THECOURIER-JOURNAL B7DEATHS KY POGGENBORG, HARRY T. 83, of Louisville, passed away Tuesday, April 30,2013. ville, KY, the son of James and Ruby Poggenborg.HarrywasaUnitedStates ArmyVeteranandhadalsoworkedat AmericanStandardformanyyears. He was preceded in death by his parents; He leaves toc herish his memory, his wife of 61 years, Mary Poggenborg; his daughter, nieces andn ephews. conductedat7p.m.onFriday,May3,2013in theChapelofArchL.HeadyRussmanand Sons Fune ral Home ,1 2 01 E.
Oak St.V isita- tionwillbefrom2p.m.untilthetimeofthe service. Expressions of sympathy may be directed to national. Familyandfriendsmaysignhisguestbook and leave memories ww.archlheadyeas- SANDIFER 92, passed away on April 30,2013. Heisprecededindeath difer sisters, Ruby GarrisonandMatilda Bradley. Mr.
Sandifer is sur- vivedbyhislovingwife fer; his children, Frances Sandifer-Cotton(Greg), JoAnn Sandifer-Shelton, Calvin Ray Sandifer, mone, onesha, and CalvinJ venia Sandifer of Huntsville, AL. Af uneral servicehonoringthelifeofMr.Sandiferwill be2p.m.onFriday,May3,2013atEver- green Funeral Home, 4623 Preston Hwy. Vis- itationwillbe11a.m.-2p.m.onFridayatthe funeral home. Expressionsofsympathymaybemadeoutto Tu sk eg ee Ai rm en A ACP Louisville Branch, orHosparusofLouisville.Pleaseleaveyour online condolence for the family at ever SHOFNER, THOMAS, 2013. mond Shofner and the late, Jo Ann Bosse Shofner.
Becker(Dustin). Acelebrationofhislifewillbeconducted Fridayat10a.m.atArchL.HeadyatRest- haven, 4400 Bardstown Road, with private burialinResthavenMemorialPark.Visitation will be from 2-8 p.m. on Thursday at the funeralhome. SHRYOCK, HUGHA. ofhisHeavenlyFatherwithhislovedonesby hisside.
He was ar etired schoolteacher, teachingi Church.HewasalsoamemberofDixiePost HughwasagraduateofWesternKentucky UniversityandthefirstpresidentofIUELocal 761, he was an avid Kentucky Wildcat fan. He is survived by his wife of 43 years, Eleanor (Mullikin) Shryock; enny Shryock, Pat Elder (Nancy) and Shirley Taylor; brother, Herman Shryock sister, Dot Searcy; six grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Funeral service will be noon Friday at Owen Funeral Home, 5317 Dixie with burial inLouisvilleMemorialGardens(West). SMITH, WANDA ALBERTA, 85, passed away April 30, 2013. Joseph E.
Ratterman on SNODGRASS, WENDELL 87, passed away Monday, April 28, 2013 at Signature Healthcare. He was as uccessful business owner of Tavern for 35 years, member of the Scottish Rite, George Washington Masonic Lodge a Shriner, aN avy veteran of World War II and a member of VFW post 682. He was preceded in death by his parents, Es- odgrass, and Robert Snodgrass; and a stepgrandson, Wayne Ballard He is survived by his wife of 39 years, Faye Snodgrass; as on, Michael Snodgrass; two dren; brother, Willard Snodgrass; sisters, Ilene Bond, Stella Thies, and Carolyn Hope; and af ormer son-in-law, Ronnie Cook. The funeral service will be held Thursday at 12:30 p.m. at the O.
D. White ons Funeral Home with interment at Kentucky Veterans Cemetery Central. Visitation will be Wednes- STERNBERG, HARVEY PAUL born November 9, 1938, inTexasreturnedtohis HeavenlyFatheronApril 28, 2013. Hewasmarried53years tohislovingwifeMary and was blessed with five children. Lefttocherishhis whom he loved unconditionally; two (VaNita); three daughters, Patricia Christine SternbergandElizabethAnne great-grandchildren; and his beloved dog, Molly.
with funeral service at 7p at Newcomer Funeral Home, Louisville Chapel, 235 Juneau scripture verse in memory of Harvey Paul. Forcompleteobituarygoonlineto STOUT, SYLVIA ANNC LARY, odist Willowbrook Hos- ShewasbornNovem- ville, KY, to James and MaryPriddyClary. Sylviagrewupin Louisville, KY. She attendedIndianaUniver- sity where she received her degree in Nursingo nM ay 10, 1979.
She wasthePresidentandValedictorianofher class. She worked forJ ewish Hospital where sheretiredafter30yearsofdedicatedservice. She then continued nursing in Florida forH os- piceandwasVicePresidentofthehomeown- er's association. Sylviawasprecededindeathbyherparents, James and Mary nd daughter, Sylvia LeeCole. son of Houston, TX; son, James Green of (Mandy) Sims, Chase Thompson, Maria Sims, Reid; great-grandchildren, Mailee Sims, Cam- dren; and six step-grandchildren.
Hermemorialservicewillbeheldat5p.m. Visitationwillbeheldfromnoonuntiltimeof serviceonSunday. should be made to the J. Graham Brown Can- 40202. VILLIER, DONALD peacefully at his home surroundedbyloving familyandfriends.
Hewasanativeof Portlandandaproud memberofTeamsters retiredfromMcLean TruckingCo.in1989.He ChurchillDownsandespeciallyspendingtime with his family. and brother, George Villier. Donnie is survived by his loving wife of 16 years and best friend of 27 years, Thea L. Villier; daughter, Lori J. Coons; son, Rusty Edna Villier; sisters, Charlotte Wright and Mary McGoff (Ray); grandchildren, Sheri Cronen, Russ Villier (Julie), Michael Cronen (Ashley) and Shelby Villier; great-grandchildren, Ashton Cronen, Charlie Villier and his baby and a host of nieces, nephews and many friends.
Funeral Mass of the Resurrection will be celebrated 11 a.m. Thursday at Good Shepherd Catholic Church, 3511 Rudd with cremation to follow. Ashes will be placed at Cave Hill Cemetery. Friends may call 1-8p WednesdayatJ.B.Ratterman&Sons,2114 W.MarketSt. LouisvilleortheAlzheimersFoundation CHARLESTOWN- 75, Charlestown, IN CLARKSVILLE- The daughter of the late Ethel (Sayles) and 1921inNewAlbany.Shewasretiredfrom member of Grace Lutheran Church in New Albany.
in death by brothers, Henry, Kenneth and Arthur Shivel, and sisters, GladysS ipes and Nell Clawson. Survivorsincludeherhusbandof70years, Carl E. Meyer, andn umerous nieces and nephews. Therewillbeaprivatememorialserviceand her wish to be cremated. Kraft Funeral Service has been entrusted with her care.
Expressionsofsympathyinhermemorymay bemadetoGraceLutheranChurch. Online condolences may be made to GEORGETOWN- 2013, surrounded byh is loving family. Bill was born in Depa uw, IN, on Sep- NorthCentralHighSchoolandattended Northside Christian Church in New Al- retiredfromFordMotorCompanyin2003after 31yearsofservice.HewasanavidIUand NASCAR fan and enjoyedc amping, wood and hunting.Helovedspendingtimewithhisfami- ly. Bill was married to hisl oving wife, Brenda yearsandwelcomedtwochildrenandfour grandsonsintotheirfamily. Bill was preceded in death by his parents, Deaton.
Bill is survived by his wife, Brenda; children, Knott and her husband, Jeff; and grandsons, KelbyandTristanDeatonandDaltonandGar- rett Knott; sister, Nancy Martin; and ab rother, The funeral service will be 1p ay 64 NW, Ramsey, IN, with burial in Wolfe Cem- p.m.Thursday,May2,2013andafter10a.m. HisfamilywishestothankDr.WilliamCroft, SouthernIndiana. MemorialdonationsmaybemadetoNorth- sideChristianChurchinBill'sname. MADISON- MITCHELL- 30, 2013. Haverly Funeral Chapel Cremation NEW ALBANY -C ashman, Gary Joseph, 51 died.
NEWALBANY 86, died Apri l3 0, 2013. Seabrook Dieckmann SCOTTSBURG- April 30, 2013. Seabrook Dieckmann aville SELLERSBURG- ClarkMemorialHospital. tiredfromtheLouisvilleCementCom- pany(nowEssroc)after43yearsofser- vice.Charleshadadistinguished militarycareerintheNationalGuardandthe NationalGuardReserveswhereheservedas a Brigadier General. HewasveryactivewiththeSilverCreek Township Kiwanis Club having served on nu- merousstateandinternationalcommitteesand served as Kiwanis Governor for the State of In- dianain1984.Hewasactiveinmanypolitical andphilanthropicorganizationshavingre- ceivedtheLifetimeAchievementAwardfrom oftheYearAwardfromtheRedCrossin2006 andtheSagamoreoftheWabashaward.Hewas anactivememberofTrinityUnitedMethodist andontheMemorialCommittee.
Hewasprecededindeathbytheloveofhis life, Norma Dickerson Ridenour. Survivors include: his daughter, Denise Koenig (Keith); and his brother, William W. RidenourJr. Af uneral service celebrating ife will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 4, 2013 att he Oak Street Chapel of Seabrook Naville (1846 E.
Oak St.) with burial in SCI- Graceland Memorial Park. Visitation will be from 3-7 p.m. Friday at the funeral home. Memorial Gifts: Kiwanis International, Trinity United Methodist Church or the YMCA. BARBOURVILLE Sp en ce Ch el se aA nn, 11, died.
Knox Funeral Hom BLOOMFIELD Collins, Murray 93 ied April 30, 2013. Houghlin Funeral Hom BOWLING GREEN -H ightower, Loberta Hanes, 92 died April 30, 2013. J.C. Kirby on Funeral Home, Lovers Lan BRANDENBURG Parker, Sandrice L. 24, died April 29, 2013.
Hager Funeral Home BURKESVILLE- Home CADIZ Anderson, Herman 87 ied April 30, 2013. Goodwin Funeral Hom DANVILLE Hawes, George William, 92, died April 27, 2013. Stith Funeral Hom DANVILLE- April 25, 2013. Stith Funeral Hom EDMONTON- ELIZABETHTOWN Pearl, Quinn F. Survived by his wife, SherryS anford Pearl.
ThefuneralservicewillbeheldonMonday, nettFuneralHomeinRadcliff.Visitationwill be at the funeral home on Sunday from 5-8 p.m. andonMondaybeginningat10a.m. Condolencesmaybeexpressedonlineat ELIZABETHTOWN- She attended Cedar CreekBaptistChurch. Thefuneralwillbe11 a.m.FridayintheChapel at GlendaleC hristian Church.
Visitationwillbe4-8 p.m. Thursday at Brown Funeral Home and con- tinueafter10a.m.Friday atGlendale Christian Church. ELIZABETHTOWN- GLASGOW Kinslow, Mary 85 ied May1 2013.A.F.Crow&SonFuneralHome GLASGOW- April 29, 2013. Hatcher addlerF uneral Home GLASGOW- 30, 2013. A.
F. on Funeral Home HARLAN- Home HARTFORD- died Ap ri l2 9, 2013. Miller-Schapmire Funeral Hom HAZARD- MountainV iew Chape HINDMAN Melton, Brenda, 61, died. Hindman HINDMAN- Funeral Services, Inc HODGENVILLE Hayes, Bonnie Jean, passed away Tuesday, daughters residencei Elizabethtown. She was am ember of theEvangelWorldPrayer Ce nt er in Lo ui sv il lea nd a housewife.
She was preceded in deathbyherhusband, Milto nW ayes; as and ag randson, Lee Hayes. andfivestep-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held 11 a.m. Saturday, Home in ev. Ray Romero offici- ating.Cremationwillfollowtheservice.Visita- tion will be 4-8 p.m.
Friday and after Saturdayatthefuneralhome. HORSECAVE LEBANON- Home LEXINGTON- LEXINGTON- LONDON- MADISONVILLE- April 30, 2013. BandyF uneral Home, Nortonville, KY MAYFIELD Hudspeth, Vernon Earline, 86, died May 1, 2013. Byrn Funeral Hom MAYFIELD Walker, William 73, died May 1, 2013. Byrn Funeral Home MOREHEAD- He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Mary Joe (Jodie) McCabe Offutt; four children, Chris Offutt (Melissa), Jeff Offutt (Jian), Scotty Hyde (Jim) and Melissa Offutt; five grandchildren, Sam, James, Stephanie, Joyce and Andrew Offutt; and his sister, Jane Offutt Burns.
Af ull obituary may be found at Visitation is 3-7 p.m. EDT Friday, May 1, 2013 at Northcutt and Son Home for Funerals, MUNFORDVILLE Borders, Steve, 62 ied April 28, 2013. Brooks Funeral Hom MURRAY Jones, James 96, died May 1, 2013. Blalock-Coleman ork Funeral Hom MURRAY Yoak, Rodney, 58, died April 30, 2013. J.
H. Churchill Funeral Home OWENSBORO Ed ge ary 86, died April 30, 2013. Haley-McGinnis wensboro Funeral Home RICHMOND- RICHMOND Walker, Frank Douglas, 93, died. Davis owell Funeral Home RUSSELLVILLE Worley, Lona, 93, died April 30, 2013.YoungFuneralHome SOMERSET- Funeral Hom PRINCETON George, Rick, 69 ied April 30, 2013. Funeral Home Time: User: jharkness PubDate: 05-02-2013 Zone: KY Edition: 1 PageName: B7 Color: CyanMagentaYellowBlack.