction company, H6ATI0 10 teat garage spar wiih 10 000 feel or mor land.
Rental only. BOURRET 4865, near Virtnna. acanl, 4'. vacant. 1st October.
S. Zwicker, Riverside 7-3581. washer, dryer, 155 monthly. 731-3H1. MONTREAL WFST I'j heated, equipped, taxes paid 155.
488-8012, Ad-Anfwer UNiversity ST. CATHERINE, 4825, Apt. 1 Vn 3ij, furnished unfurnished, hoat. ed, taxes paid 738-1819. bSTMOUNT.
arqe rooms, TV, park-ng, kitchen, 5.10 up. 932-3864. 669-2t24. Me Ity.fiA r.jM!.