St. Cloud Times from Saint Cloud, Minnesota (2024)

The St. Cloud Daily Times Friday, July 29, 1960 Friday, July 29, 1960 The St. Cloud Daily Timea 8 3GSET TO SAY THAT YOU IIP m- 1 555WT6E rr, )l MiMMMI II vclS PHOTOS OF Trie WALL- -C "BiG THE EXPOSURE I 3 uii rr nn drriiAt Synchronized Swimmers To Stage Show Here TAKING OF THE PKTURSS WHILE MMMMM i i i thpv'RF I JN I WILLING TO GIVE MEM blindfolded. AQ IN DETAIL, MR. SMOOTH EXACTLY ASE NBIINDFOLDED A Small Poodle Costs Its Owner A Large $7,500 DETROIT AP) It was a dirty dog indeed that took a big bite $7,500 worth from its owner's pocketbook because it tracked across a white rug with muddy paws.

Mrs. Nora Rogers suffered a broken hip when the frisky miniature French poodle knocked her down as its owner, Mrs. Ruth Healy, tried to chase it off the rug. Mrs. Rogers, who was visiting Mrs.

Healy, received a $7,500 set Winter Conducts TV Programs For Teachers Richard Winter, mathematics instructor at Central Junior High school, appeared on educational television Thursday night in the first of a series of weekly teacher education programs. Mr. Winter is one of a few mathematics teachers in Minnesota chosen by KTCA-TV, channel two, to conduct summer programs designed to acquaint Minnesota mathematics teachers with new materials. Winter will give an eighth grade classroom demonstration from 10:30 to 11 p.m. every Thursday through August 25.

The series of 12 evening programs is sponsored by the National Science Foundation. One is devoted to psychology and the other 11 deal with mathematics. Programs for elementary instructors will be presented on channel two next year. Krebsbach, Michelle Hahn, Robin Pearson, Jean Truzinski. Marcia Schirber, Kathy Young, Joan Larson, Marcia Karls, Margi and Becky Moos, Karen Melich, Glen-nis Schwinghammer, Sandra Hie-menz, Nency Gersemehl, Phyllis Kub, Emily Smith, Susan Erkel, Mary Kay Nelson, Mary Jane Ruehle, Donna Nelson, Cammie Callan, Marne Young, Mary Young, Mary Lou Zylla, Judy Carey, Susan Stockinger, Karen Sieverding, Margi Bohmer, Di-anne Murphey, Jackie Smith, Pat Palmgren and Sharon Larson.

Dennis Baumgartner and Leonard Newton will demonstrate several dives used in competition. The show is directed by Mary Pat Lerschen and will be emceed by Russ Gerber. The Synchronettes president is Susan Stockinger and the decoration were headed by Joan Larson and Judy Pappenfus. Saturday and Sunday the St. Cloud Synchronettes will present 'Waterama Holiday" in the Municipal pool here.

The group, which is sponsored by the St. Cloud Recreation department, will begin swimming at 9 p.m. with the hit tune "Surrey with the Fringe on Top" which is taken from the hit movie "Oklahoma." The girls have taken 10 hit movies and will be swimming to one of its well known songs. Other numbers include: "Waltzing Matilda" from "On the? Beach," "I'm goona Wash that Man Right Out'a My Hair" from "South Pacific," theme song from "Around the World in 80 Days," and "The Night They Invented Champagne" from "Gigi." The show will close with the entire cast swimming to the march from "Bride on the River Kwai." The cast includes: Kathy Roche, Dorothy Coursalle, Karen tlement in a $25,000 damage suit against the owner, charging the injury kept her from working as a beauty operator. FOUR SONS of RHYTHM Saturdays COMMODORE CLUB Sartell, Minnesota Playtime Notes By Bob Rec Sect's EXPLORE YOUR MIND Mom Spends 50 Hours a Year Loafing, No Doubt By Syrvonirt M.


(AP) Five days after discovering about $100 missing from his cafe, Buford Witt got a package in the mail with $99.63 enclosed. A note included with the money said: "Sorry. My conscience won't let me keep this." There was no signature. The package bore 54 cents worth of stamps. "I'm glad his conscience is clear," said Witt Thursday.

"He's done real good to redeem himself." A most unusual thief," said police Capt. E. C. Wilson. "I'd like to tip my hat to him." SWIMMING POOL AND AIR CONDITIONERS POPULAR THURS 3M? 93 degrees.

The pool was filled to noon. capacity during the hot after-(Times photo) DAY The Municipal swimming pool was a popular place Thursday afternoon when the temperature reached a high of Here's a happy suggestion for Sunday fun. Take the family to the municipal pool just before 5 p.m. Then you'll see a really fun local event, the All Comers Meet. Don Froiland, that "human" English teacher, is in charge of the program which will feature boys and girls in 35 swimming and diving events.

Mr. Froiland says, "There's no admission charge. It's all free. And everyone is very welcome to attend." So take up that invite. Pipe on Truck Heroic Driver Saves Family, Returns to Bus Obituary Smashes Window Of Passing Car A St.

Cloud man was tagged Cold Spring for operating a motor vehicle MRS. EMMA DEBBER Mrs. Emma Debber, 401 Sixth DO VOUNG PEOPLE without a driver's license following a freak accident about 3:30 p.m. Thursday on Highway 23 Ballroom ror Booth Ret. Call Mil 6-3524 Cold Spring before 8 P.M.

Cranite Ciiy COLISEUM ST. CLOUD JULY 31 Old-Time Elmer Scheid Orch. Scouts Perform In Talent Show, Watch Rodeo By LARRY McLELAND While at the jamboree we saw a rodeo. In the rodeo there were many rodeo champions. Pat Brady acted as M.

C. for the rodeo and he kept things going along fine with an occasional laugh or joke. The rodeo clowns were also very good, especially when the Brahma bulls were being ridden. The rodeo put on a show in the morning and in the afternoon, Monday evening, a sectional campfire was held. During the campfire a talent show was held.

Two entries from Central Minnesota council were Larry McLe-land, St. Cloud, cornet solo, and Rolf Anderson, Little Falls, with a comedy act mimicking a monkey, which was very good. Tuesday morning a spectacular flying group, the Blue Angels, U. S. Navy, put on a terrific show.

There were three jets that flew as one, wing tip to wing tip, and did everything that one plane could do. The show lasted for about one-half hour. In the evening a region 10 campfire was held. We were honored by the presence of the Len-non Sisters. Also Herb Shriner stopped in with his musical harmonica.

There cchld not be a better place to hold the Jamboree than Colorado Springs. On one side of the highway is the cream of American youth 56,000 strong. On the other side, at the Air Force academy, is the best of America's young men. Truly it can be said that the future of America is right here in Colorado Springs. avenue north, Waite Park, died this morning.

She was born Feb. 6, 1890, in Millerville. NEW YORK fAP)-Before you spend any of your precious man-hours shedding tears over poor Pop's predicament, may I hasten to put in a word for the Moms? This Mom, not wishing to waste any more moments than necessary on mathematical calculations, will take Daddy-o's word for it that there are 8,760 hours in a year. The men, lucky fellows, sleep away 2,920 of these at the rate of eight hours a night. Ma, of course never gets more than six hours 01 sleep, what with seeing that the kids are bathed and bedded, the milk bottles and the cat put out and a path cleared through the day's debris so Daddy can make a quick getaway in the morning.

But even so, there are 2,190 hours gone already. Still 6,570 to go. Three meals a day to cook, seven days a week, minus two weeks' vacation and the one night Daddy takes Mommy out to dinner. At a conservative estimate of one hour per meal really it's a fraction more but the arithmetic would be impossiblethat's 1,053. Half an hour for dishwashing each go-round adds 526 to the KP score.

With luck Mother can be a lady HAVE THE SUCCESS OF THEIR OWN MrVRRlMSfl YESD NOD and 16 avenue. City police report Henry J. She was preceded in death by NEW YORK API-There was a few minutes' delay on the Brooklyn bus, but the 20 passengers did noT complain. They just sat and marveled at the quiet heroism of the driver, Henry A. Hauske.

Hauske, 37, had stopped for a traffic light on Atlantic Avenue when he saw flames shoot out of windows of a four-story frame building. Appearing at a top-floor window were the faces of Charles Moore, 43, and his children, Linda, her husband, Bernard. Jueneman, 55, 1420 Cooper south, was tagged following the mishap when a pipe protruding from the i -r rwii Liv, srav a -v vaitli i 'a a mim Surviving are the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. August Heim (Valeria), St. Cloud; Willard and It depends upon the young One recent investigation of back of the one-and-a-half ton truck he was driving was struck several thousand college students MRS.

KENNEDY M. THOMAS Mrs. Kennedy M. Thomas (Lillian), 423 Wilson avenue SE and formerly of Foley, died this morning. She was born April 3, 1886 in Zimmerman.

Surviving are her husband and five sons: Robert Fiarbanks, Alaska; Paul Summit, N.J.; Richard St. Cloud; Patrick Excelsior and John Little Falls. There are 15 grandchildren. Also surviving is a sister, Mrs. Catherine Follet.

She was a member of the Christian Mothers and the Rosary sodality of St. Augustine's church and of the Daughters of Erin, Foley. Friends may call after 3 p.m. Mrs- Walter Rielly (Evangeline), of both sexes and all three major JULY 29 MODERN DANCE Music By "Jody The Vagabonds" ROCK 'N ROLL 9:30 to 1:00 A.M. by a car crossing behind the truck on Highway 23.

faiths found that those who came from religiously indifferent families had many more doubts about mother-in-law is coming to visit. So withdraw another 1,000 to make the balance 3,691. While it may be daddy who pays for the bacon, contrary to popular belief it is Mommy who brings it home. And in the process of trudging up and down miles of supermarket aisles another 260 hours are spent, as well as Daddy's paycheck. Ah, still 3,431 to go.

Wifey will get to relax in that lounge chair yet. First, though, the children must be driven to meetings, friends' houses, the neighborhood movie theater and the swimming pool. The whole family has to have new shoes, new clothes and new amusem*nts. Then there is the time spent trying to convince door-to-door salesmen that the household Is well-supplied with vacuum cleaners, tooth cleaners, floor cleaners, aprons, shoe laces, insurance and encyclopedias. There are gifts to buy for Hubby wedding anniversary, engagement anniversary, Christmas Valentine, and all-occasion gifts.

It takes time to present all these gifts, too. About 2,000 hours for all this activity. Never mind. Mother still has 1,431 shining hours foi herself. First, though, there are letters to write, checks to write, notes to the milkman to write and grocer lists to write.

Clothes to be taken to the cleaners, shirts to be taken to the laundry, shoes to be fixed, socks to be bought for all the members of the family who constantly go about with their shoes off. There are still at least a thousand hours left. However, 950 of these are spent making sympathetic noises when Hubby complains about how hard he has to work both at the office and at home. Yippee! Still 50 hours to go. And how does Mommy spend these? Listening to Daddy say, when he comes home from work, "Well, what have you been doing all day? Loafing?" Venice Center, N.

Mrs. Irene Quintero, Washington, D. and Mrs. Charles Nichols (Adeline), Minneapolis. There are six grandchildren.

Also surviving are a sister, Mrs. Barbara Wagner, Alexandria; a stepbrother, John Dobmeyer, Winona and a stepsister, Mrs. Justin Buscher, Breckenridge. No. 1.

Always have an open mind. It's bad, says the famous philosopher, Bertrand Russell. You should have a mind that can make distinctions intelligently. You should be willing to consider new truth, and to re-examine what you had supposed to be true. But at the same time, you should have a certain amount of skepticism to keep you from being too gullible.

An open mind would be a blank mind. You should have one that is carefully furnished. No. 2. Do young people have doubts about the success of their own marriages? Jueneman, according to police, was driving south on 16 avenue and the car was headed west on the highway.

Nathaniel G. Jents, 50, St. Paul, was driving the car which hit the pipe; the left side of the car's windshield was smashed. Police say a red flag hung from the pipe. 7, and Charles 8.

Hauske darted out of the Transit Authority bus and climbed to a third-floor porch. He persuaded Moore to drop the children, one by one, and he got them down to the ground. Reclimbing to the porch, Hauske got Moore to jump, breaking the latter's fall with his arms. Then Hauske got back into his bus and drove off. Firemen, arriving later, put out the blaze.

There were no injuries. the future success of their marriages than did the young people whose families were religious. Both men and women students with no doubts about their ability to establish successful marriages were likely to come from devout homes. Those with many doubts tended to come from indifferent or religiously antagonistic Saturday at the Daniel funeral Bring along the family to the pool Sunday. That's Sunday at 5 p.m.

at the municipal pool. It's another special event from the city recreation department. With the days rushing by, the playground season is fast moving toward its climax. Recreation director Mark Sivanich had some words about it all. "This has been a good season.

A very successful season. It has brought many, many young people to our playgrounds. It has brought many to our special events on Wednesday afternoons. I would say that the spirit and interest shown by the youngsters has been unusually high. Sivanich added that "an excellent staff" and many local organizations had contributed to the summer program's success.

He praised the Mrs. Jaycees. "They gave us equipment, lent us a hand whenever possible." He cited the Sertoma Club. "They have helped make our special program for the retarded possible." Also in for plaudits were the Jaycees and the local businessmen. The Doll Buggy Parade comes Wednesday to Seberger Park.

The time: 2:30 p.m. It's not just a show. It's a trip back to your youth. A journey to the past. A turning back of time.

For in happy youngsters, there, you'll see the story of your youth of everyone's youth. Warm your heart. Bring joy to yourself. Come, watch, and enjoy the Doll Buggy Parade at Barton Park. That's Wednesday at 2:30 p.m.

of leisure yet. After all, there are home. Funeral services will be Mon JULY 31 DANCE Old New Tyme Music "Wally Pikal" His Dill Picklesl still 4,991 hours she can call her own or her own family's! Now, take clothes, for instance day at 10 a.m. with burial in St. Patrick cemetery, Minden.

Mrs. Debber was a member of the Christian Mothers, Waite Park. Friends may call at the Daniel chapel beginning Saturday afternoon. Funeral services will be Monday at 10 a.m. at St.

Joseph church, Waite Park, with burial in the Millerville cemetery. MRS. KATHERINE WARK Mrs Katherine Wark. 82. Sar- Ill 11M I 8BBI BABY JANE ALICE MOHS Jane Alice Mohs, 10-day old Mile Champiot Hanover, N.

H. Doug Brew of Dartmouth was indooi mile cham-pioi. in 1956 and 1957. PHONE: BL 1-9955 OR: BL 2-2479 For Wedding, Shower, Anniversary Dances, Call Arnle Spaetb. Cold Spring ALL GATORLt daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Math saoii ri inBu i stf E. Mohs, 616-11 avenue north, died this morning. Scouts Start Trek Home COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) The long journey home began today for thousands of the 56,078 Boy Scouts who Thursday night wound up their fifth national jamboree.

The scouts, representing all of the 50 states and 31 foreign lands, are departing just as they arrivedby air, bus, train and private automobile. By Sunday night, Surviving are her parents and the following brothers and sisters: tell, died Thursday afternoon. She Business News DANCE Susan, Mari Lee, William and EBB John. 1 Also surviving are her FOR MEMBERS AND GUESTS There's a washing machine which Dad so reluctantly purchased after failing to convince Wifey that a woman's place is at the scrub board. But sorting and soaking and starching and smoothing subtract a couple of hundred hours per annum.

Still that leaves 4,791. Bedmaking! Mommy spends more time making them than she does sleeping in them. And that's not counting the time it takes to get Hubby out of them in the morning. Other housework takes a minimum of two hours a day and you have to take into account the times when the little housewife really gets ambitious or her Printed Pattern grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.

Math N. Mohs, St. Cloud. LMIinn FBI. oils TIME SATURDAY JULY 30 Spend an enjoyable evening with a sociabla crowd dancing to Other arrangements are incom BL 1-8000 SAUK RAPIDS ST.

CLOUD plete and being made at the Dan iel's chapel. Solution of Yesterday's Puzite 32. Different ones 34. Sea ducks 36. Indian 37.

Shipworm 39. Player at children's games 40. Costly 42. Painful 43. German city 44.

Chafe 4fi. While 47. Soft drink 48. Time intervening 51. Girl's name 53.

Female dee: 54. Pert, to the planet Mars 56 Furniture support 57. Acknowledge 58. Microbes ACROSS 1. Nocturnal bird 4.

Held dear 9. Stitch 12. E. Indian title 13. Corundum 14.

Old musical note 15. City in Florida 17. Pin used in a certain game 19. Late: comb, form 20. That fellow 21.

Corrode 22. Annex 23. Enemies 25. Engrossed 28. Behold 29.

Grieves 31. Finialona pagoda DAVE'S Accordion Band EAGLES CLUB ATTEND CONVENTION Mr. and Mrs. Walter Heinen attended the National Hairdressers and Cosmetologists association convention in Chicago, July 17 to 21. Mrs.

Heinen, who owns the Lucille Heinen Beauty Salon here, was born Nov. 1, 1877, Hudson Falls, N.Y. She came to St, Cloud in 1936 with her late husband, who had been manager of the Watab Paper company. Surviving is a daughter, Mrs. Peter M.

Fraser, Hartford, Conn; two grandchildren and one great grandchild. The body will be shipped to Hudson Falls, N.Y., at 5 p.m. today. Arrangements are being made by Tscbumperlin-Williams funeial home. The funeral and burial will be Monday in Hudson Falls.

the campsite where most of them spent the past 10 days will once again be a com i BISSONETTE FUNERAL Funeral services for Cyril Bis- parative barren plot of grass and rolling hills. sonette were Thursday at 11 a.m. TONITE JULY 29 OLD-TIME IVAN KAHLE 0RCH. IVAN KAHLE ORCH. in St, Augustine's Catholic church.

Rev. Simon Bischof, OSB, offici 59. Before DOWN 1. Cereal grass 2. Breed of chickens 3.


Burial was made in Fort Snelling National cemetery. Just two weeks left. Two weeks. That's all. Then the city's recreation program will be over.

So enjoy and participate now while there are still opportunities. Rein even though the weather is warm, you need exercise. The body always needs exercise, even if it is moderate. So keep active. Keep young.

Pallbearers were Robert Bis- The scouts realized what possibly was their greatest jamboree ambition Thursday when President Eisenhower honored them with a visit to the campsite. The President drove from Denver where he and Mrs. Eisenhower are visiting the first lady's ailing mother, Mrs. Elivera Doud, to see the scouts. sonette, Edward Bissonette, Ber DANCE Featuring AL NOYCE his TRUMPET and his Great MODERN BAND nard Bissonnette, Edwin Schwing- Municipal Court FRIDAY, JULY 29 hammer, Anthony Ska and JULY 30 MODERN Hi Claude Kalla.

PRAY ROSARY St. John Cantius parish rosary IS Wagner to Serve in Duluth Jailhouse DULUTH, Minn. (AP)-Richard P. Wagner, on the FBI's 10 most wanted list until his arrest last month at a Minnesota resort, must serve six months in the St. Louis County jail for fleeing the Sandstone Federal Prison last Sept.

17. Judge Dennis F. Donovan took his guilty plea late Wednesday, ruled that the 33 days remaining of the term he fled should be served concurrently with the jail sentence. A guest who recognized his picture in a newspaper brought about Wagner's arrest at a Lake Kabeto-gama resort where he had obtained employment under an assumed name. studied new fall trends under members of the official Hair Fashion committee.

In a parade of models from all states, the Heinens report, the Minnesota model depicted Minnesota's summer and winter festivals. ATTENDS MEETING James Ross, 1016 Fifth avenue south, has been attending the annual summer sales meeting of the Mautz Paint and Varnish Madison, Wis. Mr. Ross is district sales manager in this area for the company. More than 50 salesmen from 10 midwestern states attended the meeting.

New products being developed in the laboratory under the direction of Richard Moore, technical director, were demonstrated and discussed. 6. Thin coating 7. Silkworm 8. Unit of force 9.

Divided by partitions 10. Biblical character 11. Pale 16. Italian river 18. Auricle 20.

Dwellings 22. Audibly 23. Permanent army post 24. Expressions of contempt 26. Periphery 27.

Tries 29. Myself 30. Lateral 33. Encourage 35. Be sufficient 38.

Wanderer 41. Regret 43. Roman official 45. Boast 47. Article 48.

Artificial language 49. At present 50. Anger 51. Belgian commune 52. A lifetime) 55.

Exist P. Jaycees to Attend SUNDAY, JULY 31- COUSIN FUZZY AND HIS OLD TIMI ORCH. ADM. 90c FRIDAY, AUGUST 5th, GUY DeLEO will be prayed tonight at 8 p.m. at the Daniel chapel for Frank J.

Porwoll. 75 If ri'M e)fta)t, 3f WEDDING 18 PELICAN LAKE BALLROOM ft DANCE TONITE PRAY ROSARY St. Paul's parish rosary will be prayed tonight at 8 p.m. at the Daniel chapel for Philip A. Keller.

PRAY ROSARY St. Paul's Altar society meets I I 1 1 3 I I IXJLJ 111111111111 i ff Alexandria Session Two representatives of the St. Cloud Junior Chamber of Commerce will attend a summer planning session of the state group at Alexandria Saturday. They are Virgil Hengel, president of the local chapter, and James Pacey, state director. The state board of directors, representing 108 chapters, will map the 25 community programs offered to the chapters as recommended state programs.

Most of the chapters will add local projects suited to their communities. 1 Mil West of ST. ANNA N. J. Youth Admits Flying With Bombs BELLEVILLE, N.J.

(AP) A 19-year-old youth charged with bombing a home has admitted carrying three eight-inch bombs with him on a transcontinental air flight, police said. They said that Leggie W. Yates had told them he bought the bombs in San Francisco's Chinatown and brought them in his lug-gate to New York on an airliner last March. He did not name the airline. Yates and two other youths, all Negroes, were charged Thursday with tossing a bomb against the home of 19-year-old Jolie Swin, for reasons undetermined by police.

No one was injured. I. "1 July 29 irtlllllllllllllllllliliiiitilllllliiiiiiiilliillllllllllllllltnilMllillir Saturday at 8:40 a.m. at the church Wedding Dane Givon for Mr. and Mrs.

Donald Zeis 17 flini MPW TIME Ml Kir CTAKI RDCklMV Akin City Police Robert H. Sass, Ported, Minn, drunkenness, $10. Allen Buhl, Browerville, illegal speed $10. Niels B. Anderson, 818 Seventh avenue north, failure to obey traffic control signal, $5.

Everett Sweeter, Sauk Rapids, through traffic light, $5. William Ziegler, 721 Hinckley N.E., illegal purchase of beer, $25 or 20 days, illegal consumption, $25 or 20 days, and violation of open bottle law, $25 or 20 days. Richard L. Schrom, 1030-31 avenue north, illegal consumption of beer, $25 or 20 days. William E.

Broshar, 314 Eighth avenue south, operation of motor vehicle without valid driver's license, $25 or 30 days. Charles E. Beck, route 4. illegal consumption, $25 or 20 days, and two charges of assault in the third degree, 90 days for each charge, suspended for one year on probation; speeding, $20, recommended suspension of driver's license for 90 days. Highway Patrol Charles A.

Wright, Montevideo, operation of motor vehicle while under the influence of in Wkk lli llflia ITIWaJIV 1 I WIYIaMIl I 7-21 555555 Coming: Fri Aug. 5rh Presenting THE TOPPERS "Rock 'N Roll" Band Pa tiaw It mi. Wilson to Appeal Court Decision ALBERT LEA, Minn. AP) -Wilson Co. will appeal a decision of the Minnesota Municipalities Commission favoring annexation of two sulxlivisions, including the Wilson packing plant, Call (Avon) lor Booth Ra.

Shower, Wadding, Annlar Oancaal to pray the rosary for Philip Keller prior to the funeral mass at 9 a.m. PRAY ROSARY Daughters of Erin will pray the rosary Saturday at 7 p.m. at the Daniel funeral home for Mrs. K. N.

Thomas. Fairbanks-Morse WATER SYSTEMS With 12 Gallon $1 1 Tank PLUMBING HEATING 20.4th Ave. So. BL 2-3000 rraiMMiii IF YOU ON SUCH A fi L0B10U6 Modest Maidens flUPPENLV, AT SUNRISE: DON'T MlHP1 AAORNINS? C'MON, ImL I'M HIT THE PEf.ADMUiL WEDNESDAY Lineman Secured Baltimore The Colts acquired Gene Lipscomb, all-NFL lineman, from Los Angeles on a waiver. DANCES to Albert Lea.

Ralph Peterson, attorney for the TRYING TO OLPB0Y TAKf A SLEEP CRAG OF THIS PURE JULY 27 firm, said the appeal would he I Ballroom jf rcr Booth Krrrvatlon i Phonp vn nm 1 Watklna, or EX MM Kimball DANCING EVERY 1 SATURDAY NIGHT I SAT .1111 30 UJ- SALT AIR. THROW OUT VOUR CHEST, VIGOR I I. -Iv-Vf Sffl SI 2 Music TL. I. 01..

I l. 4th ANNUAL carried into district court later thii week, voicing opposition to the annexation. The commission earlier had set By i iiuiiy LumDerjacKS I 1 4 I 1 9355 9-i7 Aug 23 for a special election by CHICKEN FRY xh (One modern, one old time), etc.) RIVERSIDE COLISEUM RtZd the 635 residents of the Morning 1 Wedding Dance for I I Marlene Kuehle, Watkint I side and Home additions on the Hotel to Be Built Without Bedrooms LONDON fAP)-A 12-story hotel with 250 rooms and showers but no haths will be built across from London's King's Cross railroad station. "It won't have any bedrooms either just sitting rooms with beds in them," said Stephen Kennedy who has just bought the site for $196,000. But there will be a TV aet in every room.

History May Call South Korean Riots 'April Revolution SEOUL. South Korea AP)-The South Korean uprising which toppled Syngman Hhee's government last April today was officially proclaimed a revolution, The Education Ministry, after consulting leading scholars, un nounced the upheaval will be recorded in history books as "the April revolution." I 3 CO merger proposal. Sponsored By and Lloyd Kun Pearl 1 What a night MosouiTOESt WHEAT, NO FINALLY AT PAWN, fill FALLS ASLEEP. Vox Month rtarrrallona call 2005 Richmond before II P.M. on dano iilte.

Booth, hrld 'til ftM P.M. EAST SIDE V.F.W. POST 4847 AUXILIARY toxicants, $100 or 90 days and driver's license revoked 30 days, and operation of motor vehicle in violation of open bottle law, $25 or 20 days. Stearns County Arlane Brandvold, Starbuck, music or Bobby Roberts I Orch. i SUNDAY WESTERN FRIDAY i.nAiiun nun AT SPORTSMAN ISLAND issuing check with Insufficient JULY 31st Easy Hunt? Get Gun, Shoot Bear, Eats It INTERNATIONAL FALLS.

Minn. AP)-lt was an easy Itear hunt for Victor Ostman. Th target showed up in a brush patch within 200 feet of his home in the village of South International Falls Tuesday. Ostman grabled his rifle and fired A neightxir took the 150 nuuRu ur jolt zv at funds, 60 days in Steams county jail. Marcus W.

Theis, who was con i Music By "SID'S RAMBLERS" No wajffr seams just belt for a neat n' narrow midriff! Beneath the sporty, standup collar, the bodice is garnered and the skirt billows beautifully. Swift ewing in sunny cottons. Printed Pattern 9355: Junior Mise Sizes 9, 11, 13, 15, 17. Size 13 takes 5 yards 35-inch fabric. Send Fifty cents (coins) for this pattern add 10 cents for each pattern for first mailing.

Send to Marian Martin. 97, Pat-Urn 232 West ISth New York 11, Y. Print plainly Name, Address with Zone, Sue end Stylt Number. JUST OUT! Big, new 1960 Spring and Summer Pattern Catalog in vivid, full-color. Over 100 smart stylet all sizes Serving from 11:00 A.M.

on victed Thursday in Municipal court of operating a motor vehicle while under thp influence SITS 5Fj tVWAT IN TWNAT'ON 15 4UUjc A-A-AH- WlSICEVOUR TIME, PEOFESSOE yAEH COFFEE IS OOT, BJKB KC6COE A CZAB LOUIE 1 tEA i Jb! IT'S SgTDN'SOX gQPyOINT CHILD ITYARM5 (WONTBB MCKION HEARBkJ CHILDREN 75c ADULTS $1.25 bear of intoxicants, and was fined $100 pound carcass home for steaks COMING AUG. 6th Wedding Dance for Verna Lea Stuave, Fair Haven and Arlen Salmela, Fair Haven. 1 Music By Harold Picha I Orch. or 90 day's in jail, and had his drivers license revoked 30 days LIFE-FIRE-AUTO and GENERAL CASUALTY And The "DAKOTA RANGERS" lil Playing and Singinq Western Music t'V'S JULY 30 Music by Jerry's Blue Ravens JULY 31 -FREE DANCE! Music by The "STARLITE LITTLE ROCK PAVILION Plaasc Make Rwervatlona Early. Rica Minn.

Ph. Ex. 3-3570 gave his address 625 Eighth i I Keith Maurer Ralph "Roy" Opti GAMES PONY RIDES REFRESHMENTS TURKEY SHOOT PUBLIC INVITED MUTUAL SERVICE INSURANCE CO. New Cats New YorkThere will be an estimated 530.000 new eaM of cancer in the U.S. this year, accord-bj, to American Cancer society calculations.

avenue north. However, he is listed in the telephone directory as living at 706 Ninth avenue north. The Eighth avenue ad-dreea waa on his driver's license. 1400 St. Gtrmain BL 1-7621 "Now, that's what I call a mam oM occasion.

Send nowl 26 oentt..

St. Cloud Times from Saint Cloud, Minnesota (2024)


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Article information

Author: Velia Krajcik

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Views: 5933

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (54 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.