THE DEMOCRAT JO H. SHlhLDS, fcdiliir Evry Saturday by DEMOCRAT PUBLISHING CO Office No 414 East Douglas ave Whatever the final outcome ol turill contest that has been in progress less on his beef cattle if hides were put on the free list? If any are so simple as not to know that the trusts that control all these products are the sole beneficiaries of ti tarill, such are to be pitied rather than censured for their stupidity, ALCOHOL AND CHILDREN. Dr. T. Alexander MacN'Icholl of New York has been studying the relation of alcohol to child life.
He has considered 30,000 cases, which certainly ought to ho enough to give weight to his conclusions. The ages of these children have ranged from Infancy to 19 years. Forty-eight per cent of them were found to drink some form of alcoholic beverage, either occasionally or at regular Intervals. Thirty-seven per cent drink one c1ebb of beer a week to five glasses of beer a day. Twenty-one per cent drink wine or spirits.
In some groups the percentage ofoccasfonal and regular drinkers The Holmes a MnKEROQM SALE IS NOW IN PROGRESS Now is the time to make every counttwo dollars will do about three dollars worth of buying during this sale. All Suits, Hats and Furnishings go at "Profitless Prices' We must have room. Come in and choose from this season's new" est styles in men's and boy's wearables. Light, medium and heavy weight; all colors, including plain blues and blacks. Read these: the past one hundred days, the country will tlianli President Talt tir convening congress in special session to revise the tarill.
The discussion of schedules has given the people a better understanding of the tariff question its benefits and who pet them, anil its burdens and who be ir them than they have ever had be. Lrc. The Kansas Creamery trust, backed by the Topcka dailies, is churning Slate Railway Commission, because the latter ordered the express companies di' injj business in the state to put in a rate for the shipment of cream that will per-nvl the small crean cries and individual shippers to resume business: they were knocked out by the urbitrary acts of the trust and collusion of the express companies. The head of the creamery trust is located inTopeka, which may uccount for the attitude ol the T. d's.
George II. Hodges will be unai iinous-ly nominated for governor by the Democrats ol Kansas in 1010 I'aola, Western Spirit, July 10, 1 runs as nign as 7U per cent, in tne school children who drink, the Investigator finds that 46 per cent are backward In their studies. He declares that he has discovered conditions existing In some sections of our grept American metropolis that parallel the historic depravity of ancient Sodom." These condition, he believes, are capable of an extension "that would endanger the Intergrlty tit our municipal life." His conclusions are threefold: "First Alcohol In the form of beer Trie ubove, while meant to be a comp liuient to Mr Hodges, which it is, dis plays it spirit of political despotism, anil it is to be hoped that the 'Spirit' will reconsider, and invite all who will, $15 50c J5c 15c 100 Suits Ties Collars Socks Shirts $9.85 35c 10c 9c 80c 13 to enter the race for all places from gov ernor down. Thie is the way to get a full expression of opinion and work up enthusiasm. There arc many men in the state as capable as Mr.
Hodges, whose friends will insist on having a chance at the nomination. Sterling Journal. Representative Kandcll of Texas ih- and spirits does not overcome the disturbances of nutrition due to bad hygienic environment. "Second Alcohol tends to lessen all the bodily forces, mental, moral and physical. "ThirdThe heaviest bunion entailed by Indulgence In alcoholic beverages is not borne by the drinker, but by his Innocent and debilitated children." If 'the result of Dr.
MacNlcholl's Investigation, considered solely In its relation to children, does not meet the arguments, including the financial argument, advanced by tho defenders of the drink habit, we are willing to concede thrt the chances of meeting them are slim. As a matter of fact, his third statement Is enough In Itself on which to base a demand for tho elimination of the legalized liquor traffic. claret! that congress and the courts had received and were receiving valuable gilts, employment or compensation from public service corporations, trusts, and persons engaged in interstate commerce. He asked the appointment of a commit COUNTY QUARTERLY TREASURER'S REPORT. 146.10 128.13 i .) 7 77 tee to consider amending the law so as to prevent such conduct but his resolution was voted down.
This action, in 78 1S3.30 79 199.31 80 stead of being a surprise, was to he ex Wichita, Kansas, July 26, 1909. Webb, Treasurer of Sedgwick County, licrehy certify that 1 have in my po.sHi'HNlmi the amounts following to the credit of tho various funds specified, viz: OKNKRAL FUND. Aftim Township 191.00 pected, and it confirms what nearly every one believed, i. e. that a majority in both houses of congress are agents Attica 230.09 147.87 90.99 658.7S 236.38 321.59 387.66 98.14 377.21 132.9G 451.08 242.01 119.68 134.48 81 82 83 81 85 81! 87 88 89 90 91 92' 93 of the interests that thrive on special THEY ALWAYS GO TOGETHER a happy purse and a good, nour-ishiiig loaf of Woli's delicious bread at 5c the loaf.
Our brsad doesn't make your purse suffer. It is more economical than baking at home, and you get palatable and wholesome eating without cooking, at less cost than when you bake yourself. Try our Milk Rolls. It is a meal for the gods. Wolf's Bakery 116 South Main favors granted by congress.
605. HO 2,284.15 187.911 143.95 370.65 358.40 556,39 130.32 1,031.19 920.27 852.90 IMiinu Township. 1'iuglo Kiln Township lliirdcii I'laln limnd KIvit Grant Township Urwley Township (lypsuni Township Illinois Township Kechl Township Careful observers In the great crop states agree with opinions that have been expressed as to the outlook for wheat. The genera belief appears to be that, with no serious Botbaca, ui chances are favorable to a larger yield than last year. The estimate of the New York Journal of Commerce that the output Is fairly certain to reach 035,000,000 bushels, and may go to 700,000,000 bushels, is much within bounds, according to such judges as tho St.
Louis Globe-Democrat, which, taking the latest report of conditions 91 191.39 93 94.80 96 305.79 97 281.24 98 998.70 99 184.35 100 59.80 "It will be of little advantage to the body of the people to do away with unnecessary duties upon raw materials, il the manufactures nre permitted to enjoy the fxcessive duties that enable them to take extortionate prolitsupon the things that the people must buy anil use." This brief statement made by Senator Cummins in discussing the tariff in lira tOPVBIGHT Lincoln Township 329.01 Minnoha Township 900.69 Morton Township 420.62 Ohio Townsht 820.73 l'urk Township 328.89 I'uyno Township 694.33 Kockfonl Township 141.70 Hiiloin Township 703.54 iGHWARTZ LUMBER COAL tsliprmiin Township 441.14 senate is a comprehensive summary of made to the department of agriculture, Valley renter Township 534.48 Viola Township 643.47 figures therefrom a possible cron T.nUi,i met el ruill a 1)08811)16 CrOD Ol Wmiti Dealers in All Kinds of 337.99 705,000,000 bushels, against 664.000.000 Wichita Township 301 235.32 102 311.25 103 190.05 104 124.83 105 106 222.25 107 135.88 108 49.00 309 233.68 110 283.56 311 5.19 112 396.30 113 115.60 114 182.GO 115 304.11 116 380.85 117 113.91 3 18 250.10 119 243.16 Luml)cr and Coal in 1908. If these figures shall be verl- 621.41 fled after the harvesting has been com- state Fund pieted they win mean that the 1909 wheat crop has been equaled but twice Surveyor's Fund 171.92 the history of the country-in 1901, Znd" toil The Lowest Market Prices are ours. Office and Yards 301 West Douglas WSehita, Rait. Phone 193 C. K.
N. Interest Fund 3,474.29 Funding Honds Interest 1,825.67 Douglas Avenue Bridge Interest. 2,401.25 '120 185.21 K. M. Interest.
1,388.75 121 153.64 Sinking Fund 44,056.68 122 66.80 County HlKh School 1,563.50.123 112.91 County Hrldge Fund 15.631.11 124 349.76 DoutrUis Avenue Bridge 2.421.40 '125 159.86 We Have Moved 119-121 S. LAWRENCE AVE. ROSES ALL KINDS CUT FLOWERS POTTED PLANTS, SHRUBS when the total was 748,460,000 bush els, and In 1906, when the aggregate was 735,200,000 bushels. The corr crop, the greatest of all, and which last year beat all records, is still to heard from, and necessarily will encounter more risks than wheat, which matures earlier, but so far the outlook Is promising. Individual Redemption 5,916.91 126 179.00 128 60.40 129 62.80 130 219.S8 Count Redemption and Assignment 5,968.72 Current Tax Account 44,899.01 SCHOOL DISTRICT.
131 207.16 No. 132 133 134 135 226.42 217.16 149.45 129.68 286.20 3 4 5 6 162.02 270.94 27.71 324.26 245.00 19870 92.04 7 a 390.24 Florist 136 '137 '138 139 140 142 143 142 '143 97.97 79.10 10 1, nn Sfi A foreign historian, who has been visiting this country, and Is naturally writing about it, says that the exposure of financial scandals In the United States Is not to be taken as evidence of general corruption, but, on the contrary, as a moral upheaval. He says that the revelation of this corruption and the outbreak of public opinion, leading to a regeneration of con- Wichita. Kan Phone 284 149 Main st. i.
72 199.28 11; 48 192.88 410 H4 136.02 211.53 208.15 ojoio 147 310.65 14:36 108.75, lj 69.90 123.30 23.32 231.10 103.16 ditlons, would be Impossible In Europe, WE HAVE BARGAINS in all kinds of REAL ST A Dont fail to see our list before buying ISRAEL BROTHERS. Phone 990. Office 125 Market st. Wichita, Kan. where the corruption would be Ignored, If not required to be exposed for political or grafting means.
Conse-quently, what looks like a national scandal is really a credit to the under-lying morality of the American people. To be so written about by a returned visitor Is so unusual that this writer the tariff question as it affects the consumers of the country. The man who produces the raw material is more entitled to protection than the artisan and skilled laborer who reduces the raw material into the finished product for consumption; but neither of them require it in this country which affords the best market for both of any other in the world. This thrilling and inspiring Clarion note beats -the best snap shot perspective of the situation portrayed: "No other place in the United States is in a more prosperous condition than the community surrounding Mt. Hope.
We have just finished harvesting the largest wheat crop in the history ol the country and with the present prospect for corn looking brighter daily, no one has any reason to wonder where their next meal is coming from. With a wheat crop averaging from twenty-five to forty fire bushels per acre and selling at $1.00 per bushel, don't you think, Mr. homeseeker, that Mt. Hope and Grcely township is the exact place to invest? We have here all the facilities to make life worth living. Good public and high schools, church organizations, plenty ol places of amusement and above all, a class of people who will always be found ready to welcome strangers to our gates.
TARIFF OBJECT LESSON The Kansas Farmers Star at Wichita is advocating a tariff on broom corn for the "protection" of the grower. This is surely pressing the limit, as the poor grower has about all the load he can carry now with the weight of the "broom corn trust" on his shoulders. With foreign brush shut out by a tarill wall, the price of the- home product would be absolutely in the trusts control. Sterling Farm Journal. The Farm Journal is correct in the foregoing statement of fact, except in the tense of its conclusion: the broom corn trust is in absolute control of the home product thru control of the market.
A tarill on the biush would add to the profits of the trust hy so much, but would not benefit the producer a penny a ton. Look at the tariff on wheat! Does anybody imagine that it adds a cent a bushel to the price the wheat grower receives; or that the price of Kansas wheat would be a farthing less if the 23 cents a bushel tariff, that has been in the law for twenty-five years or more, were removed and wheat put on the free list? Or that the Kansas cattle raiser would get a penny a head If you use Harness it will pay you. to get our prices. Call and see the new Steel Hameless Collar GUARANTEED not to make Sore Shoulders. WICHITA MM ACTORT 119-121 South Lawrence.
820.41 JaJ 263.08 154 220.03 80.03.' na 28.53 jlo6 55.96 179.70 l-7 64.90 152.07 15s 42.32 284.39 380 40 160 441.45 3S7 44 161 355.97 66 36 '62 338.58 970.50 13 242.17 128.11 164 384.40 264.52 152.79 deserves a Carnegie medal. I. W. Gill Son, FUNERAL DIRECTORS I 1li7 5711 1Q I School Distriot Bond No 33 102.21 New York Is about to build a 31-story hotel that is to be the highest in the world, but, as most visitors to that town can painfully testify, In one Important respect its hotels were already the highest. SPECIAL! School District Bond No.
44 213.63 School District Bond No 46 538.94 1001 w. Douglas Bell Phone 438! School District Bond No. 50 69.35 School District Bond No. 109 17.40 School District Bond No. 133 64.21 School District Bond No.
141 1,164.55 School District Bond No. 160 359.57 School District Bond No. 167 266.55 School District Bond No. 2 47.44 District Bond No. 38 323.20 CohvU'h City 28.96 Cheney City 145.88 Clearwater Citv 333.90 Kl Daso 51.00 tiardeti I'luin City 16145 A general reeling of security is said to have followed the new sultan's proclamation, but a loaded six-shooter In one's hand doubtless adds weight to the ukase.
73. si 40 41 237.80 152.SO ,5 89.25 4-, "VsV.71 144.19 48 160.51 4( 1H6.30 50 232.4s 53 213.47 5t 177.51 55 S0.79 56 57 I3'-12 59 157.20 25 Lbs. Best Granulated Sugar for $1.00 with every single cash $2.00 sale of our Goods to Customers only. THE KANSAS Tea Si Coffee House. 307 N.
Main St. Godilard City 161.90 WICHITA Dyers and Cleaners Ladies Garments, Gentlemen's Clothes Cleaned, Dyed and Pressed; Hats Cleaned and Blocked. First Class Work. New Phone 550. 120 X.
Emporia ave Dr. T. F. ALEXANDER DENTIST New Phone 1836 Office 103 est Douglas Ave WICHITA, KAN ity 260.60 Mulvane Ci Valley enter 219.46 Cent Kaule Township Bond Fund 3.911.08 Seventeen pairs of shoeshave been ordered from America for the Dutch royal baby. Somebody in Holland real-i2es how fast children wear out shoes.
VliO Nw Location. Ambulance The Chinese in China have organized what they call "The Chinese American Friends society." Bully for old friend China! Greeley Township, Bond 2. Kechl Township Bond Fund 4.953.32 Ninnescah Township Bond Fund. 2,339.66 Dark Township Bond Fund 382.32 Vayms Township Bond Fund 1,783.25 Sherman Township Bond 337.51 T'nion Township Bond Fund 1,092.36 Valley Center Township Bond Fund 3.373.33 E. WEBB.
County Treasurer. Sedgwick County, State of Kansas, Subscribed find sworn to before me, the undersigned County Clerk for and in the county aforesaid this "Sth day of July, 1909. J. D. LELAND.
County Clerk. 61 K-i 113.56 fi't 446.S9 6t 10VT0 fi5 30.69 66 67 172.14 C8 170.65 167.50 70 7 1 315. 07 73 74 146.52 A. Q. MULLER, UNDERTAKER, i'zVn'mah'ket WICHITA, KAN.
R. II. Johnson w. S. Shaw JOHNSON SHAW Real Estate 109 S.
Seneca Phone 14S1 green A dozen new germs have been discovered In a $10 bill. We'll have to give up that habit of kissing our money good-by..